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'Namaz' itself form of yoga, says Deoband cleric

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am a devout muslim..yet I've done some yoga courses under guidance from a religious "Guru"..I remember him saying that Yoga is not religious & one can chant his own religious prayers according to his custom & believes
am a devout muslim..yet I've done some yoga courses under guidance from a religious "Guru"..I remember him saying that Yoga is not religious & one can chant his own religious prayers according to his custom & believes

Exactly it is trying to attain spirituality in what one believes. For you Allah , for me Omkara for some one something else. It is just a process to attain that is to be achieved.
"Hey I have question to the Indian members.
Does practices of yoga has any religious Implication? If so what are they?

Can some one answer my question honestly???? "

Firstly i need to clarify that the 'Yoga' being talked about is "hatha yoga" which is a physical practice.
No. (this) Yoga does not have a religious implication. These physical exercises/practices follow the maxim 'a healthy mind in a healthy body' to say it in few words. Most of (hatha) Yoga is actually centered around 'breathing' and 'concentration' rather than pure physical exercise. Chanting (religious or otherwise) is not mandated any where. Some people perform their yoga to the accompaniment of some music etc- but it does'nt figure in any rules. Probably this practice is inspired by aerobics. To each his/her own.

Apart from (hatha) Yoga there other 'practices' such as:
'Karma Yoga' - the practice governing work activity.
'Jnana Yoga'- the practice governing pursuit of knowledge.
'Raja Yoga' - the practice governing thinking.
'Bhakti Yoga' - the practice governing faith (but not limited to worship).
The intention of all these Yogas (practices) was to help an individual to lead a complete and fulfilling life. Also you can see that Religion is a small (if at all) part of the practices.

Above is just a perspective. Suggest you try other sources of information as well (not limited to personal views of individuals on the forum).

RAMDEV BABA KI JAI..................
whats the problem with people. If anyone wants and can afford yoga classes then go for it otherwise just shut up and work for earning bred.

The practice is turned into a business.
Finally someone has mentioned the unspoken truth!!!!

You live in fools paradise, go and remain there.
Quran is not derived from any other earthly book. Its a Devine book.

We believe it and if you dont, dont compare it.
Exactly it is trying to attain spirituality in what one believes. For you Allah , for me Omkara for some one something else. It is just a process to attain that is to be achieved.

yes..& it achieved good results..am off my blood pressure medicines,my waist has less fat now..and feeling good---now am more calm & humble
and will live longer :D to write more post's here INSHANALLAH !!!
yes..& it achieved good results..am off my blood pressure medicines,my waist has less fat now..and feeling good---now am more calm & humble
and will live longer :D to write more post's here INSHANALLAH !!!

When are you reducing your double chin :P :P :P
yes..& it achieved good results..am off my blood pressure medicines,my waist has less fat now..and feeling good---now am more calm & humble
and will live longer :D to write more post's here INSHANALLAH !!!

Congratulations bro :D
whats the problem with people. If anyone wants and can afford yoga classes then go for it otherwise just shut up and work for earning bred.

The practice is turned into a business.

yes..thats true..and u're not supposed to do without any instructor--and the real beuti is that unlike any other exercise one doesn't feel any tiredness or exhaustion,even no sweating at all !!
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@ ashtangi
i am a non-religious individual, but you have made an amazing and reasoned explanation of yoga and its relationship to spiritual practices.
Problem is that these Yoga classes are led by a Hindu Yogi and they are sort of leading a congregation uttering something in sanskrit, lots of Oms and what not.

Of course if you're doing in private you have the option of lets say reading surat fatiha along with it. Shouldn't bea probelm
I am surprised why a religious body as Deobandi school has to raise voice every second time to get noticed. Yoga is an ancient art that was developed in all parts of India in different form to keep fit. If someone wants to use the form, it is his personal view.

Thousands of Westerners use Yoga today despite being Christians and we don't see Vatican raising a specific case in the name of faith or declare anything. Why do these bodies like the Deobandi have to do it then?

This is just giving it a rather covert political colour. Last time, another school of thought declared 'Vande Mataram' as non-religious. These so-called religious scholars only want cheap publicity and want to upset the general communal harmony of India buy issuing such statements.

Everyone knows that Yoga was introduced thousands of years back even before Buddhism when mainstream Hinduism was the sole religion of south Asia. Just as Karate and Kung fu are practiced using its terminology, faith and mindset, so has Yoga its own philosophy which has Sanskrit origins which therefore date back to ancient Hindu scripts. What's wrong in accepting that?

Guys this is first of all a topic that should be under Social Issues and not World Affairs where strategic stuff is often discussed. Admins please take note.
"Problem is that these Yoga classes are led by a Hindu Yogi and they are sort of leading a congregation uttering something in sanskrit, lots of Oms and what not."

@ Asim Aquil
Your views/objections are understandable. But that is being done by that 'Yogi' fellow and whoever that chooses to follow him. It does not have anything to with yoga.
As individuals if we just follow the rules of yoga (as a physical practice) as it is; we can find out whether it is beneficial or not.
Since i have no religious predilection, i can do yoga as it is. While the post by 'ashtangi' explaining his preference may be perfectly acceptable to somebody, To each his/her own. Yoga happens to give that choice.
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