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My Impression about Kashmir

So you're telling me innocent civilians are fair game? The mothers of Kanun Posh Pora didn't fire a single bullet, neither were they complicit in any crime against the Indian State - they were simple villagers.

We're not talking about those that are complicit in what you'd descibe as terror, or what I'd describe as terror. We're talking about Indian Society not caring about innocent civilians - innocent Kashmiris - who were raped.

Did Kashmir people ever cared when people in Tibet are raped , murdered and occupited by the occupier force China?Do you Kashmir separatish show any mercy when your terrorist killed innocent life of Mumbai on 11/26? Do you have any sympathy for the person who are raped your so called freedom fighter terrorist in Mumbai on 11/26?
So if you do not care about any one except your own interests, then why would you expect that you will care for you?....
brother listen

India spend $39 billion in IoK out of $298 billion total budget, so stop living in lala land and visit India some time. Bharat is shit poor country unfortunately :sick:

IoK does not deserve so much extra money with population of just 7 million out of 1300 million. We don't care and are happy with our Kashmir. We know IoK will be burden on us because they don't offer any economic advantage. With G-B Pakistan at least have border with China and have cut off India from central asia.

Its time Indian said good bye to IoK, not all but just majority muslim areas.

first ..............show me in the Budget where it says 39 billion is marked for only Kashmir.

next thing ..........I live in Gurdaspur ( just 6kms away from Indo-Pak Border) ............I know how much poor India is .
The point I am saying is that India has maintained active Army in Kashmir since 1990...........that time Indian economy was a mess .............but these days income of Govt. has increased many folds..........while expenditure in Kashmir remained same as army personals remained same.....( u got the point)........if needed .........India can increase the active army in Kashmir .......money wont be a issue here.

Next point , I my self belong to minority in India and havent faced any problem in any where .........i still cant figure out what issue is with muslims in Kashmir???
Did Kashmir people ever cared when people in Tibet are raped , murdered and occupited by the occupier force China?Do you Kashmir separatish show any mercy when your terrorist killed innocent life of Mumbai on 11/26? Do you have any sympathy for the person who are raped your so called freedom fighter terrorist in Mumbai on 11/26?
So if you do not care about any one except your own interests, then why would you expect that you will care for you?....

Okay, so all the Kashmiri people are fair game. And Kashmiris aren't Indians - because, you say, we act as a collective against India.

The point is that Kashmiris don't claim Tibet as part of Kashmir. India claims Kashmir as part of India. Then why doesn't it treat atrocities against Kashmiris equally?

Answer me this: is every single Kashmiri guilty of "seperatism"?
Indians should stop worrying about Kashmir and look torwards Assam

Assam rifles is there to take care of Assam ........army has been ordered out of barracks in Assam ( for general info - India Maintains presence of Army and Para military forces all over India , which remains inside barracks and camps ............on request of state govt.....they are deployed ..........otherwise even if riotshappen outside CRPF camp ....CRPF wont do anything till they receive orders)

We will take all muslim majority areas of IoK, not just Kashmir valley.

ok ..........lets think that "you" took all of muslim majority areas from India.............what will be the response of India???

well Pakistan shall pray that Kashmir is never "taken" from India ....


Okay, so all the Kashmiri people are fair game. And Kashmiris aren't Indians - because, you say, we act as a collective against India.

and who are you mate ???..............does Kashmir belongs to only muslim??? #justasking
I'm Kashmiri, I have more of a right to that land than you. Actually, Kashmir belongs equally to all whom inhabit it. I don't know why you're trying to caricature me as some sort of extremist.
first ..............show me in the Budget where it says 39 billion is marked for only Kashmir.

next thing ..........I live in Gurdaspur ( just 6kms away from Indo-Pak Border) ............I know how much poor India is .
The point I am saying is that India has maintained active Army in Kashmir since 1990...........that time Indian economy was a mess .............but these days income of Govt. has increased many folds..........while expenditure in Kashmir remained same as army personals remained same.....( u got the point)........if needed .........India can increase the active army in Kashmir .......money wont be a issue here.

