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Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

In one way, whatever has been initiated today, by India, regarding IOK, appears to me a very positive development, in the sense, that this has brought the issue, out of a strategic stalemate, which was hovering over it since 1948, to a next potential level of agitation and disquiet. Now, India has shown its cards. A new process would ensue consequently, and this may lead to its resolution, one way or other. Agitating and shaking, often, leads to breaking of status quo and emergence of new possibilities and scenarios.

Exactly..man how long we will keep on fighting for 3 districts of Kashmir valley???
Something and somewhere change should come...You add your part of Kashmir as full state and we have tried from our end too

See while I support abrogation of 370, I do not approve of the way its done. However as an Indian its after effects whether positive or negative will be seen 15-20 years down the line and not now.
With an indefinite security lockdown in Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK) and elected representatives under house arrest, India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) stripped Kashmiris of the special autonomy they had for seven decades through a rushed presidential order on Monday.

By repealing Article 370 of the constitution, people from the rest of India will now have the right to acquire property in occupied Kashmir and settle there permanently. Kashmiris as well as critics of India’s Hindu nationalist-led government see the move as an attempt to dilute the demographics of Muslim-majority Kashmir with Hindu settlers.

Article 370 had also limited the power of the Indian parliament to impose laws in the state, apart from matters of defence, foreign affairs and communications.

As India's parliament debated the move, 8,000 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) from different parts of the country were moved to IoK. The Indian army and air force were also placed on high alert.

Explainer: What does India's proposed change to occupied Kashmir's status mean?

Home Minister Amit Shah also moved a bill to bifurcate the state into two union territories – Jammu Kashmir as one and Himalayan Ladakh region as the other – directly ruled by New Delhi.

A statement issued by the home minister said that "Jammu and Kashmir will be a union territory with legislature while Ladakh will be a union territory without legislature".

The move raises fears of further violence in the Muslim-majority Himalayan region where Kashmiri fighters and many residents have fought for the region's independence or to join Pakistan.

"There will a very strong reaction in Kashmir. It's already in a state of unrest and this will only make it worse," Wajahat Habibullah, a former senior bureaucrat in Jammu and Kashmir, told AFP.

The constitutional provisions revoked on Monday were introduced decades ago and included reserved government jobs and college placements for residents, in an effort to keep the state from being overrun by people from the rest of India.

Chaos in the house as opposition protests
Home Minister Amit Shah, president of India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), addresses the Indian parliament on Monday. — Photo courtesy ANI Twitter

Chaos erupted in the upper house of the Indian parliament as opposition lawmakers shouted slogans and started protesting after Home Minister Amit Shah urged members to discuss the legislation that seeks to end the autonomous status for Muslim-majority Kashmir.

Read: 'Day of shame': Indian opposition slams BJP move to revoke occupied Kashmir's special status

Shah, also the BJP president, proposed that the regulation under Article 370 will not be applicable after presidential nod — a move which was slammed by the opposition.

Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad said that the BJP had "murdered the constitution today".

Parliamentary affairs minister Pralhad Joshi sought to reprimand the opposition, reported Hindustan Times. “Amit Shah is rectifying the historical blunder of Jawaharlal Nehru,” Joshi told the opposition benches about the resolution that had been on the agenda of the ruling BJP for years.

Amit Shah said Article 370 was used as "vote bank politics" and the earlier governments lacked the political will to revoke it. "But the Modi government has the political will and we are not bothered about vote bank politics," Shah said.

Earlier in the morning, a cabinet meeting was held at Modi's residence.

According to India Today, Indian opposition leaders also met in the parliament on Monday morning to discuss the security situation in Kashmir.

Curfew-like restrictions
Tension had risen in Kashmir since Friday, when Indian officials issued an alert over possible militant attacks. Thousands of alarmed Indian tourists, pilgrims and workers streamed out of the region over the weekend.

