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#NeverForget: 11 minimalistic posters that will bring out the Pakistani in you

Liaquat Ali Khan's death had a single biggest effect on Pakistan's polity. If he was alive, Pakistan would have never seen dictatorship
Remove Malala .... a traitor should not be among the list of heroes.

malala don't deserve to be in the list, she is no more a pakistani, she lives in britian.
I do have some reservations about Malala being in the list but despite all our hatred towards her, she is youngest nobel prize holder in the world. She is in this list just because of that.

Besides, I posted the list as it was originally printed.

[HASHTAG]#NeverForget[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#PeshawarAttack[/HASHTAG]

I wonder why no one questions about the lack of interest in giving treatment to the other girls WHO WERE ALSO SHOT...and the Numerous OTHER girls who were ALSO shot BEFORE AND AFTER Malala case she seems to be blown out of proportion

Sorry to say I lost ALL respect for her when she was made a poster girl

Why hatred towards the girl ? All she ever did was getting shot, right ?
So did hundreds other children, why not the same limelight for them?
But then again, that is true for a lot many others, including the present Prime Minister of Pakistan, isn't it ? Am I missing something here ?
She is just a face they are using....We dont know where the money that she collects from AROUND THE WORLD for her fund is going....Not 1 cent has been used on the school/ area/ village/ city where she was shot....So, why use PAKISTANI GIRLS EDUCATION disguise to collect money BUT NOT use the money?

Yes, the girl who shot herself in the head for money and fame. All medical (and misc personnel) who examined the girl before she left this country were on foreign payroll. (fire and court martial half of the CMH then) You too, are affected by the fundos propaganda? Traitors are those, who created the Taliban and promoted radicalization/extremism in the country, not the victims of the menace.
Can you show me even 1 cent that she raised on the pretext of Pakistani girls education being used in Pakistan? Just 1 cent :enjoy:

And why NO ONE bothered about the OTHER people who were ALSO shot BEFORE and after her incident...when cherry pick and groom her?

What about the Peshawar kids? No Western aid coming to shake hands with them or groom them to author books to bad mouth Pakistan? :pop: You would think they suffered more trauma than her....
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Can you show me even 1 cent that she raised on the pretext of Pakistani girls education being used in Pakistan? Just 1 cent :enjoy:

And why NO ONE bothered about the OTHER people who were ALSO shot BEFORE and after her incident...when cherry pick and groom her?

What about the Peshawar kids? No Western aid coming to shake hands with them or groom them to author books to bad mouth Pakistan? :pop: You would think they suffered more trauma than her...

Such is life, not everyone gets equal fame and treatment. None of the other girls, present on the scene with her, suffered the same trauma and almost died in the incident. Only Malala's injury was so severe that doctors lost all hope and she had to be transferred outside of the country. Its only her that attackers came out to kill (confirmed it by asking for her). Only she had a history of advocating for girl's education (the main reason she was shot) before the attack. Only she survived the bullet stuck in the shoulder after travelling through the brain. There are distinctions that carry your fame through, aren't there?

Her Malala Fund was also supporting 25 orphan kids for lifetime in a project run by an organization in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Malala emphasized that her goal is to convince everybody to invest in education and in her meetings with global leaders like President Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth, she persuaded them to invest and focus on education. Malala to spend Nobel prize money on education in Pakistan - thenews.com.pk One cent, you think? :D

You would think that its not the West's duty every-time to send aid or groom them (even though in this case, most of the sufferers are dead anyways) and if that was done, half of you would have labeled Peshawar attack a foreign conspiracy too and the promoted children as agents on some agency's payroll.
She is just a face they are using....We dont know where the money that she collects from AROUND THE WORLD for her fund is going....Not 1 cent has been used on the school/ area/ village/ city where she was shot....So, why use PAKISTANI GIRLS EDUCATION disguise to collect money BUT NOT use the money?
That seems to be a valid point. However, we need to verify where the funds are actually being used, before we can come to that conclusion.
None of the other girls, present on the scene with her, suffered the same trauma and almost died in the incident
We never heard about them....How can you say this with confidence?

Only Malala's injury was so severe that doctors lost all hope and she had to be transferred outside of the country.
No one does that to EVERY OTHER child getting shot in the country! Why doesnt it make you consider why was she given "EXTRA SPECIAL" treatment...Heck if I was shot it would never reach the news let alone getting free treatment overseas!

Its only her that attackers came out to kill (confirmed it by asking for her).
Every corrupt/ person with secrets in Pakistan seeking asylum in the West says the same...its a quick ticket abroad :tup:

Only she had a history of advocating for girl's education (the main reason she was shot) before the attack.
She was unknown before the attack!

