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Muslims in Indian economy: interview with Dr. Omar Khalidi

i dont think india borders europe! another instance of indian delusionment.

it's only indians who bragged about (in media, their own) how they've surpassed all others in every indicator, incl. subcontinent, and about to be suepr duper hyper power. while rest of us linger in misery (acc 2 them).

now you say you're located next to europe or such standard coutnry
And why should he do good for his "communities"? India and Indians do not expect Hindus or Muslims or Christians or Sikhs to do good or spoon feed their religious "compatriots".

The point was not that he or Manmohan Singh should do good only to their communities the point was in reply to False Claims of India that just by instating a Muslim President or Sikh PM she has proved that she is protecting all communities.
Rather its face saving.
These posts are useless and do not show that by having these men their communities have been protected rather the real power still are with those who are doing legislation and they are Indeed discriminate to Muslims.

And if Kalam or even MM singh do something for their communities than I do not consider it as “spoon feeding of their religious compatriots” as after all their communities are citizens of India and they are also marginalized at the hands of staunch religious Hindu MPs.

He is a Indian first and his loyalty lie with the nation he lived in. And he has more than proved that he was true to his salt.

Yes indeed but what India has done to its thousands of Muslims who are also loyal to their country otherwise they would have taken arms against her if they were not.
Come out of hypocrisy.

He may have been "rubber stamp",but he is given more respect than any Indian leader today. Respected across all religious group as an Indian. If he had lead a narrow minded life,as you suggested, where his world revolves his "religious compatriots" he would been just another power hungry politician or some religious bigot, fa**ing religious nonsense.

Kalam is being respected not because He is a Muslim but because he had worked for progress and development Indian nuclear programme otherwise if he was would have been brandish as Pakistani and had been taunted with slogans of “Go back to your Pakistan” just like other Muslims in India.

BTW we had also seen how your “religious bigot, fa**ing religious nonsense” from one of your Hindu Fanatic political party used disrespecting remarks in respect of Kalam.

The difference is Muslims in India who have succeeded believed they were Indian first and they believed in the nation they were born in. Bunch who are still in I belong to this religion and that religion are and will always live in caves... Even their God cant help them less being in India or US or Pakistan.

So you mean that all those millions of Muslims who are living in poverty and did not make it to higher posts like Kalam are not Indians ???
I think the your comments show the same mentality that has been the biggest problem for Indian Muslims as after even 60 years of independence their loyalty towards India is being doubted just because of their religion.

Dr.Abdul Kalam is an example which contradicts the story about Muslims you believe in. If you get time,read how he came to be what he is. He belong to a family, who as you described had "nothing to eat".

Individual stories are everywhere in the world you can not justify that look he made to such status so thousands of Muslims with not even water to drink can without any effort on party of Indian govt.

I know it is very ironical for a person from a nation build in the name of Muslims being persecuted in India, to see a Muslim being responsible for building weapons which might hurt their nation. Wonder how could he keep his nation before his religion. I can understand you calling him a "puppet"!

No it does not and I did not call him puppet either it’s the natural defect in of your mind that has made up such an illusion ;)
The point was not that he or Manmohan Singh should do good only to their communities the point was in reply to False Claims of India that just by instating a Muslim President or Sikh PM she has proved that she is protecting all communities.
Rather its face saving.
These posts are useless and do not show that by having these men their communities have been protected rather the real power still are with those who are doing legislation and they are Indeed discriminate to Muslims.

And if Kalam or even MM singh do something for their communities than I do not consider it as “spoon feeding of their religious compatriots” as after all their communities are citizens of India and they are also marginalized at the hands of staunch religious Hindu MPs.

I think you forgot that Sikhs and Parsees along with Christians have achieved better then the majority Hindus . the reason why muslims have not been able to catch up with the rest of India, is there lack of willingness to strive for intellectual growth . This is visible all over the world . in India and elsewhere in the world, Muslims are, as a community, most back-ward and top the list in adult illiteracy, infant mortality and poverty.

look at the Islamic world ,scientific research papers they publish is negligible, below one per cent of world's total. And at the same time, they have little contribution in the high tech-areas like computer software and information technology

Muslims need to introspect as to why their situation has hit the present nadir and should give up blaming others for their dismal educational standard and this applies to Indian muslims also .

Get this right.

When we elect anyone to our public posts, we expect him to be an Indian. Nothing more and nothing less.