Next point , I my self belong to minority in India and havent faced any problem in any where .........i still cant figure out what issue is with muslims in Kashmir???

bhai listen,

If you don't even know about how much India spend on IoK then why even discuss anything? You are very ignorant person living in lala land from where you think India is shupa powa with trillions of $ budget so $39 billion is fair game.

Anyway you should be worried about sikhs and khalistan. Let proper Indians discuss this matter.
I'm Kashmiri, I have more of a right to that land than you. Actually, Kashmir belongs equally to all whom inhabit it. I don't know why you're trying to caricature me as some sort of extremist.

was that statement response to me mate??? plz qoute me or tag me in post if that was a response to my post
I'll let you use your critical faculties to come to a rational conclusion. I won't hinge my hopes on it, though.

Okay, so all the Kashmiri people are fair game. And Kashmiris aren't Indians - because, you say, we act as a collective against India.

The point is that Kashmiris don't claim Tibet as part of Kashmir. India claims Kashmir as part of India. Then why doesn't it treat atrocities against Kashmiris equally?

Answer me this: is every single Kashmiri guilty of "seperatism"?

There is nothing called ratonality when we are debating about separtism..For me, the land of Kashmir and the people who belive in India are my people...Rest of the people although they stay in my nation but does not belive on my nationhood, i am not bothered about them...I claim Kashmir part of India for them who stand with me...This is the same way like as you are not worried about Tibetians ..so i am least bothered about any Non Indian people who are having any issues with any one..For me any people living in Kashmir who shout anti Indian slogan, is not Indian responsibility to treat him with respect...He needs to be treated like other anti national people..
The fact you Indians serve as loyal apologists for the massacre, rape and torture of thousands of Kashmiris by the Indian Army only shows you don't see Kashmiris as equals.

You all jump up and down crying when a woman in Dehli is raped, but what about the villages of mothers in Kashmir? Aren't they as Indian?

Nationalism sir, nationalism. And its own survival. Why else do you think India is holding on to this wasteland?

What was Chenab formula?

That everything to the NW of Chenab goes to Pakistan, rest to India.
There is nothing called ratonality when we are debating about separtism..For me, the land of Kashmir and the people who belive in India are my people...Rest of the people although they stay in my nation but does not belive on my nationhood, i am not bothered about them...I claim Kashmir part of India for them who stand with me...This is the same way like as you are not worried about Tibetians ..so i am least bothered about any Non Indian people who are having any issues with any one..For me any people living in Kashmir who shout anti Indian slogan, is not Indian responsibility to treat him with respect...He needs to be treated like other anti national people..

Yet the founding principles of the State, and India's constitution, are the application of its laws and rights, to all its citizens. This is the rule of law. Departing from it places with such Romanticism places you with the dictators and tyrants who violate this democratic principle.

Also, your mechanism is problematic (for yourself). So for those that do not self-identify as Indian, and are not Indian, does that mean the Indian state should then not apply itself there? Should they be allowed to rule themselves?

Also, those women raped in Kanun Posh Pora were common citizens of India; they weren't politicised people - they lived village life. How can you be defending their rape?

Nationalism sir, nationalism. And its own survival. Why else do you think India is holding on to this wasteland?

That doesn't make it ethically right. The nation-state must serve the needs of those whom it identifies as its people, not vice-versa.
That doesn't make it ethically right. The nation-state must serve the needs of those whom it identifies as its people, not vice-versa.

A stretch from reality. India is an aspiring power and at this stage would be in no position to give up land, no matter the cost. That is a nation-state for you, the same Russia does to Chechnya, another wasteland and a complete liability.

What India can at least try to provide is a democratic framework wherein issues of the people can be solved. That is the best bet: compromise.

Out of curiosity, to which side of LoC do you belong?
A stretch from reality. India is an aspiring power and at this stage would be in no position to give up land, no matter the cost. That is a nation-state for you, the same Russia does to Chechnya, another wasteland and a complete liability.

What India can at least try to provide is a democratic framework wherein issues of the people can be solved. That is the best bet: compromise.

Out of curiosity, to which side of LoC do you belong?

I think as long as Kashmiris are left alone and article 370 stay intact then Pakistanis will not mind status quo.

But merging IoK with hindu country will not be acceptable for Pakistanis.

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