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Nitish wins hearts in Pakistan, narrates ‘Bihar growth story’


Jul 6, 2009
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The Hindu : News / National : Nitish wins hearts in Pakistan, narrates

Our bilateral relations are witnessing an all-round progress, the Bihar Chief Minister said at a luncheon hosted by Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah.

Taking the India-Pakistan dialogue beyond the foreign policy discourse and Track II interactions to nut-and-bolt governance issues at the provincial level, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Saturday captured the attention of Sindh’s political class with an easy narration of the `Bihar growth story’ and repeated underscoring of the shared history and heritage of the two countries.

And, for the greater part of the day, Mr. Kumar had on the Sindhi cap and `ajrak’ (traditional Sindhi wrap) -- a sure way of winning hearts and minds in the province – that was presented to him by Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah. Though he had come prepared with a detailed speech on the Bihar turnaround for the seminar on experience-sharing between the two provinces, he set it aside to engage with the gathering of politicians from across the political spectrum.

Though he made no reference to the violence in Karachi, Mr. Kumar dwelt at length on how his administration had addressed the law and order situation in Bihar; stressing the importance of peace at every level for development. Among the governance issues that he flagged and measures adopted in Bihar, the Sindh politicians evinced interest in the Right to Public Services Act and the manner in which the Right to Information has been implemented in the State.

Mr. Kumar – who arrived in Karachi on Friday evening – began his day with a visit to the `mazar’ of Pakistan’s founding father Mohammad Ali Jinnah where he offered `fateha’ (prayer for the dead). He also visited Mohatta Palace – which housed the Pakistan Foreign Ministry immediately after Partition and is now a museum – where he commented on the cultural links between the two nations; a recurrent observation through the day.

Writing in the Visitor’s Book, he said: ``The visit to Mohatta Palace built in the tradition of stone palaces of Rajasthan in India has reinforced my belief that the cultural links between our two nations are abiding which is central to our history. If we shared a common past, it is wise to share a common future regardless of geographical boundaries.’’

Mr. Kumar is on a week-long visit to the country on the invitation of not just the federal government but also the provincial governments of Sindh and Punjab. The invitation was extended to him during a visit of a Pakistani parliamentary delegation to Bihar four months back and this engagement at the ``sub-national level’’ was encouraged by the Prime Minister’s Office and the External Affairs Ministry as it builds on the initiative taken by Manmohan Singh to build peace with Pakistan.

Besides meetings with President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Raja Parvez Ashraf, former premier Nawaz Sharif and cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan, his visit is also scheduled to take him to Mohenjo Daro, Taxila, Katas Raj Temple, the sufi shrine Data Darbar, Gurudwara Dera Sahib and the Samadhi of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
Nice. I wish more leaders from both sides take up such confidence-building exercises

Modi and nitish are of same age but that doesn't make him man with same personality, modi has achieved a lot and nitish has just started it....

I think its the other way around. Modi has indeed "achieved" a lot, but he is being encouraged in the wrong direction - he should instead be directed to courts for confession. To escape from this, he has been fudging his growth and development figures too: Why dont I prefer Modi?

You should read that thread, and see if you can reply there as to why the economic and social indicator data in the blog link posted there tells a different story as compared to Modi PR machinery's usual rant.
The blog on Why dont I prefer Modi is biased. In my book, both Nitish and Modi are good leaders but they have to up their game to be a good PM material. Modi uses a lot of media machinery to generate the hype around him and Nitish uses tactics to suppress any negativity about his governance. Both use media in a way that can be questioned and it is a matter of perception at the end of the day. Nitish has his focus on rejuvenating the grass roots by hard work and Modi has a visionary plan and some experience in execution to transform regions in to sustained growth engines.

If India has to progress, we need such leaders to work together and not against one another.
If India has to progress, we need such leaders to work together and not against one another.
ITs not Modi who is playing into the hands of the Muslim vote bank its Nitish.

