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Muslim Man Attacked, Beaten Bloody In Trump's America

Let me guess this you saying hateful, racist and bigoted things against an entire race because of actions of some. you of all people a MUSLIM is saying this based on the actions of some. The irony- :lol: I bet you are clueless to it.
It's not some but most of them are scumbags
Most White people nowadays are the nicest people on earth. They're even better than most Muslims. Mulisms nowadays especially the younger generation have a deep hatred of Non-Muslims like White people, East Asians, Non muslims, etc.

I updated your quote; removed the word 'Black' and interchanged it with the word Muslim,' let me know how you like it now.

Btw- You generalize about Blacks because you have studied them through the grant received from the University of Bs I presume?

It's not some but most of them are scumbags
Again, you a MUSLIM is saying this. THEN- Per your criteria, applying the same rules as you have done to Blacks here- since you, Muslims have killed hundreds of thousands in the modern era through terror attacks in the name of Islam. Would you be fine if all Muslims were to be called a terrorist or better yet Islamic terrorist?
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I updated your quote; removed the word 'Black' and interchanged it with the word Muslim,' let me know how you like it now.

Btw- You generalize about Blacks because you have studied them through the grant received from the University of Bs I presume?

Again, you a MUSLIM is saying this. THEN- Per your criteria, applying the same rules as you have done to Blacks here- since you, Muslims have killed hundreds of thousands in the modern era through terror attacks in the name of Islam. Would you be fine if all Muslims were to be called a terrorist or better yet Islamic terrorist?
Nobody care what a terrorist west call muslims because you are far worst and killed more people than the Muslims ever killed
People are embarrassing themselves on several fronts. The attackers were black so I’m not sure were white supremacy comes into play? I also fail to see where Trump comes into play, people are forgetting that liberals have radical ideologies and perpetuate violence in the form of Antifa. Most murders in the US are committed by liberals, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit are predominately liberal and have thousands of murder each year and thousands of shootings, in fact 90+ of blacks are liberals and majority of murders in the US are committed by.....blacks.

@Dalit @Hassan_Ishtiaq
Had a group of Pakistani or Arabs done this it would be all over the news. It would automatically be blamed on "Islamic terrorism" when their is no evidence to prove that.

But when these animals attack Muslims it is never considered a racially motivated hate crime. Trump's White supremacism is responsible for this.

MARCH 19--An IHOP manager was left bloodied after he was attacked by rowdy female patrons who threw punches, chairs, and plates at the worker, according to Tennessee police who are seeking to identify the assailants.

According to cops, the melee touched off early Friday morning at an IHOP restaurant in Memphis after victim Mohammad Al Hourani, 28, asked the group to “please keep it down.”

As detailed in a Memphis Police Department report, Al Hourani told cops that when the diners “started to get louder” he “asked the suspects to just leave.” Still yelling, the diners departed the IHOP, but “kept coming in and out of the business taunting” Al Hourani, the report notes.

Al Hourani said he called 911, but before police arrived, he was attacked by one of the suspects near the IHOP’s front door.

As seen in the above video, which was shot by a diner unconnected to the raucous party of five, the manager fought with one woman near a booth while two of her friends threw plates at the worker from point blank range. Al Hourani told cops he was struck in the head several times.

After the 5’ 8” manager bodyslammed the woman with whom he was tangling, one of the plate throwers launched a chair at Al Hourani. He responded by throwing the chair back at the woman, knocking her to the ground. Further chair tossing followed before the attackers finally left IHOP and Al Hourani staggered away.

The IHOP employee, who was bleeding profusely from cuts to his head and face, was later transported to a local hospital for treatment of his injuries.

The police report identifies the assailants--both men and women--as between the ages of 20 and 25.

Memphis police have not made any arrests in connection with the 12:30 AM incident, which has been classified as a felony aggravated assault. (1 page)

@EgyptianAmerican @Gomig-21 @Falcon29 @Hamartia Antidote @Solomon2

This isn't hate crime but immature misbehaving adults who will get punished by law.
Nobody care what a terrorist west call muslims because you are far worst and killed more people than the Muslims ever killed
I can see the context and point I'm trying to drive is flying past your head.

