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Norway massacre: Breivik declared insane

with internet he will have a virtual wife :D
don't you think the have the PlayStation in the jails there? :partay:

but jail is a jail dear i think even this jail no one like to stay in luxury room for long time .freedom is something which is expensive then tons of gold and diamonds for me.
how the hell your religion had been targeted in this particular incident. go and check the list the UN banned terrorist organisations you will have your answers. Fact of the matter -- muslims are killing each other in the world. Libya, egypt, syria , pakistan (sectarian violence) etc are the example.

---------- Post added at 01:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 AM ----------

post reported

Oh ya pls by all means, no problemo I don't give a damn if u report it to OBAMA:police:, who gives a sh-it
who cares if he is declared insane, we all will look at him as a terrorist...

beside, it is good for us. now he has to spend the rest of his life after prison in some psycho hospital :)

by the way vikrams, those two last photos isn't a prison. you can clearly see it, the one is a kitchen in some house and in the other one you can practically walk right outside the window :D
The Super-Lux Super Max

From flat-screen TVs to jogging trails, here's where Norway's accused mass murderer could end up


Norway's unrepentant mass killer, Anders Behring Breivik, is now under arrest. And he should count himself lucky for -- if entirely undeserving of -- a penal system in that country that is among the cushiest in the world. There's no capital punishment, and the longest jail term allowed is 21 years (a caveat: if a prisoner is deemed to still be a threat, his sentence can be extended in five-year blocks indefinitely, though it's highly unlikely, according to Norwegian officials). In Norway, rehabilitation is the guiding principle, not punishment -- a somewhat difficult notion to swallow given the gravity and callousness of his crimes.

"Both society and the individual simply have to put aside their desire for revenge, and stop focusing on prisons as places of punishment and pain," one Norwegian prison official told the Daily Mail. "Depriving a person of their freedom for a period of time is sufficient punishment in itself without any need whatsoever for harsh prison conditions."

Norway's newest jail may hold rapists and murderers, but Halden Prison -- the country's second largest and most secure facility -- looks more like a posh sleepaway camp. In fact, architects say they purposely tried to avoid an "institutional feel." When it opened in 2010, some news accounts called it the "most humane" prison in the world.

Indeed, one of the many perks at Halden is flat-screen televisions in inmates' rooms. There's no HBO, though, so reruns of Oz and The Wire are contraband. Still, prisoners get private cells with mini-fridges and large windows to let in more sunlight. Here, then, is a quick tour of what luxuries may await Breivik behind bars. (That's a figure of speech, of course: There are no iron bars at Halden.)


risoners spend a lot of time out of their cells; exercise is encouraged. And in Halden, not only is there clean air but personal trainers. Here, a comely woman coach jogs alongside an inmate in the prison yard. According to Time magazine, the prison is spread over 75 acres "of gently sloping forest.… To avoid an institutional feel, exteriors are not concrete but made of bricks, galvanized steel and larch; the buildings seem to have grown organically from the woodlands.


Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison? Please. At Halden, the inmates can form their own band. And what's more, they can lay down an album in the prison's professional recording studio.


The prison boasts a state-of-the-art gym, complete with a rock-climbing wall. No word yet on whether there's a class on tunneling.



An inmate in his private bathroom -- one of many amenities that make Halden feel more like a college dorm than a prison.


and where are ''suspected'' taleban/al qaeda prisoners (many who were completely innocent and illegally detained --such as Al Jazeera's Sami ul Hajj) end up at

insane or whatever they should interogate him and arrest other people of the organisation which were invovle in the incident.

Make the investigation public so that we know who was behind all the mess he created.

I am sure he on his own cannot do this type of thing , he had help from somwhere and they should look in to that side of the story.
how the hell your religion had been targeted in this particular incident. go and check the list the UN banned terrorist organisations you will have your answers. Fact of the matter -- muslims are killing each other in the world. Libya, egypt, syria , pakistan (sectarian violence) etc are the example.

What do you mean by how the hell my religion of which i am damn proud of had been targeted in this particular incident want to know ? then listen this guy Breivik was an islamophobic yes he hated Islam & its rise in Europe for which he went on a cleansing purification spree by killing more then 70 innocent kids (sick) & which United Nation are you talking about ? that United Nation which kept its mouth shut when Muslims were being butchered in Palestine pregnant women were being bulldozed right in their house with their children dying in their fetus after being squashed by those Israeli bulldozers ,tanks , which United Nations are you talking about ? that United Nation which was sleeping when more then millions of innocent men,women,children & elders were being cluster bombed in Iraq those bastards dint even spare babies which United Nation are you talking about? that united nation which sealed its mouth with squash tape when more then 2000 Muslims were being burnt alive in Gujarat in 2002 where was the United Nation then ? was Ariel Sharon,Benjamin netanyahu who brutally killed thousands of innocent men,women & children in Palestine were they tried by the United Nations ? was George w bush Jr & dick cheney tried was tony Blair tried for their crime against humanity of killing millions of Muslims in Iraq & Afghanistan ,& by the way the United Nation has actually "NOT" done any thing about these crime's against muslims millions of them ! then what right does the United Nations have to label Muslims as terrorist ? when it has it self failed to deliver justice to Muslims is it that "the good for nothing" United Nations the one you are talking about ? well then dear you can take those United Nation charters & be happy with them for me those papers are not even worth the weight to wipe my A$$ of with it

hope you got your answer
who cares if he is declared insane, we all will look at him as a terrorist...

beside, it is good for us. now he has to spend the rest of his life after prison in some psycho hospital :)

by the way vikrams, those two last photos isn't a prison. you can clearly see it, the one is a kitchen in some house and in the other one you can practically walk right outside the window :D

it is the modern civilized western white sophisticated individuals paradise......their lifes are valuable .we can't understand that, itz complicated.

stop shouting for this poor chaps head. it is much valuable and he didn't meant to harm anybody, was just purifying his race

if a head is your problem, they have got plenty heads of children harvested from middle east in their account .
you people can select one or two from it according to your wish .

and shhhhhhhh!!!! don't utter a word against this poor guy, some people are getting really angry.you may be labeled as barbarian,radical,fanatic, fundamentalist and ultimately, suspected terrorist.

and you know what happens to a suspected terrorist, Guantanamo.....

and over all this might be a very glad news for the European AS$kissers.

Utoya turns out to be an island where heavily pro Palestinian activities were taking place and it is NO secret in Norway

not entirely true... it was a youth party of the leading party in Norway, not a rally for Palestine. although they lean more towards the Palestinian side than the Israeli!

they where there to teach politics and have fun or whatever.

i myself can't stand that party...
i said pro Palestinian activity; i didnt use the word 'rally'

whatever it is, it hadn't anything to do with Palestine.

they where there to learn politics and have fun they state... could do whatever they wanted for that sake! wouldn't change the mind of the killer!

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