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Only Iran is confronting Islamic State, paramilitary chief says

yes you are against, but your government isn't, they are already deeply involved in Syria since the beginning of the civil war. So i don't understand why all countries in the region are always crying for western /U.S intervention . Yet, when we intervene they start crying wolf and condemning the evil infidel imperialistic West /U.S trying to destroy the sacred Middle East /divide Muslim's etc etc etc. .... Seems the governments in this region don't even know what they want really, nor do they have any grand plan /vision for their region. I'm afraid to say it but governments in the Middle East seem to be clueless. Lol
We are involved as much as US or UK...supporting FSA.

About Western intervene...Erdoğan once said..."Bring your ground troops, we are going to station them on Turkey and contribute to coalition"...but US choose to bomb Daesh from the above...and Daesh still taking land both in Syria and Iraq. Well, it is still not much of our problem as they are not attacking Turkey or Turkish citizens.... (not just Daesh but every other group,state be it FSA ,Nusra, YPG, SAA, KRG, etc...) and we don't have tens of billions of dollars of investment in Iraq.

So, I want Turkey to stay out of this mess and continue supporting FSA till they get rid of Assad and Daesh.

Anyway, you are kind of right, think Turkey being one of the very few /only forward looking/advanced countries in the region should have stayed as far away as possible from the religious war /crisis in Syria, now that it has involved itself in a war it has no idea how it will end/when it will and has been supporting non state /questionable radical terror groups , I'm afraid what has happened to Pakistan, Syria, Iran (they also supported terrorist /non state actors groups when it suited them) will also happen to Turkey in the long run, where these same groups you have been supporting will one day turn their weapons /bombs against Turkey once they don't have any more common interests with Turkey, it has happened countless number of times before, don't think it will be any different for Turkey I'm afraid.
I hope I'm wrong though. :bounce::undecided:
Don't worry, people are saying this stuff for a long time...but nothing happened and nothing will happen in the future.

Just a small note. The border between Syria and Turkey is not suitable for insurgency. As people like to give the example of Pakistan....and there is difference between supporting FSA and Jihadist Freaks.
We are involved as much as US or UK...supporting FSA.

About Western intervene...Erdoğan once said..."Bring your ground troops, we are going to station them on Turkey and contribute to coalition"...but US choose to bomb Daesh from the above...and Daesh still taking land both in Syria and Iraq. Well, it is still not much of our problem as they are not attacking Turkey or Turkish citizens.... (not just Daesh but every other group,state be it FSA ,Nusra, YPG, SAA, KRG, etc...) and we don't have tens of billions of dollars of investment in Iraq.

So, I want Turkey to stay out of this mess and continue supporting FSA till they get rid of Assad and Daesh.

Don't worry, people are saying this stuff for a long time...but nothing happened and nothing will happen in the future.

Just a small note. The border between Syria and Turkey is not suitable for insurgency. As people like to give the example of Pakistan....and there is difference between supporting FSA and Jihadist Freaks.

Seriously you still believe in your FSA alias 'moderate Rebel's ' stuff ?:disagree: Do you have any control over all the people /group you are arming /supporting once they get in Syria ? No, do you know how /with who they share the weapons /fight with once in Syria? ? Lol
Truth is that the situation is so chaotic /complex that we don't know who is who. :ph34r:

You say you don't want Turkey to get involved, yet you still say you want Turkey to keep supporting /arming fsa(is that not involvement?) , so what's really your stand? cuz honestly I'm confused, its either you are in or out. There should be no half measures. And the main point is that turkey is fully involved(full measures) . :D

Moreover, you say Turkey is special /different /unique, so what happened to Pakistan, syria, Iran can't backfire /happen to Turkey. The above countries also initially thought the same thing. :rofl:

You say, Turkey is in the same boat like the West /US /britain in supporting the rebels alias FSA, yes we are indeed. But as i said earlier, you can't compare our stand with that of Turkey, since we are far away from the region, so obviously there are things we can afford to do that Turkey can't. So our view on the situation is different. Bare in mind that if for example this conflict was happening in Europe /close to U. S, do you think our policy/actions will be the same?? :pop:

