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Mehsud rejects Mullah Omar’s appeal of stopping terror activities in Pak


May 31, 2009
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Mehsud rejects Mullah Omar’s appeal of stopping terror activities in Pak

PESHAWAR - In yet another incident which proves that fissures in the Taliban are getting wider, the Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) chief Baitullah Mehsud has rejected the calls of the Taliban’s supreme leader Mullah Muhammad Omar Akhund for halting terror strikes in Pakistan.

According to sources, Akhund had asked Mehsud to stop the terror acts in Pakistan and focus more on activities against the US led allied forces in Afghanistan.

“Mullah Omar is our Ameer, but like Afghanistan, we are determined to continue resistance in Pakistan,” Mehsud reportedly told a delegation of the Taliban.

Sources said the delegation asked Mehsud to shun his violent activities in Pakistan, which according to them is ‘damaging image of Taliban in Pakistan’, but Mehsud out rightly rejected the appeals of the 11-member delegation.

The top Taliban leaders who met Mehsud included Abu Yahya Al Laibi, Abdul Haq Turikistani, Siraj Ud Din Haqqani, and Abdul Hakeem Sharaee, The Nation reports.

In the past few days, Mehsud has been facing the ire of his former aides, as they have attacked the warlord for his decision to carry out terror strikes inside Pakistan.

Rival commander Qari Zainudin Mehsud recently blamed the TTP chief for all the terror strikes in Pakistan, and termed them ‘unIslamic’.

Another former close aid of Mehsud, Qari Turkistan charged Mehsud of being the biggest enemy of Islam.

“Mehsud attacked mosques and madrassas, ordered explosions in markets and the slaughtering of religious scholars and troops, it is not Islam,” Turkistan said. (ANI)

Zaid Hamid talks about the difference between the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Taliban operating in Pakistan:

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Why Pakistani government failed to convinced US that Afghan talaban are good talaban?

Zahid Hamid is great analyst but where was he from last eight years, why our government ,ISI could not identify between takfiri group and mullah omer group?

Why mullah omer during the start of war supported TTP and Al Qaeda groups?

Still the clock can be turned back and all anti forces who are against TTP and Al Qaeada should be united.

This is the only key of sucess
Zahid Hamid is great analyst but where was he from last eight years, why our government ,ISI could not identify between takfiri group and mullah omer group?

News one wasn't launch then so there was no Zahid Hamid. Also government has identified both ttp and taliban, but they can't go against U S A who created TTP to defame Taliban's name.

Why mullah omer during the start of war supported TTP and Al Qaeda groups?

Excuse me, Mullah Omar never ever supported TTP, & Al-Qaida don't exists at all. So there is no question of Support to Al-qaida or what ever. Can't you see USA create Al-Qaida just to put some realizm in the 9/11 drama?
News one wasn't launch then so there was no Zahid Hamid. Also government has identified both ttp and taliban, but they can't go against U S A who created TTP to defame Taliban's name.

Excuse me, Mullah Omar never ever supported TTP, & Al-Qaida don't exists at all. So there is no question of Support to Al-qaida or what ever. Can't you see USA create Al-Qaida just to put some realizm in the 9/11 drama?

Very Funny ,

USA created TTP?, Al Qaeada dont exists? do you have any proof of these statement? or just kidding:crazy:

USA had done lot of mistakes and also our miltery dictators were their partner in their foolish agenda in Afghanistan.

All they have done due to ignorance of islam but now they realise that actuall terrorist are Wahabi/Sulfi/tafiri not Afghans and Phustoon tribes .

Afghan talaban were trapped by terrorists in the name of Islam .Afghan tribes and Pushtoon tribes are good muslim loyal to their home land.
USA created TTP?,

Back to old topic, I think i have given enough evidence that USA created TTP in other thread, which were backing by Logic, which were backing by witnesses. But you rejected my that claim, without any proof.. so what is the garaunty that you going to accept this time.. none..

Al Qaeada dont exists? do you have any proof of these statement? or just kidding:crazy:

Proof requires for existence rather then non existence. get it.. 1st you provide proof for existence then i might provide any proof of non-existence. btw, the Osama bin laden was a war lord or just a sponsor of Afghan Jihaad? Also laden family is still in business with many cooperates of USA, including US government.

Don't tell me you still believe 9/11 done by Osama bin laden a.k.a Al-Qaida not USA's intelligence? please give me YES answer, i didn't read any joke for this morning :)

USA had done lot of mistakes and also our miltery dictators were their partner in their foolish agenda in Afghanistan.

Didn't get it, Afghan jihaad was against soviets or Pashtoons ^o) or you are saying US attacked Afghanistan to remove terrorist who actually planted 9/11... lolzz..