People are embarrassing themselves on several fronts. The attackers were black so I’m not sure were white supremacy comes into play? I also fail to see where Trump comes into play, people are forgetting that liberals have radical ideologies and perpetuate violence in the form of Antifa. Most murders in the US are committed by liberals, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit are predominately liberal and have thousands of murder each year and thousands of shootings, in fact 90+ of blacks are liberals and majority of murders in the US are committed by.....blacks.

@Dalit @Hassan_Ishtiaq
OH Lookie the resident confessed Russain Troll factory worker comes to the aid of Trump and whites. We see you coming from a distance now. The thug nation troll worker is lecturing others about crimes in their country. Fake news Ruski to the rescue. The Russians were so dumb they lost from being superpower status to being a regional thug power- without a single bullet being fired by the U.S. :rofl:
I can see the context and point I'm trying to drive is flying past your head.

OH Lookie the resident confessed Russain Troll factory worker comes to the aid of Trump and whites. We see you coming from a distance now. The thug nation troll worker is lecturing others about crimes in their country. Fake news Ruski to the rescue. The Russians were so dumb they lost from being superpower status to being a regional thug power- without a single bullet being fired by the U.S. :rofl:

Are you okay? You have an obvious obsession with me and Russia. I was pointing to the obvious, that the attackers were not white as some have accused them to be, Im not sure how that has anything to do with me personally or Russia. Your childish insults and online stalking speaks volumes about your intellect, mainly that you’re an uneducated schoolboy that accuses me of being a Russian troll just because I have destroyed you in the past with facts, sources and sound arguments.

You also have no ground in accusing me of “fake news” I have backed every one of my claims and debunked yours with mainstream American or British sources. I guess when you make a fool out of yourself repeatedly by repeating the same fake nonsense, screaming “Russian troll” and “fake news” is a coping mechanism for you.

And yes I will have a response to your other rant in which you tagged me when I find the time.

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Are you okay? You have an obvious obsession with me and Russia. I was pointing to the obvious, that the attackers were not white as some have accused them to be, Im not sure how that has anything to do with me personally or Russia. Your childish insults and online stalking speaks volumes about your intellect, mainly that you’re an uneducated schoolboy that accuses me of being a Russian troll just because I have destroyed you in the past with facts, sources and sound arguments.

You also have no ground in accusing me of “fake news” I have backed every one of my claims and debunked yours with mainstream American or British sources. I guess when you make a fool out of yourself repeatedly by repeating the same fake nonsense, screaming “Russian troll” and “fake news” is a coping mechanism for you.

And yes I will have a response to your other rant in which you tagged me when I find the time.

You backed with nothing but opinion pieces and articles from our free press dear confessed Russian troll factory worker.

To top that you don't even try to hide it or not make it obvious to us-m soeaking of intellect. You take verbatim accusations, not realizing that the reporting in the articles is simply reporting the accusation and not its validity, and you go with it.

The other obvious giveaway is that you get into the weeds, like what the DNC did and what Donna Brazille do in a primary! You brag about knowing what Comey said, what the FBI said in a freaking congressional hearing...I mean who the f_- outside of American citizens and Russian troll factory worker really gets into reading all of that. Someone who is being paid for 12 hours daily to troll and create fake news - that's who.

Then, of course, coming back to the validity of the accusations thrown by each camp at each other in a primary season. You claimed the DNC gave the election away to Hillary. An accusation made in the weeds by hyper-partisans supporters but had you checked, you would have known it is and was impossible to do. The DNC has no part in holding any elections, the individual states do. the sec of each state does...and they can't make people vote a certain way. And then there is this- why the f would you care about Hillary now? because you are a Russian troll factory worker that's why! :lol:

Why do you always ask others to not blame Trump or say anything against Trump (even in your first post here)? because you are a Russian troll factory worker that's why! :lol:

Your hourly wages are paid towards spreading fake news, and we've have caught on to it, Ruski. It is understandable in some ways; given you are bread line economy- you need the job and thereby have to read every article, twist it and create fake news.

Zero facts as shown- but you take me ignoring your fake news as "destroying me"...go back to exporting mail order brides, Ruski. On the way - thank us- We made sure we did not have you speaking German by saving you in WW2; we made sure you were reduced from once a superpower to now a regional thug power, getting sanctioned by the UN and the world powers for being a thug. Finally, we are making sure we are annihilating your soldiers in Syria to a point where you refuse to acknowledge them, leaving them to be eaten by dogs in Syria. PETA thanks you! :lol:
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You backed with nothing but opinion pieces and articles from our free press dear confessed Russian troll factory worker.

