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MOHAN BHAGWAT IS RIGHT: India is a 'Hindu' Nation.

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Not interested in you, your religion and your complete negative talk.

Don’t argue with idiots because they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. —Greg King

So good bye.

LOL. I think is a good idea for you not to talk to anybody.

It is better to let others think you are a fool, than open your mouth and confirm their doubts.
Giving the credit where it is due. It is Hinduism which accommodated various people from other faiths over centuries here. This practice was only possible in a Dharmic country. These seculars hijacked its values, took credit for it, and reduced Hinduism to just one more religion in the only country it is a force. Not only that in the name of secularism they have been trying to destroy Hinduism. I along with millions are just working hard to correct this injustice.

Seculars have hijacked. Of course. Temples are taken over by govt. BJP is in power now. Perhaps you (and me) can petition BJP to make Hindu rastra :P
Who is this "we" ? :lol:

Count me out of whatever you think is your cult.

Do you know what nicene creed is ? :cheesy:

ok now,,,start ur sermon for fellow chaddi wallahs..................spare the rest
You mean you do not respond to your mother?

.. don't dare to talk about my mom... my mom is god... very kind.. best mom.... i don't drag your mom even you did.. i respect every mother.. so this is your caste / religion teach you.. great..
Seculars have hijacked. Of course. Temples are taken over by govt. BJP is in power now. Perhaps you (and me) can petition BJP to make Hindu rastra :P

There are millions who have petitioned. Wait for a few years. It will be a Hindu rashtra or a true secular state. Only problem with secular state is the Sickulars will start their mischief again if by mistake they ever get in that position of strength.
Seculars have hijacked. Of course. Temples are taken over by govt. BJP is in power now. Perhaps you (and me) can petition BJP to make Hindu rastra :P
The case is already on in courts to get Hindu temples released from Govt. Control, a huge Organization is being formed where many hindu saints and seers and Shankaracharyas have joined to fight this case.
They will win the case.
shut up fucking whore.. don't dare to talk about my mom... my mom is god... very kind.. best mom.... i don't drag your mom even you did.. i respect every mother.. so this is your caste / religion teach you.. great..

Your religion is the one which calls women whores. My religion calls women goddess. It is Christianity which has the distinction between angel/whores which is why most Christian countries have a huge population of street walkers.

So when you start applying Christian standards here, you will be slapped hard. Now go and ask your mother who your real father is or if she even remembers.
.. don't dare to talk about my mom... my mom is god... very kind.. best mom.... i don't drag your mom even you did.. i respect every mother.. so this is your caste / religion teach you.. great..
Control your words dude.
LOL. I think is a good idea for you not to talk to anybody.

It is better to let others think you are a fool, than open your mouth and confirm their doubts.

Even after knowing it you are confirming every ones doubt. Bravo....
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