However, i agree we should keep a safe distance from this conflict, while carrying out targeted attacks against I. S, we should let ISIS and other rebel groups bleed Assad and the mullahs to the fullest, so they can taste the taste of their former support to these terror groups against the US/U.K/west when we were in Iraq. :enjoy: what goes around always Comes around. :D

Moreover, you say you wanted the West /U.S to send ground troops through Turkey where if it was to happen Turkey was ready to also contributed to this force to remove Assad. Why can't you people take things in your own hands/go it alone ?? Why are you always waiting for the 'evil' imperialistic West /U. S? Turkey has a large standing/powerful army (or so they say) , so i see no reason it needs to wait for us/need us. Afterall it's your region. Jeez.... ...:tsk:
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Seriously you still believe in your FSA alias 'moderate Rebel's ' stuff ?:disagree: Do you have any control over all the people /group you are arming /supporting once they get in Syria ? No, do you know how /with who they share the weapons /fight with once in Syria? ? Lol
Truth is that the situation is so chaotic /complex that we don't know who is who. :ph34r:
There are pretty good moderate factions in the FSA...you will see them in the videos wielding US weaponry. Yes they are fighting along Nusra. Nusra burns cigarettes and wants Sharia in Syria.... Moderates wants democracy... when Assad is gone. US, Turkey,etc... will continue to support moderates....even with greater extent like heavier weapons, air support etc...I don't think there will be sharia in Syria. As Syrians are muslims, they happened to be secular.

You say you don't want Turkey to get involved, yet you still say you want Turkey to keep supporting /arming fsa(is that not involvement?) , so what's really your stand? cuz honestly I'm confused, its either you are in or out. There should be no half measures. And the main point is that turkey is fully involved(full measures) . :D
I meant, Turkey's military involvement...or any other way which can cause Turkish casualties.

Moreover, you say Turkey is special /different /unique, so what happened to Pakistan, syria, Iran can't backfire /happen to Turkey. The above countries also initially thought the same thing. :rofl:
Mike, we are dealing with PKK terrorists over 30 years as for now. I know what i'm saying. Terrain is not suitable insurgency like mountainous Southeastern Turkey or Afganistan-Pakistan border. You can check via googlearth.

You say, Turkey is in the same boat like the West /US /britain in supporting the rebels alias FSA, yes we are indeed. But as i said earlier, you can't compare our stand with that of Turkey, since we are far away from the region, so obviously there are things we can afford to do that Turkey can't. So our view on the situation is different. Bare in mind that if for example this conflict was happening in Europe /close to U. S, do you think our policy/actions will be the same?? :pop:
Exactly my point...let's say there happens to be same situation in Northern England. We would join the coalition and bomb the terrorist and don't commit ground soldiers.

But now situation is at our doorstep, we are not striking anybody, don't let US to strike from our bases,etc... and do not draw fire on ourselves from any group.

However, i agree we should keep a safe distance from this conflict, while carrying out targeted attacks against I. S, we should let ISIS and other rebel groups bleed Assad and the mullahs to the fullest,
Well...i want this conflict to be over ASAP with Assad, ISIS, hardcore jihadist smashed. So Syrians can continue with their life.

so they can taste the taste of their former support to these terror groups against the US/U.K/west when we were in Iraq. :enjoy: what goes around always Comes around. :D
Well...from my POV, US and West were invaders and they were protecting their country. :meeting:

Moreover, you say you wanted the West /U.S to send ground troops through Turkey where if it was to happen Turkey was ready to also contributed to this force to remove Assad. Why can't you people take things in your own hands/go it alone ?? Why are you always waiting for the 'evil' imperialistic West /U. S? Turkey has a large standing/powerful army (or so they say) , so i see no reason it needs to wait for us/need us. Afterall it's your region. Jeez.... ...:tsk:
Why should we do it alone and suffer all the consequences. West has significant investment/companies/deals in Iraq....Replacement of the pro-Russia Syria with a Western friendly Syria would benefit West... Linking Israel and GCC to Europe via Turkey...
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There are pretty good moderate factions in the FSA...you will see them in the videos wielding US weaponry. Yes they are fighting along Nusra. Nusra burns cigarettes and wants Sharia in Syria.... Moderates wants decomracy... when Assad is gone. US, Turkey,etc... will continue to support moderates....even with greater extent like heavier weapons, air support etc...I don't think there will be sharia in Syria. As Syrians are muslims, they happened to be secular.