To top that you don't even try to hide it or not make it obvious to us-m soeaking of intellect. You take verbatim accusations, not realizing that the reporting in the articles is simply reporting the accusation and not its validity, and you go with it.

The other obvious giveaway is that you get into the weeds, like what the DNC did and what Donna Brazille do in a primary! You brag about knowing what Comey said, what the FBI said in a freaking congressional hearing...I mean who the f_- outside of American citizens and Russian troll factory worker really gets into reading all of that. Someone who is being paid for 12 hours daily to troll and create fake news - that's who.

Then, of course, coming back to the validity of the accusations thrown by each camp at each other in a primary season. You claimed the DNC gave the election away to Hillary. An accusation made in the weeds by hyper-partisans supporters but had you checked, you would have known it is and was impossible to do. The DNC has no part in holding any elections, the individual states do. the sec of each state does...and they can't make people vote a certain way. And then there is this- why the f would you care about Hillary now? because you are a Russian troll factory worker that's why! :lol:

Why do you always ask others to not blame Trump or say anything against Trump (even in your first post here)? because you are a Russian troll factory worker that's why! :lol:

Your hourly wages are paid towards spreading fake news, and we've have caught on to it, Ruski. It is understandable in some ways; given you are bread line economy- you need the job and thereby have to read every article, twist it and create fake news.

Zero facts as shown- but you take me ignoring your fake news as "destroying me"...go back to exporting mail order brides, Ruski. On the way - thank us- We made sure we did not have you speaking German by saving you in WW2; we made sure you were reduced from once a superpower to now a regional thug power, getting sanctioned by the UN and the world powers for being a thug. Finally, we are making sure we are annihilating your soldiers in Syria to a point where you refuse to acknowledge them, leaving them to be eaten by dogs in Syria. PETA thanks you! :lol:

You seem to have brain damage, Clinton payed troll. Nothing i posted was opinion pieces, it was directly from the FBI, Senate Intelligence Comittee, Democratic National Comittee or US senators. Repeating the same lies doesn’t make it true.

I know how the DNC works. No one said anything about elections but it was obviously rigged for Clinton, former DNC chairwoman and senator Elizabeth Warren agree. It’s well documented and excepted.


CNN asked Senator Elizabeth Warren if Mrs Clinton's contest against Democratic rival Bernie Sanders was rigged, and she said: "Yes."

Another Democratic official writes in a new book about the party's "unethical" agreement with the Clinton campaign.

President Trump said the American public "deserves" an inquiry.

Ms Warren, a progressive senator from Massachusetts who campaigned for Mrs Clinton, was reacting to allegations by former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman Donna Brazile.

Oh fake news, fake news, russia hacked US politicians now.

But please keep up embarrassing yourself. The only things that come out of you is that I’m a payed troll from Russia, Russia sucks, fake news, yada, yada, yada.
You seem to have brain damage, Clinton payed troll. Nothing i posted was opinion pieces, it was directly from the FBI, Senate Intelligence Comittee, Democratic National Comittee or US senators. Repeating the same lies doesn’t make it true.

I know how the DNC works. No one said anything about elections but it was obviously rigged for Clinton, former DNC chairwoman and senator Elizabeth Warren agree. It’s well documented and excepted.


CNN asked Senator Elizabeth Warren if Mrs Clinton's contest against Democratic rival Bernie Sanders was rigged, and she said: "Yes."

Another Democratic official writes in a new book about the party's "unethical" agreement with the Clinton campaign.

President Trump said the American public "deserves" an inquiry.

Ms Warren, a progressive senator from Massachusetts who campaigned for Mrs Clinton, was reacting to allegations by former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman Donna Brazile.

Oh fake news, fake news, russia hacked US politicians now.

But please keep up embarrassing yourself. The only things that come out of you is that I’m a payed troll from Russia, Russia sucks, fake news, yada, yada, yada.