And if my intuition is correct i would see them joining hands eventually after there win is secured ,forming a govt with a Muslim representation aka Nitish.
Muslims cant afford to remain unrepresented in the new govt and im betting its Nitish tht take the lead here.

Nitish is only trying to gain power in the next govt formation by putting a good number of ppl behind him and where modi would not have Muslim votes Nitish will.
call me a nut ,but i think its orchestrated.

Smart Politicians dont do a U turn just on there own whims. Once a Modi supporter turns anti modi overnight?
The blog on Why dont I prefer Modi is biased. In my book, both Nitish and Modi are good leaders but they have to up their game to be a good PM material. .....

If India has to progress, we need such leaders to work together and not against one another.

What do you mean biased? Are the numbers wrong? If you have a valid counter-argument please do post it there - merely brushing it aside as biased is not a valid response. Those are not some esoteric numbers pulled out of complicated statistical cookbooks - those are some very basic indicators of socio- and economic- growth, which even Modi and his team has been using all the time but not completely (ie. Modi is right when he says gujarat is one of the fastest growing states, but hides the fact that it was always one of the fastest growing even in the decades preceding Modi, and his contribution to its improvement were in fact less than some other states. Not to mention fall in literacy and human development rankings etc).

IMO, there are enough clean and efficient administrators (including the one in your profilepic) who have potential to be leaders. We can certainly get rid of those blood-tainted ones who should rightly be in jail instead of wooing voters (be it Modi or Rajiv).
Nitish started off well but fell into the quagmire of votebank politics.

He started out with a great promise but now has become the very people he refused to become.

Modi has maintained his dignity while walks tall ahead with a caliber of his own. Right now, only Pawan Kumar Chamling here in Sikkim and Parrikar of Goa, match that caliber.

Nitish simply lost it out too early.
Hope to nitish help those bihari families which went to pakistan after 1947 reclaim their forefathers' property they left back in bihar.
Hope to nitish help those bihari families which went to pakistan after 1947 reclaim their forefathers' property they left back in bihar.

WHat about Punjabi and Bengali families who left forefather's property in Pak/Bangladesh? If that happened, Hindus would be ruling Bengal, Punjab and Sindh like the pre-partition days, which is exactly why partition happened :hang2:
Hope to nitish help those bihari families which went to pakistan after 1947 reclaim their forefathers' property they left back in bihar.

I was wondering when will you post and bingo!!.
As far as Biharis are concerned, even I hope so. Then, many thousands of Sindhis/ Punjabis and Bengalis (from E.Pak) will also get there share of property and assets in Pakistan. Remember, in pre-partition days, Gujaratis/ Sindhis were the richest folks in southern Pakistan/Karachi. :azn:
What do you mean biased? Are the numbers wrong? If you have a valid counter-argument please do post it there - merely brushing it aside as biased is not a valid response. Those are not some esoteric numbers pulled out of complicated statistical cookbooks - those are some very basic indicators of socio- and economic- growth, which even Modi and his team has been using all the time but not completely (ie. Modi is right when he says gujarat is one of the fastest growing states, but hides the fact that it was always one of the fastest growing even in the decades preceding Modi, and his contribution to its improvement were in fact less than some other states. Not to mention fall in literacy and human development rankings etc).

IMO, there are enough clean and efficient administrators (including the one in your profilepic) who have potential to be leaders. We can certainly get rid of those blood-tainted ones who should rightly be in jail instead of wooing voters (be it Modi or Rajiv).

Clearly u don't know much, ur perceptions are indeed based off bias and reinforced with some opposition accusations.
where a supporter would believe the data given by modi ,a non supporter would concentrate on the anti-propaganda.
Frankly no one really knows what the real facts are.

If u want to easily determine who the competent one is , just look at there respective coverage among external intelligentsia because they react in a specific kind of conducive environment.

As to ur reference to jaitley being honest , try looking up Bellary.

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