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Navy Gets First Kolkata-class Destroyer Today, Commissioning Soon

Sir, I feel like you are being sarcastic? Pardon me for misinterpretation.

My friend I have never been sarcastic about weapon systems that are as potent as this. Sarcasm is also the lowest form of wit.

This is a great ship. I only wish Pakistan would also engage in building stronger vessels.
MBDA-DRDO Maitri SRSAM system (VL-Mica inteceptor + Upgraded back end of abandoned Trishul SAM system) If like MICA, then it is a good 1m longer than Barak 1....

Not sure about this bit? Is there a link?
I Absolutely love the KOLKATTA look its amazing achievment india.

With the Carrier being built and the ARIHANT nuke subs we are emerging as a immense NAVAL MARITIME POWER

WE NEED to have an entire ocean to protect OUR interests
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dosen't look that stealthy.......i find type 052d better looking


Stealth isn't all in the looks ...

Does it have long range SAMs?

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