Russian troll factory worker - you troll for headliners and create fake news. The context in which Warren was talking about was about DNC favoring a Democratic party candidate (Hillary) over the Independent candidate running on a democratic party ticket(Sanders)- because of the Clinton campaign offering cash-starved DNC to pay the share of monies Sanders was supposed to but refused to. that money DNC needed to help Dem down-ballot candidates. She calls that as DNC favoring Clinton as a candidate of choice. DNC is supposed to be neutral on candidates running primaries. That is the so-called rigging context and it has zip to do with actual elections. Sanders lost because he lost the votes.

But why does that matter to a Russian like you? Because you are a Russian Troll factory worker, paid to spread fake news.

You say you know how the DNC works. Why on earth would a Russian want to know how something so deep in the weeds and something 99% of Americans doesn't care about and how it works?

Because you are Russian Troll factory worker and it's your job to create fake news a :lol:

The real rigging is what the thug Ruski's did, what Putin did in your so-called elections. Ballot stuffing in the thousands upon thousands and world saw it. You deserve it though and also deserve the hurt we are putting and will continue to put on you. Your brand is known as the scum of the world, the thug who will use nerve agents on children hospitals in Syria and on the streets of UK.
Had a group of Pakistani or Arabs done this it would be all over the news. It would automatically be blamed on "Islamic terrorism" when their is no evidence to prove that.

But when these animals attack Muslims it is never considered a racially motivated hate crime. Trump's White supremacism is responsible for this.

MARCH 19--An IHOP manager was left bloodied after he was attacked by rowdy female patrons who threw punches, chairs, and plates at the worker, according to Tennessee police who are seeking to identify the assailants.

According to cops, the melee touched off early Friday morning at an IHOP restaurant in Memphis after victim Mohammad Al Hourani, 28, asked the group to “please keep it down.”

As detailed in a Memphis Police Department report, Al Hourani told cops that when the diners “started to get louder” he “asked the suspects to just leave.” Still yelling, the diners departed the IHOP, but “kept coming in and out of the business taunting” Al Hourani, the report notes.

Al Hourani said he called 911, but before police arrived, he was attacked by one of the suspects near the IHOP’s front door.

As seen in the above video, which was shot by a diner unconnected to the raucous party of five, the manager fought with one woman near a booth while two of her friends threw plates at the worker from point blank range. Al Hourani told cops he was struck in the head several times.

After the 5’ 8” manager bodyslammed the woman with whom he was tangling, one of the plate throwers launched a chair at Al Hourani. He responded by throwing the chair back at the woman, knocking her to the ground. Further chair tossing followed before the attackers finally left IHOP and Al Hourani staggered away.

The IHOP employee, who was bleeding profusely from cuts to his head and face, was later transported to a local hospital for treatment of his injuries.

The police report identifies the assailants--both men and women--as between the ages of 20 and 25.

Memphis police have not made any arrests in connection with the 12:30 AM incident, which has been classified as a felony aggravated assault. (1 page)

@EgyptianAmerican @Gomig-21 @Falcon29 @Hamartia Antidote @Solomon2
Nothing to do with Trumps America, it’s just bunch of hood rats with their mamas on crack, their minds f’d up, getting upset over smallest things and resorting to violence it’s nothing new here.
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Hmmm...early Friday morning..fight in an IHOP..in Memphis.

Hey @Gomig-21 ever been in the Soldiers Field Road IHOP late at night back in the day? Only place around that was open 24 hours. Plenty of people in there late at night after the nightclubs close completely smashed. The usual rowdieness.

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The State Police even had a station right down the street (don’t think it is there anymore Edit..hmm they moved to a new building about 300 meters up Market Street.). I think the IHOP near you now is only open to midnight.

Yeah, been there several times bro. We used to go skating at the Nonantum rink right up the street and then take all the kids over there for breakfast. I have family members from that area, right round the corner from that IHOP as a matter of fact lol.

I drove right by that MA State Police station a few weeks ago I think it's still there. Go towards the city and Boston Skating Rink on the right followed by WBZ TV and then the Harvard Colosseum. :-)

The actions in this video are not surprising at all. Go on YouTube and search "fights in restaurants" and you'll probably get 9 million hits all the same exact thing as what's on this video. What's even worst is when there's a huge group of these crazy people -- whom are the most inconsiderate -- fighting one another and throwing chairs and destroying the entire establishments. Imagine going to this extreme because the restaurant manager asked you to keep it down?
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