All they have done due to ignorance of islam but now they realise that actuall terrorist are Wahabi/Sulfi/tafiri not Afghans and Phustoon tribes .

Whats your agenda Mr.? btw what is tafiri? thats a new sect.

Afghan talaban were trapped by terrorists in the name of Islam .Afghan tribes and Pushtoon tribes are good muslim loyal to their home land.

Back to old topic, I think i have given enough evidence that USA created TTP in other thread, which were backing by Logic, which were backing by witnesses. But you rejected my that claim, without any proof.. so what is the garaunty that you going to accept this time.. none..

Proof requires for existence rather then non existence. get it.. 1st you provide proof for existence then i might provide any proof of non-existence. btw, the Osama bin laden was a war lord or just a sponsor of Afghan Jihaad? Also laden family is still in business with many cooperates of USA, including US government.

Don't tell me you still believe 9/11 done by Osama bin laden a.k.a Al-Qaida not USA's intelligence? please give me YES answer, i didn't read any joke for this morning :)

Didn't get it, Afghan jihaad was against soviets or Pashtoons ^o) or you are saying US attacked Afghanistan to remove terrorist who actually planted 9/11... lolzz..

Whats your agenda Mr.? btw what is tafiri? thats a new sect.


Non sense

You know US is spending 860 Bill USD on WOT annually? still after shocks of 9/11 @ 500 BILL USD per year they are bearing .

All hijackers are from which country?

Use your brain dont rely on media .:agree:
Non sense

You know US is spending 860 Bill USD on WOT annually? still after shocks of 9/11 @ 500 BILL USD per year they are bearing .

All hijackers are from which country?

Use your brain dont rely on media .:agree:

I think your missing the point that he is trying to make. Their are some documentaries on the internet, such as "Loosechange" and " Zeitgeist (parts 2 & 3) that discuss the issue in greater detail! But in the end their plots ended up hurting them as well... So the US failed in Iraq, and they are also failing in Afghanistan! Insha Allah!

But getting back to the topic, I was trying to make you all informed about the difference between the types of Taliban. The two main ones are the Afghan-Taliban that are fighting a war of resistance against the occupying forces of the US, and the TTP, which is fighting against Pakistan!

It is a well known fact that the Taliban that is operating in Afghanistan (led by Mullah Omar) is against the TTP (which is led by Baitullah Mehsud)! They regard Baitullah Mehsud as a very evil person, and have tried multiple times to try and stop him.

The CIA is likely responsible for the growth in Mehsud's actions against Pakistan, and it is evident that these Terrorists are getting a ton of support from India as well. Hopefully the ISI and Army have realized the evil intentions of these people and are taking actions against them, Insha Allah, because we all know the sad-state of our politicians.
You see a perfect eye opener ! even if one bastard dies the other is there to rise iam sure we all know that! anyhow another eye opener for the ones that seem to favor these bastard /coward terrorists there is no other choice to kill them till the last one left which i know will be on going process so be it if thats the process then so shall stay this way they want to destroy our nation our belives or way of life and want to make our land there no no this wont and let happen so i wish these bastards nothing but the worse to come GOD bless Pakistan.
Non sense

You know US is spending 860 Bill USD on WOT annually? still after shocks of 9/11 @ 500 BILL USD per year they are bearing .

All hijackers are from which country?

Use your brain dont rely on media .:agree:

sorry to disappoint you "I USED MY BRAIN :P", when just after 3 hrs US declare attack on Afghanistan, this cleared my mind about what was the main reason of making 9/11 possible. Also, the 2nd most thing which came into my mind, after one tower is attacked, how come a civilian plan manage to enter no-fly zone. (these both points you will never get from the media :P). Apart from 100s of undeniable points like, Taliban asked for the evidence, and USA said we have given those evidence to Pakistan. Means, you are asking for a guy, without even giving the evidences. Great!!! when Taliban said we have told Osama to leave the country, US raise their demand to 30 people, and didn't given anytime to taliban, and just attacked that night. After the capture of Afghanistan, 2 yrs after USA government release the "So-Called" Evidence to show complete picture, what the hell they were doing for 2 yrs, when they had evidences just after 3 yrs, y they couldn't give it to taliban? or even media?

Khair, u are forgetting, how much taxes raised by US, after 9/11, also you are forgetting, US used only early 90s & 80s technologies in afghanistan, none latest technology were used against taliban, showing they were only removing their scrap in Afghanistan. Those armor companies which were getting back corrupt sooner, become billion dollar industries just because of 9/11.

