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No ceasefire violation along LoC in Kashmir since February


Sep 20, 2014
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There has been no ceasefire violation along the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir since the reiteration of the agreement between the armies of India and Pakistan in February this year, a top Army official here said on Monday.

General Officer Commanding (GoC) of the Army’s Srinagar-based 15 Corps or Chinar Corps, Lt Gen D P Pandey, said there have been some infiltration attempts, but unlike previous years they have not been “adequately supported” by ceasefire violations.
“The ceasefire violations have not increased. This year there has been none (ceasefire violation). At least in the Kashmir Valley, there has been zero,” the GoC told reporters on the sidelines of a function here.

Lt Gen Pandey said while there has been no instigation from Pakistan, the Indian Army is totally alert and prepared to respond appropriately to any ceasefire violation.
“We are totally prepared for ceasefire violations, if anything happens, we are all set to respond appropriately. But, frankly, there has been no instigation from across the border,” he said.

Asked about infiltration attempts made by militants from across the LoC this year, the Army officer said there have hardly been any successful attempts.

“There have been some attempts. Unlike previous years, these have not been adequately supported (by ceasefire violations). There have hardly been any successful attempts, only about two attempts have succeeded. One was neutralised in Bandipora and we are looking for the second one,” he said.

Referring to the search operation launched by the Army along the LoC in Uri sector in Baramulla district of north Kashmir, the GoC said the operation has been ongoing for the last 24 hours after “we felt that there is an infiltration attempt which has been made”.

“We are looking for them…are they on this side or have gone back after making an attempt, that issue has not yet been clarified or verified on the ground,” he said.

Lt Gen Pandey, however, said the force was alert to foil any infiltration attempt.

“I can assure you that we are quite alert . Our troops on the ground are totally alert and we will ensure that minimal infiltration takes place whenever they attempt,” he said.

India and Pakistan had agreed to the strict observance of all agreements, understandings and ceasefire along the Line of Control and all other sectors with effect from the February 24-25 midnight 2021.

Asked about infiltration attempts made by militants from across the LoC this year, the Army officer said there have hardly been any successful attempts.

So basically what ever is happening inside India is their own internal terrorism.
Is India is going to cast their vote in FATF for Pakistan now?? 😊
so many soldiers are alive today because of this CF
True.. but do you think Kashmiris are paying the price? Or CF can stop official discrimination/brutality/atrocity to Kashmiris sooner or later? However, any small intrusion won't help the cause but keeps things hot. So, I assume CF is better as only int pressure or war can liberate Kashmir and we should only be vocal about it.
This ceasefire has been a delight from Indian perspective. Perhaps the most significant diplomatic progress that GOI has achieved in its entire tenure thus far.
This ceasefire has been a delight from Indian perspective. Perhaps the most significant diplomatic progress that GOI has achieved in its entire tenure thus far.
what was your age in 2003 ? :lol:
Pakistan declares Kashmir cease-fire

Monday, November 24, 2003 Posted: 0130 GMT ( 9:30 AM HKT)

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) -- Pakistan's prime minister declared a unilateral cease-fire with Indian forces Sunday in the disputed Himalayan territory of Kashmir, to take effect at the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Prime Minister Zafarullah Khan Jamali's office said the cease-fire will begin with the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr, which ends Ramadan. The holiday will take place Wednesday or Thursday, depending on the call of clerics who sight a new moon.

Indian and Pakistani forces routinely trade fire across the U.N.-drawn Line of Control that separates Kashmir.

An Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman said his government will issue a response on Monday, according to Reuters.

More than a dozen guerrilla groups have been battling Indian rule in Kashmir almost since independence from Britain and the creation of Pakistan in 1947.

Indian officials estimate 38,000 people have been killed during the 11-year military insurgency and blame Pakistan for stoking the conflict, a charge Islamabad denies.

India says Pakistan trains, arms and funds the militants and orders them to attack Indian military and civilian targets.

Pakistan says it only extends moral support to groups campaigning for the Kashmiri people's right to self-determination.

The two countries -- both of whom tested nuclear weapons in 1998 -- have fought three wars since independence from Britain, two of them over Kashmir.

Last year the two sides stood on the brink of war following an attack on India's parliament building that New Delhi blamed on Islamic militant groups backed by Pakistan.

Tensions have eased somewhat recently, with the two countries moving to restore travel links and allow sports competitions.

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