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Norway massacre: Breivik declared insane

someone who's been on the forum too long to know the difference between useful posters (versus deadweights like you)

get lost; nobody cares what you have to say here
If he had done the same crime in US, ASIA or anywhere in the world where death penalty is applicable he would have received a death penalty for sure..but Norway believes in rehabilitation of the criminals after all it is norway who has lost her kids.

How you people out-rightly rejected the notion of him being insane ? The argument you are putting that he is a non-muslim which I guess is insane.

And it's flawed justice.

Had he been a Muslim, he would've automatically been declared a terrorist. It's as simple as that whether you like it or not!
LOL... Did he committed this cruelty because of his religious belief unlike "other" people do on the name of religion and called it Jihad against the enemy of Islam. This guy was suffering from islamophobia but he was not motivated by his religion's belief.

---------- Post added at 11:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 PM ----------

try to read the post in the context of the debate. I don't need to spoon feed you ..go figure it out.

yes genius, he did commit this cruelty because of his religious belief.

If someone is Islamophobic, their motivation for taking part in Islamophobic acts would be religion. It's not difficult to work this out.

---------- Post added at 07:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:28 PM ----------

I've not met a more stupid bunch than some Indians on internet forums.

They seem to stand by Breicik quite a bit without realizing Breivik probably would have shot Indians on sight if he had the chance.
LOL...Did he killed muslims because he believes that they are infidels ? He was not motivated by his religious beliefs. This was more of a criminal offence rather than a act of terrorism like we see shoot out in school campuses.

U failed to see the motive behind his killings..............he killed all those people and make it look like they were killed by Alqaeda or sumthing .........if he was sucessful in doing that then whole bunch of police force after the millions of Muslims living peacefully in Norway.

But Thanks to Allah , this crazy person got caught by the security agencies .
LOL...Did he killed muslims because he believes that they are infidels ? He was not motivated by his religious beliefs. This was more of a criminal offence rather than a act of terrorism like we see shoot out in school campuses.

It's difficult to explain this to you. You're not going to understand it.

Terrorism is picking out innocent targets and terrorizing them, as Breivik did. So it was terrorism.

His belief was that Europe was a Christian continent. He believed Islam was going to change that. He then attacked people he believed would aid Muslims. So it was his belief that to save his religion he needed to commit the terrorist act.

To put it more simply for you, since you will not understand the above, consider this. If a white Frenchman attacks and kills a white Frenchman that smuggles in black people into France, but becomes friends with another white Frenchman that smuggles white people into France, is the man not motivated by racial hatred? You will probably answer no given your simian responses so far. But this is the same as Breivik's motivation, except his was religion based.
no actually it's difficult to express it in simpler and more elementary terms --- for ''élementary-brained'' people like some of those we find not just in the forum, but in this very thread :)

''meeep meep!'' :)
Does Norway allow conjugal visitation ? If they don't, they should reconsider their policies. It is unthinkable that a person with blond hair and blue eyes is capable of this terrorist act.

The saffron brigde should demand his immediate release from this inhumane incarcaration.
you are conservative silko?
or any other reason why you can't stand this parti? (just curious)

there is so many thing i can say, for example take a look at their foreign policy!

they take so many refugees they rape and can walk free, we harbour taliban terrorists and the state says nothing.

they only care about them selfs, selfish idiots.

they used 1 milliard Norwegian Kroner just to spew out their propaganda, and that with the peoples tax money!

i could keep on if you want to know...
LOL...Did he committed this cruelty because of his religious belief unlike "other" people do on the name of religion and called it Jihad against the enemy of Islam. This guy was suffering from islamophobia but he was not motivated by his religion's belief.

---------- Post added at 11:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 PM ----------

try to read the post in the context of the debate. I don't need to spoon feed you ..go figure it out.

Now for GOD'S sake be true to your question you asked this Did he committed this cruelty because of his religious belief ?

ans: is YES ! did you heard it now it's YES ! did you understand what i just wrote its YES !

& here is the proof READ:
Breivik's far-right[15] militant ideology is described in a compendium of texts, titled 2083 – A European Declaration of Independence and distributed electronically by Breivik on the day of the attacks .[15][16][17][18] In it he lays out his worldview, which includes support for varying degrees of cultural conservatism, ultranationalism, Islamophobia, right-wing populism,[19] Zionism, anti-feminism,[20][21] Serbian paramilitarism,[22] and white nationalism.[23] It regards Islam and cultural Marxism as the enemy , and argues for the violent annihilation of "Eurabia" and multiculturalism, and the deportation of all muslims culminating in the year 2083 [24] to preserve European Christendom
LINK Anders Behring Breivik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
not satisfied want more ? ok fine by me here you go READ:

[B]After the age of 21, Breivik was in the customer service department of an unnamed company, working with "people from all countries" and being "kind to everyone".[42] A former co-worker has described him as an "exceptional colleague",[43] while a close friend of his stated that he usually had a big ego and would be easily irritated by those of[/B] Middle Eastern or South Asian origin.[44]
Anders Behring Breivik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
wait i am not done READ:

On 22 July 2011, Breivik bombed government buildings in Oslo, which resulted in eight deaths.

Within hours after the explosion he arrived at Utøya island, the site of a Labour Party youth camp, posing as a police officer and then opened fire on the unarmed adolescents present, reportedly killing 69.[13][55][56] The youngest victim was Sharidyn Svebakk-Bøhn,[57] who was 14 years old.[58]

Breivik confessed and stated that the purpose of the attack was to save Norway and Western Europe from a Muslim takeover, and that the Labour Party had to "pay the price" for "letting down Norway and the Norwegian people".[59]On 22 July 2011, Breivik bombed government buildings in Oslo, which resulted in eight deaths.

Anders Behring Breivik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now a person with even an iota of Brian will know that he did all this because he feared that Muslims might take over Europe so as to preserve European Christendom plus he held the labor party responsible for letting Muslims spread & according to him a price had to be payed did read that & mind you this from his confession read the source it clearly says that so automatically the motivation behind the act the act it self & then the confession clearly states that he was religiously motivated because of his disapproval of the spread of Islam in Europe undermining the
European Christendom how hard is that for you to understand

now if this is not religiously motivated killing then what is ? how come you failed to see this such an important aspect of the whole episode the very motivational factor itself such an important part of a case/crime/terror act etc & you just threw it all out of the window & came to argue on the subject can you believe it ! look i have been on this forum for six damn years with out a single ban i am a well reputed & respected poster i am known for laying the facts down before any debate & backing them up with source debating with you on this subject believe me the only thing that i can understand is either you genuinely did not know about the subject & just jumped in to debate or you simply did not wanted to know

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