I have long line debates with indians and pakistan about this topic, and i can continue non-stop on this point. Even many indians in the end got agree 9/11 drama was planned by americans.

now tell me, all the boys behind 7/7 belong to which country? This would be enough to answer your query about nationality of the hijackers :)
You see a perfect eye opener ! even if one bastard dies the other is there to rise iam sure we all know that! anyhow another eye opener for the ones that seem to favor these bastard /coward terrorists there is no other choice to kill them till the last one left which i know will be on going process so be it if thats the process then so shall stay this way they want to destroy our nation our belives or way of life and want to make our land there no no this wont and let happen so i wish these bastards nothing but the worse to come GOD bless Pakistan.

You cant kill all talabans untill you defeat their idealogy , did any mufti given fatwa against them not to fight with US forces,i dont think so.
You cant kill all talabans untill you defeat their idealogy , did any mufti given fatwa against them not to fight with US forces,i dont think so.

Why should any mufti give that fatwa? while they morally supporting Afghan Taliban against false occupation of US. Thats why US breed a new seed called Anti-Mullahism
You cant kill all talabans untill you defeat their idealogy , did any mufti given fatwa against them not to fight with US forces,i dont think so.

We will keep killing them like they want to kill our people til the last drop of blood it is the only way idealogy haha boss this word comes in play before start of a major prob like this not in the middle or towards the end read my post understand it then talk i stated it is a on going prob with no other way to kill for a kill i dont know about u but i love my country and it brings sadness to my heart mind and soul to see wat your so call friends the cowards are doing there so this is the only way and any normal human being will tell u this :crazy: anyhow to rest my case we will keep KILLING till we come close to the end!:guns:
We will keep killing them like they want to kill our people til the last drop of blood it is the only way idealogy haha boss this word comes in play before start of a major prob like this not in the middle or towards the end read my post understand it then talk i stated it is a on going prob with no other way to kill for a kill i dont know about u but i love my country and it brings sadness to my heart mind and soul to see wat your so call friends the cowards are doing there so this is the only way and any normal human being will tell u this :crazy: anyhow to rest my case we will keep KILLING till we come close to the end!:guns:

Difference in opinion is natural and healthy sign that is why democratic system is prefered to resolve the issues with ballot not with bullet.Those who wanted to resolve political issues through force are on wrong side.

Shariah implementation in NWFP is desire of majority , they submitted approved shariah bill through NWFP assembly during Musharaf regime but rejected by supreme court .We should avoid such mistakes in future and should respect the genuine demand of any province.We have not learnt lesson from Bangldesh.:agree:

Civilized nation dont kill their people due difference of opinion, the SWAT and FATA satuation developed due to our weak democratic and judiciary system.
Why should any mufti give that fatwa? while they morally supporting Afghan Taliban against false occupation of US. Thats why US breed a new seed called Anti-Mullahism

Agreed, western media and lot of NGO's are working on this project .

British government used same tactics during their rule , they tried to divide muslims of india into different sects (bralvi,deobandi etc).
prophet (P.B.U.H))also said we will have 72 firqa in islam!
don't blame non muslims always !actual culprits are we !y we change us !we always have meer sadiqs and meer jafars with us ,greedy lusty ppl in muslims.
america made taalibaan!u don't know ,how?
pakistan was also an active partner!they trained these uneducated ppl how to use weapons bcz of america 's support bcz she wanted to break russia!we worked for muslim states in russia !but we lost so much in this!zia ul haq helped america for this purpose and so many religious group like jamat islami and all they got funds from there they also accept many times that they worked for muslim states but question is this how they got funds!by any rich country it is so obvious.aghanistan's taalibaan are also not good !they made same rules in afghanistan,bombing in girls schools not allowing girls and woman to go out without muhrim,not allowed education modern education for girls,women can't use cosmetics.other sec are not allowed there to practice like barelvi and shia .
iam also a deobandi but i strongly believe if we teach someone in polite manner it works more as compare to torture or misbehave or criticize ,junaid jamshed ,saeed anwar ,mushtaq ahmed,waqar younus,muhammad yousuf and others are examples of teaching system which i discussed above ,same like JJ 's wife she was not wearing hijab till last two years ,she came in geo 's program aik din geo key saath she was even not covered her hair also...but JJ was very nice with his wife she was too happy bcz of change in her husband but not changing herself ....but now she has changed so wat does it mean ....always remb when you punish some one or strictly teach ...it always goes in opposite direction "your action"but if u work politely,steadily you will get success.
but taalibaan from both side are wrong!deoband aalim (indian) also gave fitwa abt them taalibaan are uneducated and not belonged to deoband!
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