Only she survived the bullet stuck in the shoulder after travelling through the brain. There are distinctions that carry your fame through, aren't there?
I never knew that the shoulder was that close to the brain that being shot in the brain can move the bullet to the shoulder without causing any damage to the brain :unsure:

Can some doctor please explain the journey the bullet took from brain to shoulder :unsure:

@Gufi @Emmie @Manticore @chauvunist

Her Malala Fund was also supporting 25 orphan kids for lifetime in a project run by an organization in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Malala emphasized that her goal is to convince everybody to invest in education and in her meetings with global leaders like President Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth, she persuaded them to invest and focus on education. Malala to spend Nobel prize money on education in Pakistan - thenews.com.pk One cent, you think? :D
Yes we all know this ....I am asking where is the cent going? You would think she is getting this much publicity her work would show, no? :undecided:

You would think that its not the West's duty every-time to send aid or groom them (even though in this case, most of the sufferers are dead anyways) and if that was done, half of you would have labeled Peshawar attack a foreign conspiracy too and the promoted children as agents on some agency's payroll.
No we would have a comparable walking talking Malala to justify how she had managed and yes it does happen to every tom dick and harry shot by terrorists!

However, we need to verify where the funds are actually being used, before we can come to that conclusion.
So far nothing has been disclosed and I am not the only one saying she is just the face
We never heard about them....How can you say this with confidence?

You mean you didn't, most of us did. The other two girls wounded in the girl, talked to the media afterwards, their condition was stable.

No one does that to EVERY OTHER child getting shot in the country! Why doesnt it make you consider why was she given "EXTRA SPECIAL" treatment...Heck if I was shot it would never reach the news let alone getting free treatment overseas!

Cest Lavie! You are highly mistaken if you think that everyone is treated fairly by life. Why her and not me isn't a valid reason to declare someone traitor or raise suspicions on a person/thing.

Every corrupt/ person with secrets in Pakistan seeking asylum in the West says the same...its a quick ticket abroad :tup:

You live in the West, miss. Whats the reason for acting like Pakistanis to declare everything a conspiracy? There are multiple witnesses of the attack, a whole van of school girls who have bore testimony to the fact.

She was unknown before the attack!

No, she wasn't. A blogger for BBC, perhaps the only one in Swat doesn't count as unknown. Not popular perhaps.

I never knew that the shoulder was that close to the brain that being shot in the brain can move the bullet to the shoulder without causing any damage to the brain :unsure:

Can some doctor please explain the journey the bullet took from brain to shoulder :unsure:

@Gufi @Emmie @Manticore @chauvunist

After the shooting, Yousafzai was airlifted to a military hospital in Peshawar, where doctors were forced to begin operating after swelling developed in the left portion of her brain, which had been damaged by the bullet when it passed through her head.[47] After a five-hour operation, doctors successfully removed the bullet, which had lodged in her shoulder near her spinal cord. The day following the attack, doctors performed a decompressive craniectomy, in which part of the skull is removed to allow room for the brain to swell.[48] -Wiki

Yes we all know this ....I am asking where is the cent going? You would think she is getting this much publicity her work would show, no? :undecided:

You asked for a cent of money she spent in the education of children in Pakistan, didn't you?

No we would have a comparable walking talking Malala to justify how she had managed and yes it does happen to every tom dick and harry shot by terrorists!

Would she be a hero if she died in the attack by Taliban (Pakistanis beloved)? Or even then my dear countrymen would have raised suspicions, believed that the girl shot herself, called as a foreign agent and labelled it all a conspiracy?
You would think that its not the West's duty every-time to send aid or groom them (even though in this case, most of the sufferers are dead anyways) and if that was done, half of you would have labeled Peshawar attack a foreign conspiracy too and the promoted children as agents on some agency's payroll.
Since u mentioned 'west's duty', so imust remind ppl of conflicting attitudes of west, salala and malala.

Not too hard to guess things now.
Since u mentioned 'west's duty', so imust remind ppl of conflicting attitudes of west, salala and malala.

Not too hard to guess things now.

They apologized, right?

And there's no evidence that it was deliberate or intentional.
She was very attractive before she was shot, when she first appeared on the media. Same attractive were her talks. She was girl of ambition and the only girl that challenged taliban effectively. Not every girl had such guts.

It would be better if she makes her base camp in Pakistan. Not let anyone hijack herself, currently West. She must retain her uniqueness and identity of 'girl of Pakistan'.
They apologized, right?

And there's no evidence that it was deliberate or intentional.




Move on shamain move on, not worth ur time, wow just wow ,intentional or deliberate wow, u carry hellfire missiles to attack a chek post and yet its not deliberate. Wow just wow.

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