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No one wants to lend them Money - Says PM Modi

He does not praise baniyas. He is telling the truth. India used Ukraine war to save upto 40 billion dollars by bying cheap oli, while c.ward Pakis lied on the ground. Digest the truth, Pak is a coward nations with coward rulers.
Yes Pakistan is a coward nation that's why Pakistan defeated india nato isaf russia america britain and all the proxy wars initiated by above proxies and their proxy countries unlike india which hides behind russia israel america iran backs and which coward india can't digest Pakistan getting weapons from other countries the whole world knows india is the biggest coward shrud cry baby of this universe
You are as delusionist as most Pakistanis are. The only way the USSR was defeated bcz whole world including the USA was against the USSR, a similar thing is happening in Ukraine. The only reason the US left Afghanistan was that it needed to check China and was not interested in desert land. A single call from Washington makes your generals and govt to piss in their pants and lie on their knees. Unless and until you come out of this Pak army superior mentality your condition will never improve. Your army is only good at making DHA plots and making **** videos of opponents.
Then why are you here in Pakistan defence forum haan you indian slumdog wanna be suffering from inferiority complex like all indians
First of after I got Banned for such mini-reason by the Moderators & I want to point out I am a Strong Patriot supporter of Pakistan Country & in return I get treated like this? Now not to make this into major scandal I want to highlight similarities between PDF staff & Pakistan Hakoomat administration is the sole reason why our wonderful nation is where it is. Secondly, before thinking about their actions they should instead look at the history of Patriotic PDF Users (who such as myself) post regular topic thread instead of time passers who ONLY replies?

Now PM Modi taking a critical role against PM Shabaz for his actions on economy.
The a$$hole chiwala gujarat massacre speaks wow lolz.

He does not praise baniyas. He is telling the truth. India used Ukraine war to save upto 40 billion dollars by bying cheap oli, while c.ward Pakis lied on the ground. Digest the truth, Pak is a coward nations with coward rulers.

You are the coward behind the screen hero and so is your coward nation watch your language around here your disrespecting Pakistan and its people here won't go too long so save the hero BS for bollywood.
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Modi is knee deep in Adani fiasco.
and as always, ready solution to Modi's problems is to divert attention to Pakistan.
May be but still the size and robustness of Indian Economy will be able to absorb the turbulence although Modi may not.
First of all i am not Indian, second Pakistan people are co.ward. In any other country if a popular leader is disposed and a honest journal is killed in broad day light, every one in the country would be on streets . People of Pakistan knows who killed him and also tried to assassinate IK. But you people didn't have courage to take on streets and teach Generals a lesson. A tiny nation of Srilanka were more brave than 22 crore Pakistanis. Keep dreaming about Ghazwa Hind. The only war Pak army has won is against its people.

You are the coward wherever you are from and are being reported start welcoming your band on here jerkoff !!!!!!!!!

First of all i am not Indian, second Pakistan people are co.ward. In any other country if a popular leader is disposed and a honest journal is killed in broad day light, every one in the country would be on streets . People of Pakistan knows who killed him and also tried to assassinate IK. But you people didn't have courage to take on streets and teach Generals a lesson. A tiny nation of Srilanka were more brave than 22 crore Pakistanis. Keep dreaming about Ghazwa Hind. The only war Pak army has won is against its people.
Your english sucks really bad bro big time i mean damn ... go learn how to speak and write it before playing hero here lolz lmao.
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The a$$hole chiwala gujarat massacre speaks wow lolz.
To be honest, the out burst of Modi against Shabaz govt after all this time since regime change took place last year in February, goes to show India & their current situation is not that good either whether for reasons or X,Y,Z.
I mean to elaborate India could have played the Anti-Pakistan narrative much earlier when Regime change took over last February. That to me looks like the Pakistan govt + Indian govt are playing on the same side of coin hence corrupt to not to initiate a conflict with each other.
First of all i am not Indian, second Pakistan people are co.ward. In any other country if a popular leader is disposed and a honest journal is killed in broad day light, every one in the country would be on streets . People of Pakistan knows who killed him and also tried to assassinate IK. But you people didn't have courage to take on streets and teach Generals a lesson. A tiny nation of Srilanka were more brave than 22 crore Pakistanis. Keep dreaming about Ghazwa Hind. The only war Pak army has won is against its people.
makes acc
posts 13 yr old hater crap
gets banned
Indians at it again
First of after I got Banned for such mini-reason by the Moderators & I want to point out I am a Strong Patriot supporter of Pakistan Country & in return I get treated like this? Now not to make this into major scandal I want to highlight similarities between PDF staff & Pakistan Hakoomat administration is the sole reason why our wonderful nation is where it is. Secondly, before thinking about their actions they should instead look at the history of Patriotic PDF Users (who such as myself) post regular topic thread instead of time passers who ONLY replies?

Now PM Modi taking a critical role against PM Shabaz for his actions on economy.

he is simply mentioning bad effects of taking too many loans on very hard terms without thinking viability of the projects .
The only one who looks retarded is you. I am more educated than you, if you want to meet in person I am ready. You seem to be one of those pakistanis whose father was in the army and made it to the US by selling DHA plots or state secrets.

You are one dumb retarded person and a coward ready to meet in person lolz lmao ok hero save the drama you are going be band here soon have a jerkoff day !!
The only one who looks retarded is you. I am more educated than you, if you want to meet in person I am ready. You seem to be one of those pakistanis whose father was in the army and made it to the US by selling DHA plots or state secrets.

You can hardly read, write speak english you coward / fag and don't try to get personal about my family or i will smash your face in in two pieces and stick them up your ugly *** lolz so i don't think you want to meet in person you are nothing but a jerkoff not worth my time so jerkoff lolz.
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PDMers will say, its a case of lenders not having enough money to lend.
good one.

I feel you need MBS treatment theraphy for all the establishment partners.... volunteer monies and face the rivers to be drowned.

in good conscience, how have the people let the status quo remain this way.
May be but still the size and robustness of Indian Economy will be able to absorb the turbulence although Modi may not.

Actually no.
Indian economy is like a train, and yes the train is getting bigger.
but the bigger it gets, the easier it is to derail.

India as yet, is not a production house as such, and it is the services sector that actually
ropes in most of the foreign currency.

Unrest, political or otherwise is enough to shake those pillars.

and you can write my words; the day indians try to be naughty, the americans will
swiftly do what they have done so far to us and many others.
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