Late on Sunday night, the Indian government imposed curfew-like restrictions in the restive region while sending in tens of thousands of additional troops.

Former IoK chief ministers Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti were placed under house arrest.

Communications were cut, with private mobile networks, internet services and telephone landlines cut, an AFP reporter said.

"There shall be no movement of public. All educational institutions shall also remain closed. There will be a complete bar on holding any kind of public meetings or rallies during the period of operation of this order. Identity cards of essential services officials will be treated as movement passes wherever required," read an Indian government order, but added: "there is no curfew in place".
Exactly..man how long we will keep on fighting for 3 districts of Kashmir valley??? Something and somewhere change should come...You add your part of Kashmir as full state and we have tried from our end too

You have totally misread my post. What, you are proposing, is totally unacceptable to Pakistan.
the GoP is spineless
they aren't even going to kick out the Indian Diplomatic staff
i think we fools are getting emotional and both india and Pak govt/military have some agreement in place just like drones all we will do is shout and no action will be taken in exchange for peace and money from international community!

we sold kashmir for money and the mirage of economic prosperity;
i think we fools are getting emotional and both india and Pak govt/military have some agreement in place just like drones all we will do is shout and no action will be taken in exchange for peace and money from international community!

we sold kashmir for money and the mirage of economic prosperity;
Yep! This was constructed with the approval of IK, Trump and Modi.
Expel the Indian high commissioner with all staff with immediate effect. Bring Pakistan's staff back.

Shut down Pakistani airspace to all Indian flights.

Close down all religious routes for Indian pilgrims.

Refuse visas for Indian nationals for any reason.

Cease all trade.

Shut down the Wagah border nonsense, no need for ceremonies if this is going on in Kashmir.

Get the OIC to pass an unanimous resolution which still act as a precursor for the UN vote.

Get as many countries as possible to push for a resolution on Kashmir, which hopefully would pass as it would be in massive breech of the current status quo and the UN rulings.

Be prepared in AJK and the rest of Pakistan to take in hundreds of thousands of refugees.

Pakistan will do everything to support Kashmir cause and their right of self determination as well as their fight against Indian Occupation. From diplomatic avenue to OIC, UNSC as well as sharing Indian brutalities inside IoK with UNHRC. Yes, aggressive diplomacy for Kashmir is need of hour and India has already shown its ambition about Kashmir.

Just because Modi was left out from Afghanistan process and on other hand, in my opinion India needed an excuse to not to support Iran for US & can explain that Modi is busy with Kashmir. So also, India now wants sabotage of peace process otherwise, there was no reason for such provocation in Kashmir at this time.

Be it refugees or not; this is not going to be easy for India nor Kashmir status will ever be changed. India can amend, invent abolish thousands of constitution but Kashmir is a dispute and will remain so until & unless granted the due rights.
Legally and technically, Pakistan and India are at war.
And India has been losing this war lately, hence the escalation in stakes from its side.

History will remember this day as the day marking the start of unprecedented freedom movement against a coward, human right abusing occupation Army.
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Would Pakistan take a step like that (breaching the LOC) this time... and what is going to be the reason for attacking INDIA... THAT IS THE BIGGEST QUESTION...
Someone on this forum was suggesting to walkout from Afghan peace process... kill two birds with one stone...

I'm sure that Pakistan will not leave a single stone unturned to counter it...


Do you know what happened on 27th Feb? that isn't a long history to remember but few months back. There is no Would or If or But; as we promised and delivered in day light. Such Indian "Would" "If" etc are same as before and we surprised with Abhinandan served with Tea. Who said Pakistan will attack India at first? India has already breached peace violation and attacked Pakistan Army posts couple of days ago and UN is provided with Indian Army use of Cluster Munition.
And India has been losing this war lately, hence the escalation in stakes from its side.

History will remember this day as the day marking the start of unprecedented freedom movement from a coward, human right abusing occupation Army.

India will be balkanized by its own tools. However they will invade GB before that

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