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Near pakistan border, Deesa could turn into full fledged IAF airbase: Official

hmmm not expected from you after seeing so much debate on war

That's why I don't agree to your fanboyish posts.

Firing a cruise missile is different than firing a ballastic..


Most of your cruise missiles are detectable and intercept able..

Yeah Lolzzz. Good luck with your detections and interceptions then.;)
Mr Researcher and Mr Jagjitnatt !! :smitten:

You both are correct MRLs need cordinates .... now it can be pulled out by school boy from Google Earth....

MRLs are mostly used for carpet bombing... so its effective to certain extent.... I was a general I would check with drones the position of the station (Radar , aircraft and refulling point and so on ) and first use cruise missile to take them out then MRLs for infrastructure.

Airforce Station is not only aircraft station but also one leg to move forward :bounce:.

People have to remember that now all airforce station are getting equipped with fire finder radars.... This doctrine of hitting a statio with MRLs was back in 1970 so its now obselete.... we have tried scanerio with every angles and war scanerio with our computers.

Now MRL's are becoming intelligent with chips inside for navigation but its very expensive we can't afford as the position of MRL's position can be easily picked up by the radars and recco aircraft and one accurate cruise missile can end the truck full of MRLs.
heee heee what a comedy.. Jaguars dont come alone.. And they will go home safely...

See. You didn't realize that what a big fool you looked in this post. Anyways your fanboyism is now crossing limits.

Too many wannabe military strategists in this thread and that too at the same time. :lol:
Since you talk about childish talk, let me ask you how do you think MRLS can be used to carpet bomb an airbase, refer to the jagjitnatt post and tell me you know the difference between a destruction caused by carpet bombing or multiple rocket fired by MRLS? Do you know the difference KID?

Lol.. did pinaka target an airbase during kargil. grow up kid, how you gona see where the rokets are falling to adjust them.
Secondly, can an unguided rocket be made precise this way? fire the rocket from the same location it will not fall on the same spot..

yeah yeah, and we have only cats to counter them :angel:

Two thing for you
1) get educated with this Link and google what is the use of MLRS
Multiple rocket launcher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I didnt say about Airbase in Kargil.. Is Kargil an Air base for you?? you are simply arguing ...
Too many wannabe military strategists in this thread and that too at the same time. :lol:

Most of them are from your country. Who think that IA is going to bomb Pakistani civilian cities if Pakistan attacked on IAF airbase and then it would get away with it. Lolzzz just Lolzzz.:lol:
Indian military is huge,technologically way way superior to PA,India is huge in size and Pakistan is small.

Does that fix the result of a conventional war?:azn::devil:
Two thing for you
1) get educated with this Link and google what is the use of MLRS
Multiple rocket launcher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thats amazing.. you still believe MRLS can do carpet bombing.
I think it is time to educate you.

Carpet bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is big difference between unguided bombs and rockets, and in case you believe MRLS fire unguided bombs, than God help you.

I didnt say about Airbase in Kargil.. Is Kargil an Air base for you?? you are simply arguing

You did say about MRLS carpet bombing an airbase, and since you brought Kargil here, i thought you did carpet bomb an airbase in kargil with MRLS.
Indian military is huge,technologically way way superior to PA,India is huge in size and Pakistan is small.

Does that fix the result of a conventional war?:azn::devil:

Thats amazing.. you still believe MRLS can do carpet bombing.
I think it is time to educate you.

Carpet bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is big difference between unguided bombs and rockets, and in case you believe MRLS fire unguided bombs, than God help you. I am out.

The future air attacks on enemy air bases will start with cruise/missile attacks on the base followed by massive air raids with ECM jamming craft escorted by air dominance fighters & attack jets.

In this kinda massive air raid, the one who has more jets on air + can sustain in air(read air dominance fighter) can achieve the strategic objective..

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