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Maps of Israel/Palestine from 1947-2000

EU and Americans sometimes do dare to speak against the Zionist state,India doesn't.

India was the first non-Arab country to contemporaneously recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization's authority as "the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people." A PLO office was set up in the Indian capital in 1975, with full diplomatic relations established in March 1980. In return, India opened a Representative Office in Gaza on June 25, 1996. Indian support was said to extend to "consistent and unwavering support" on the Palestinian issue, where it shared the perception that the question of Palestine is at the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict. India has thus consistently supported the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to a State and the consequent imperative need for a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the region based on United Nations Security Council resolution 242, 338 and 425, as well as the principle of "Land for Peace." India has also supported the Madrid Conference of October, 1991.
Continued support

Following the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 2006, India came out, surprisingly, saying Israeli use of force was "disproportionate and excessive."

I expect More Knowledge of Things from a Learned person like you dear Sir .
The point is they are not allowed by their religion to have their own country, That is why orthodox jews don't support israel.
Number One, there is nothing in the Torah forbidding Jews to have their own country; quite the opposite, the Orthodox pray each day for the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and all denominations vow on Passover, "Next Year in Jerusalem!"

The large dispute is whether or not the Jewish state should be religious or secular. The small dispute in the "ultra-Orthodox" community is whether or not there should be an Israel at all - disputes which disappear when Jews are under attack, as the right to self-defense is well-established.

The dispute of the very small Neutrei Keutra sect (pictured above) is that it's O.K. to politically ally with people who are actively killing Jews. This is abhorrent not just to Jews but to Muslims as well: the NKs were specifically un-invited from the 2008 Saudi Interfaith Dialogue conference. Essentially, the Saudis didn't recognize them as Jews.

On the whole, these disputes aren't such bad things. Every majority opinion starts as a minority one. The NKs are Jews' assurance that we, ourselves, allow ourselves freedom to think and hold differing opinions. The price paid is that we have to put up with such annoyances.
Number One, there is nothing in the Torah forbidding Jews to have their own country; quite the opposite, the Orthodox pray each day for the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and all denominations vow on Passover, "Next Year in Jerusalem!"

Not allowed until the coming of messiah.

I don't say its forbidden for ever.
Chhodo yaar. Better we focus on our own issues. Lets talk India, Pakistan, BDesh, SL, etc . Its concerned to our countries and our day to day life.
India was the first non-Arab country to contemporaneously recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization's authority as "the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people." A PLO office was set up in the Indian capital in 1975, with full diplomatic relations established in March 1980. In return, India opened a Representative Office in Gaza on June 25, 1996. Indian support was said to extend to "consistent and unwavering support" on the Palestinian issue, where it shared the perception that the question of Palestine is at the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict. India has thus consistently supported the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to a State and the consequent imperative need for a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the region based on United Nations Security Council resolution 242, 338 and 425, as well as the principle of "Land for Peace." India has also supported the Madrid Conference of October, 1991.
Continued support

Following the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 2006, India came out, surprisingly, saying Israeli use of force was "disproportionate and excessive."

I expect More Knowledge of Things from a Learned person like you dear Sir .

India didn't recognize Israel too until recently in the 90s, UNTIL Indian interests where intertwined with the middle east. India shifts its policies according to its interests which ain't a bad thing. Only now, Israel has started to have unconditional support of India for a number of reasons.

The bottom line is, India is a country willing to do anything and go anywhere for its interests therefore it cannot have a stable policy on any international matter which nullifies its international ambitions, nor does it matter for Palestine if or not India is supporting it.
India didn't recognize Israel too until recently in the 90s, UNTIL Indian interests where intertwined with the middle east.

India shifts its policies according to its interests which ain't a bad thing. Only now, Israel has started to have unconditional support of India for a number of reasons.

The bottom line is, India is a country willing to do anything and go anywhere for its interests therefore it cannot have a stable policy on any international matter which nullifies its international ambitions, nor does it matter for Palestine if or not India is supporting it.

That is a Very Wrong Analysis . First You denied that India supported or Stood up for Palestine Cause ever . now i hope youu agree it did .The Bolded part is also very Wrong .
why let me elaborate

U.S. was Aligned with Pakistan till late 90's , now it has Shifted it's stance more in favor of India than Pakistan ,Does it nullifies its international ambitions ?

Saudi also over past few years have aligned itself more in favor of India than Pakistan , Does it nullifies its international ambitions ?

Myanmar is Slowly Aligning itself more towards U.S. than China Does it nullifies its international ambitions ?

Pakistan was With U.S. now its More aligned towards China Does it nullifies its international ambitions ?

These moves reenforces international ambitions rather than nullifying it in my humble opinion .
Not allowed until the coming of messiah.
I never read a sufficient religious argument for that position. It is something much less nowadays - a disproved suspicion. The messiah may come after. Remember, Jews were anticipating the messiah even in the ancient days when they had their own kingdom.

I don't say its forbidden for ever.
You didn't leave an opening for that earlier, either.
Most of Isrealies are europian , american , russain etc. Why they need to flee there country ?

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I never read a sufficient religious argument for that position.

What a shame you didn't read about the reason you were kicked out of land of israel.

I guess you consider yourself more children of Hazrat Yaqoob alaihis salam than jewish.

You didn't leave an opening for that earlier, either.

Your own Prophet didn't opened it for you let alone me. :lol:
1st and 3rd videos are the same, 2nd video is edited and really "shows" what happened before in all 3 videos.
The videos posted by the genius in his post about the "black israelites", the first are Muslims from Sudan who've infiltrated into Israel and are being deported and the second are "Black Israelites" which no one considers Jewish.

Good job.
India didn't recognize Israel too until recently in the 90s, UNTIL Indian interests where intertwined with the middle east. India shifts its policies according to its interests which ain't a bad thing. Only now, Israel has started to have unconditional support of India for a number of reasons.

The bottom line is, India is a country willing to do anything and go anywhere for its interests therefore it cannot have a stable policy on any international matter which nullifies its international ambitions, nor does it matter for Palestine if or not India is supporting it.

India is a country which puts its national and regional interests before any preceivied ummah or brotherhood!
Pakistan on other hand is trying to establish a foreign policy based on 7th century history which is is doing nothing but growing a tumor inside our society.
The bottom line is, India is a country willing to do anything and go anywhere for its interests therefore it cannot have a stable policy on any international matter which nullifies its international ambitions, nor does it matter for Palestine if or not India is supporting it.

Any country that does that, by definition, is pursuing its national interests, and thus is correct in doing so.

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