Religion has no place in a secular country!
I think you forgot that Sikhs and Parsees along with Christians have achieved better then the majority Hindus . the reason why muslims have not been able to catch up with the rest of India, is there lack of willingness to strive for intellectual growth . This is visible all over the world . in India and elsewhere in the world, Muslims are, as a community, most back-ward and top the list in adult illiteracy, infant mortality and poverty.

look at the Islamic world ,scientific research papers they publish is negligible, below one per cent of world's total. And at the same time, they have little contribution in the high tech-areas like computer software and information technology

Muslims need to introspect as to why their situation has hit the present nadir and should give up blaming others for their dismal educational standard and this applies to Indian muslims also .

a rather inane comment from an inane person from such a background.

india is BEHIND most of the muslim world in case you didn't know. in almost all indicators of development you can think of.

sikhs or christians are a mere 2% or so of indian population and except for certain states aren't "visible" minority. while india's major rival is pakistan, which is muslim, and which "broke away" from india so "hindus" in india obviously ahve an axe to grind against muslims.

compare the likes of turkey malaysia or iran with india in any indicator you like.
it's ironic one might have thought that a person by handle "logic note" talks illogically. but considiring his country i have my doubts clarified.
also can mr logic note tell me if the following countries are muslim
1. east timor
2. philippines
3. brazil
4. bolivia
5. etc latin american nations
6. sub saharan african nonmuslim nations
7. CIS nonmuslim nations
8. eastern european nonmuslim nations
9. mongolia
10. pacific island nations.

i'd like to know whether by logic note's illogical reasoning, they're muslims too.
I HOLD NOTHING AGAINST CITIZENS of those nations/regions i listed, those were ONLY EXAMPLES
The point was not that he or Manmohan Singh should do good only to their communities the point was in reply to False Claims of India that just by instating a Muslim President or Sikh PM she has proved that she is protecting all communities.
Rather its face saving.
These posts are useless and do not show that by having these men their communities have been protected rather the real power still are with those who are doing legislation and they are Indeed discriminate to Muslims.
They are there because they deserve it. So let me ask you.What has Mushraff done to Mohajirs. He apparently was the all powerful leader of Pakistan and he could not even stop the massacre in Karachi?

And if Kalam or even MM singh do something for their communities than I do not consider it as “spoon feeding of their religious compatriots” as after all their communities are citizens of India and they are also marginalized at the hands of staunch religious Hindu MPs.

Your opinion hardly counts.India just does not belong to people of faith these leader belong to.They are answerable to all faiths present in India. Sorry to say,your thought process is blinded by your obsession to with the faith you follow. I dont expect you to understand what is expected from leaders who have lead a nation of multiple faiths.
Even if they do "good" to their communities to make you happy,it is matter of time before you come up with another complaint!
If you happened to visit Bangalore any time,do visit an Muslim majority part of the city and ask them who is their MLA. I hope you would not be surprised to hear he is from BJP and a Hindu! Apparently Bangalore Muslims think development is more important than which religion the leader belongs to!

Yes indeed but what India has done to its thousands of Muslims who are also loyal to their country otherwise they would have taken arms against her if they were not.
Come out of hypocrisy.
India has not done much to millions of Hindus or thousands of Sikhs or hundreds of Parsis. They have come up with their own hard work.Same stands for Muslims. Those who have tried,have succeeded. Those who cant,be it Hindu or Muslim or Sikh, will be living in a idiot's paradise thinking India or Indian government with help them.

Kalam is being respected not because He is a Muslim but because he had worked for progress and development Indian nuclear programme otherwise if he was would have been brandish as Pakistani and had been taunted with slogans of “Go back to your Pakistan” just like other Muslims in India.
Why should Kalam be respected because he is Muslim? What is so special about it? I guess you must be aware about a small moral aspect that respect is earned by one's deeds not by birth or faith.

BTW we had also seen how your “religious bigot, fa**ing religious nonsense” from one of your Hindu Fanatic political party used disrespecting remarks in respect of Kalam.
So should consider Bin laden speaks for all of the Muslim world?

So you mean that all those millions of Muslims who are living in poverty and did not make it to higher posts like Kalam are not Indians ???
I think the your comments show the same mentality that has been the biggest problem for Indian Muslims as after even 60 years of independence their loyalty towards India is being doubted just because of their religion
Frankly this comment is posted,just because you wanted to fill up the page. As I said since you are blinded by the faith you follow,every topic can be twisted to suit how your would like to think.
If Indian Muslim's loyalty was in doubt,Kashmir would have been part of Pakistan long time back. The last time I checked Indian Muslims have increased their share within the indian population,while minority in Pakistan are on the verge of extinction,subjected to conversion to survive. Wonder which nation is doubting loyalty because of religion!

Individual stories are everywhere in the world you can not justify that look he made to such status so thousands of Muslims with not even water to drink can without any effort on party of Indian govt.
Since you can see only Muslim are in problem in India, I dont think any answer from me worth the effort!

