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Nawaz and Shahbaz Sharif Involved in $20 Million Bribe for K-Electric Sale.

I didn't write this post, I've taken the part concerning Pakistan in an article published in Wall Street Journal.
The sale didn't go through as the article says because before they could finalize the mode in which the $20 Million was to be paid Nawaz Sharif was disqualified. If you would have read the article you would have known this and plenty of other juicy details which I choose not to repeat.
But hey I wont blame you, I know it's very hard for Patwari's to read something and if that something is in English then, well you know then what happen's.

Sale didn’t go through because Nawaz was disqualified? You sound such a stupid poti its not even funny. Their goverment was still there along with Shabaz. Imagine someone offer you to commit sucide to make this world better place. But you don’t accept offer and still is alive.

With strong evidence like this no wonder Shabaz is being told to become witness against Asif.
Another Panama leaks in building process ...

Last I checked they are still living in their billion rupee mansions in Pakistan, they are getting bails, doing political activities, SS will also get bail, their money is protected, all these cases will be washed off and everyone will get their shares...and this drama will continue with ups and down, with grifarian and bailan and finally dismissal

tum sub log chutia bantey rehna aur next 5 years bhi yehe serial dekhna.
Last I checked they are still living in their billion rupee mansions in Pakistan, they are getting bails, doing political activities, SS will also get bail, their money is protected, all these cases will be washed off and everyone will get their shares...and this drama will continue with ups and down, with grifarian and bailan and finally dismissal

tum sub log chutia bantey rehna aur next 5 years bhi yehe serial dekhna.
Rauf Kalaasra and some other journalist claimed...another deal for the safety of two brothers came from Saudi Arabia when IK was on trip.
The sale has yet to conclude. It's actually become an embarrassing example of how we treat foreign investors. Abraaj actually went bankrupt because they couldn't close the sale in a timely manner.

So if a bribe was paid then they didn't get what they paid for! They should take the Shariffs to court over this. What sort of country is this where even bribes aren't honoured?
Goon leagi guy has no idea what he is talking about. He literally doesnot know how international journalism works. He still believes in lifafa ideology.
Sale didn’t go through because Nawaz was disqualified? You sound such a stupid poti its not even funny. Their goverment was still there along with Shabaz. Imagine someone offer you to commit sucide to make this world better place. But you don’t accept offer and still is alive.

With strong evidence like this no wonder Shabaz is being told to become witness against Asif.
I would like to ignore your indecent language as I know your upbringing is responsible for that and now it has become a habit, so it's not really your fault.
Now coming to the point Wall Street Journal is not your Geo News. They have said, they have concrete evidence of the said claims and they also published the emails in question with this article. Secondly the guy they have written the piece on is the main focus of this article not your Supreme leader. Arif Naqvi is one of the big deals in Equity market and his company has major investments from US Washington State Treasury, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and even the Queen of Jordan and many other big companies and personalities. If you would have read and understood the whole article, they have accused him of misappropriation of the funds and that he used the funds for personal benefit. If proven this would not just end his career but their is also the possibility of jail time, if Bill and Melinda Gates foundation file charges in US then many other companies would follow suit.

And if he proves that Wall Street Journal is lying, then he can get not Millions but possibly Billions in damages as in his business, reputation is everything and this article if you would be so kind to read it, completely destroys him and all his businesses. WSJ knows that if they accuse someone like him without substantial evidence then they are finished. So before you go on a rage in defending your Leader no matter what, I'll suggest you to first actually find out what this whole scandal is about.
Rauf Kalaasra and some other journalist claimed...another deal for the safety of two brothers came from Saudi Arabia when IK was on trip.

deal may have come for them but what about 1300 others who will not get deal like this, can someone tell me one person convicted for this mass corruption. I still say bhool jao kutch ne hona and in the this bigwig CJP will meet the same fate as the last Kana Kanoon we had...there is no one clean in Pakistan, NAB is the biggest topi drama, it was created by corrupt politicians to protect them and it is doing the job perfectly.
"Around the same time, Abraaj was looking to sell its stake in K-Electric Ltd., the electricity provider to Karachi. Mr. Naqvi tried to secure the cooperation of Pakistan’s then-prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, and his brother Shehbaz, offering a $20 million payment to businessman Navaid Malik for his help in getting it, according to company emails and people familiar with the situation. The government owns a stake in K-Electric and its approval would be required for the sale to go through.

Shehbaz was “willing to give a strong endorsement” of the deal to Chinese bidders, Mr. Malik said, according to an October 2015 email to Mr. Naqvi from Abraaj partner Omar Lodhi. Mr. Malik said it was “important for him to share every detail with the brothers and get their blessings as well as their instructions as to how this money should be distributed,” such as “a portion to charity” or “a portion to the election fund kitty,” Mr. Lodhi wrote in the email.

When Mr. Naqvi emailed Mr. Lodhi about the $20 million contract for Mr. Malik in June 2016, he wrote, “This document is explosive in the wrong hands.” Abraaj and K-Electric shouldn’t be named in the document, he wrote: “Keep it generic.”

“Noted,” Mr. Lodhi responded. Mr. Malik didn’t respond to requests for comment."

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