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North East Asian Union? Exploring the potential of an NEA integration

maybe one day we Indians also form one single Economic Union...

It would be to the best interest of all South Asians for their respective individual national governments to work together through any capacity. Rising above the fray, so to say, my friend.
@Nihonjin1051 there is an Ancient Indian saying in Sanskrit :

संघे शक्ति कलौयुग

Meaning: Unity is strength

Very poignant, my friend. I also like the old Vedic saying, preserved in Sanskrit, which reverberates the truth:

वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam


"the world is one family"
Yea obvious

You have defeated mind

Go to Japan forum we active there not really post much in English forum just read read read a lot

nice to meet you friend.

prove me wrong.. I don't see any good signs in the news lately.. as far i am concern.

i'm filipino-american , so i would love to see asia in peace. & america would is too busy in middle east & russia. America prefers to have peace in asia too..
この日中の未来を考える会にとって礎といっても過言ではないイベントがなんと!来年、西暦2016年に復活します!もう一度あの感動を体験したい!もう一 度水上へ赴きたい!数々の有識者の声を拾い、みなかみ町の強力バックアップも構築して、ますますの鋭意工夫を凝らして、地域と町の新規発展と、日中のさら なる友好親善を生み出すという思いを形にしました。


「~日中友好親善~ 水上温泉おいで祭り参加ツアー」映


@Arryn @TaiShang @Pangu @yoshi.oda @Shotgunner51

@yoshi.oda ---- いいね!ふたたび! ;)


My friend , we have a saying in Japan for fonder collaboration between our two fraternal civilizations and peoples: Proud to be East Asian ! Proud of our East Asian Cohesion !





Thks for sharing bro. They may perhaps be the true foundation of Sino-Japanese revival, the future is in their hands & it looks bright. :tup:
As much as I like the idea of an East Asian integration I simply do not see it materializing anytime soon. Reason being the US imperialist empire is still deeply entrenched in the very area. South Korea hosting some 30,000 U.S. soldiers from the Cold War era, Japan hosting dozens of U.S. military bases and of course the continue proliferation of weapons all over the Asia Pacific by the U.S..

As long as the U.S. Imperialist empire is present in Asia Pacific / East Asia there will never be a dedicated integration of Asian nations to form something like EU type bloc.

My friend, at times, anti-historical forces help move history to the right direction. They have a role to play, so to speak. We may choose to see the military presence of the US as an anti-historical moment which carries in itself the very rationale to be ended.

The US military presence in East Asia, too, creates its own logic to be displaced. Like Marx said about the capitalist system being its own grave-digger.

Political consciousness may not be earned without a cost. The cost we are deemed to play, as it seems, the heavy legacy of colonialism (China's century-long humiliation at the hands of a bunch of Western powers, Japan's continued subdued status, Korea's division dilemma etc.).

What the theorists and analysts of East Asia (those with independent and critical mind) are tasked to do, among others, is to utilize the existing historical anomaly to, first, correct it, and then, progress further. Thus, as @Nihonjin1051 very philosophically does, let's consider the US military presence as a catalyzer to drive regional integration even more strongly rather than as an impediment that, fatalistically, will keep us in this anti-historical state for ever.

History needs movers, my friend, be them negative (US military presence) or positive (economic integration in East Asia). We must be able to utilize both of them to guide historical progress into the direction we desire.

この日中の未来を考える会にとって礎といっても過言ではないイベントがなんと!来年、西暦2016年に復活します!もう一度あの感動を体験したい!もう一 度水上へ赴きたい!数々の有識者の声を拾い、みなかみ町の強力バックアップも構築して、ますますの鋭意工夫を凝らして、地域と町の新規発展と、日中のさら なる友好親善を生み出すという思いを形にしました。


「~日中友好親善~ 水上温泉おいで祭り参加ツアー」映


@Arryn @TaiShang @Pangu @yoshi.oda @Shotgunner51

@yoshi.oda ---- いいね!ふたたび! ;)


My friend , we have a saying in Japan for fonder collaboration between our two fraternal civilizations and peoples: Proud to be East Asian ! Proud of our East Asian Cohesion !





Beautiful images! Let youngsters meet up more as we promote the theoretical foundations of the NEA greater integration. Theory and practice, the praxeological beauty of Northeast Asian history.

@Nihonjin1051 , why would not this thread be made sticky? @Hu Songshan
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Go to Japan forum we active there not really post much in English forum just read read read a lot

Any specific forum? I'm actually curious to see and read it. My Japanese comprehension isn't great but I can get by if its just reading and not slang.

SAME Words in English Chinese Japanese & Korean

Wonderful video!
Hope you gonna like this too, it may help you one day.

These are entertaining, but I preferred the one with explicit comparisons from native speakers. That one was cute and heart warming.

We have to remember that outside of great power politics Chinese, Americans, Koreans, and Japanese aren't that different, certainly not in the eyes of, for example, extraterrestrials. We are all human and peaceful existence is not only possible, it is preferred by most of the population of all countries.
Exactly. If you take notes about how many minutes in a day you talk politics with friends vs other stuffs, then it is pretty clear that it is a bit crazy for us trying to kill each others here because of politics.

These are entertaining, but I preferred the one with explicit comparisons from native speakers. That one was cute and heart warming.

We have to remember that outside of great power politics Chinese, Americans, Koreans, and Japanese aren't that different, certainly not in the eyes of, for example, extraterrestrials. We are all human and peaceful existence is not only possible, it is preferred by most of the population of all countries.
Right now this NEA trio needs to come up with the answer quickly to answer the challenge of AlphaGo. So far, one of our best has been beaten by the machine 3 to 1.

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