No it does not and I did not call him puppet either it’s the natural defect in of your mind that has made up such an illusion ;)[
Illusion? on my part? As I said I see people of all faith have one issue or other in India,while you can only see Muslims! Wonder who is delusioned?
it is openly stated in many housing complexes hotels etc in india that muslims are not allowed. this is common knowledge. they are proud of it (the complex mangers)

i would encourage every one to visit that coutry to see what a poor state it is in.
lack of basic infrastructure is evident just 5 miles from any city centre.
all the ecconomic data seems bogus. most people live on barely one meal a day, 700mn people have no access to santitation. literally it is a **** hole.

any how it is great that they a patriotic but you can not compare pakistan with india. india is sad. i feel very sorry for the people when i go there. these people in the forum are delusional. muslims are of course bottom of a tragic pile. the govrnment is very manipulative, where they talk of inclusion but the reality is clear, just look in gujrat etc

no country deserves the elevated status less than india, as all there social, ecconomic and political slogans are a hoax, but this new stature is merely an attempt by the sly west to big up india against china. (eg the ecconomy of indonesia is roughly half the size of india but it has a quater of her population, i have never heard of indonesia being elevated in that fashion, or infact acknowledged)
it is openly stated in many housing complexes hotels etc in india that muslims are not allowed. this is common knowledge. they are proud of it (the complex mangers)

i would encourage every one to visit that coutry to see what a poor state it is in.
lack of basic infrastructure is evident just 5 miles from any city centre.
all the ecconomic data seems bogus. most people live on barely one meal a day, 700mn people have no access to santitation. literally it is a **** hole.

any how it is great that they a patriotic but you can not compare pakistan with india. india is sad. i feel very sorry for the people when i go there. these people in the forum are delusional. muslims are of course bottom of a tragic pile. the govrnment is very manipulative, where they talk of inclusion but the reality is clear, just look in gujrat etc

no country deserves the elevated status less than india, as all there social, ecconomic and political slogans are a hoax, but this new stature is merely an attempt by the sly west to big up india against china. (eg the ecconomy of indonesia is roughly half the size of india but it has a quater of her population, i have never heard of indonesia being elevated in that fashion, or infact acknowledged)

Could you provide links for your claims?
it is openly stated in many housing complexes hotels etc in india that muslims are not allowed. this is common knowledge. they are proud of it (the complex mangers)

Are you aware there are housing estates that do not sell/ rent out to non vegetarians or there are some that don't allow pets?

i would encourage every one to visit that coutry to see what a poor state it is in.
lack of basic infrastructure is evident just 5 miles from any city centre.
all the ecconomic data seems bogus. most people live on barely one meal a day, 700mn people have no access to santitation. literally it is a **** hole.

any how it is great that they a patriotic but you can not compare pakistan with india. india is sad. i feel very sorry for the people when i go there. these people in the forum are delusional. muslims are of course bottom of a tragic pile. the govrnment is very manipulative, where they talk of inclusion but the reality is clear, just look in gujrat etc

I find your rant ridiculous when all you have to do is look around and see the squalor around where you live and your living conditions.

The Minorities in Pakistan has been driven out and there is hardly a minority there. Further, the blasphemy law has shut the mouth of all minorities and they quiver in fear since a Moslems word is taken as true as per the Sharia, no matter what the fact of the case is!

Give us a break.

And quit vitiatating the atmosphere.

no country deserves the elevated status less than india, as all there social, ecconomic and political slogans are a hoax, but this new stature is merely an attempt by the sly west to big up india against china. (eg the ecconomy of indonesia is roughly half the size of india but it has a quater of her population, i have never heard of indonesia being elevated in that fashion, or infact acknowledged)

Your opinion and your heartburn that India is prospering inspite of your dreams.

The world acknowledges what India is and your opinion is not worth a tuppence to them.

You are the only clever man left on earth and the others do not check about a nation before they invest, right?

Rest in Peace and don't Rant.

Look to your country and see what is up!

Stem the rot there first and then talk. I am sure you are an anti Musharraf man.

Your handle "Never" indicates your negative mindset! One doesn't have to look beyond to understand your post.
Could you provide links for your claims?

Rants and illogical outburst of jealousy has no links to facts.

Notice how he has brought in Indonesia into the issue without a whisper of any cognisable fact?

He has been to India as he states. If it was so bad, why did he come? Obviously, because it was good but his heart was full of hatred to discern reality.

However, this is last I shall engage with him on this issue since he apparently is influenced by the Lal Mazjid genre!
a rather inane comment from an inane person from such a background.

As our respected Mr Salim Said -Rants and illogical outburst of jealousy has no links to facts.

ndia is BEHIND most of the muslim world in case you didn't know. in almost all indicators of development you can think of.

India is behind many muslim nations economically , yet India has achieved more in terms of intellectual growth ( Science , Art , Cinema , literature) . please look at the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) .Its is this quest of knowledge which makes a nation or a group of ppl grow .

sikhs or christians are a mere 2% or so of indian population and except for certain states aren't "visible" minority.
still they are more prosperous and developed then other groups and it is an indication that irrespective of your religion, you can achieve the desired status .

. while india's major rival is pakistan, which is muslim, and which "broke away" from india so "hindus" in india obviously ahve an axe to grind against muslims.

Sorry Pakistan is not our rival ( in any field )
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