ı meant, Turkey's military involvement...or any other way which can cause Turkish casualties.

Mike, we are dealing with PKK terrorists over 30 years as for now. I know what i'm saying. Terrain is not suitable insurgency like mountainous Southeastern Turkey or Afganistan-Pakistan border. You can check via googlearth.

Exactly my point...let's say there happens to be same situation in Northern England. We would join the coalition and bomb the terrorist and don't commit ground soldiers.

But now situation is at our doorstep, we are not striking anybody, don't let US to strike from our bases,etc... and do not draw fire on ourselves from any group.

Well...i want this conflict to be over ASAP with Assad, ISIS, hardcore jihadist smashed. So Syrians can continue with their life.

Well...from my POV, US and West were invaders and they were protecting their country. :meeting:

Why should we do it alone and suffer all the consequences. West has significant investment/companies/deals in Iraq....Replacement of the pro-Russia Syria with a Western friendly Syria would benefit West... Linking Israel and GCC to Europe via Turkey...

Though i don't agree with all your points i admire /respect the fact that we can discuss /debate /agree to disagree respectfully without personal attacks, so kudos to that bro:tup:

Coming to topic, you say there are plenty of moderate in FSA, good to see you recognise there are not all moderates. Lol at least we are making some progress. As i said, you can NEVER EVER trust /foresee what non state actors /groups are doing nor can you predict their true /real intentions. Just like the U. S found out in Afghanistan with their support for the 'moderate ' mujahideen freedom fighters who were so called fighting to liberate Afghanistan from 'oppression'. Lol. :rofl: once these groups gain power or meet their objectives , they then start showing you their true colours .

You say you want Syria to be rid of Assad, Isis, al nusra, Al Qaeda and other radical Islamic groups fighters and for fsa alias moderate rebel to triumph /rule. hmm....... that's only in dreams obviously that cant /won't happen, we are talking about reality here. You think the most effective /disciplined /powerful groups fighting Assad will just agree to vanish and leave Syria for an imaginary FSA or whatever that means to take over? Lool good luck with that. Unfortunately that won't obviously happen. If Assad was to fall, it will be the radical groups from Isis, al nusra, Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood etc who will have the bigger say /power in the country, since they are the most effective /powerful groups battling Assad, as mao said :political power grows out of the barell of a gun. The Syrian people have no say in how their country will be ruled anymore. :agree: :cheers:

Also you say U. S, U. K/west where invaders so you support the Iranian backed shia militias, Al Qaeda , Syrian backed Islamist's groups who were fighting /killing U. s soldiers? o_O now tell me why you were saying Turkey wanted the evil invasive U. S/west to station troops in turkey and launch a ground invasion of Syria with Turkey to topple Assad? You see that's why I said people in the Middle East seem to want to eat their cake and have it. calling on the west to be fully involved and yet condemning the imperialistic West when it does. That's why I said the leaders in these region are clueless /don't really know what they want /don't have a grand vision for their region. :undecided:

Moreover, you say why should turkey do it alone in Syria? I thought Turkey was at least a regional power? :undecided: if it can't even solve issues /problems /conflict in it's immediate neighbourhood without relying on foreign powers then how does it intend to be a power to be reckoned with /respected /influence abroad? You can't always expect the U. S/west to be doing every thing everywhere bro. sometimes you also have to take things in Your own hands and be a responsible power especially when it involves your core /main interests /national security. you said West /US /U. k have large interests so we have more reason to intervene, by that logic China (who had even more investment in Iraq oil fields than the West /U. S) should also have intervened (not like in comparing a more dynamic/adventurous West with a passive China .lol).

You have been Dealing with the pkk for decades now and still couldn't eliminate them completely, what makes you think you will be able to eliminate the even more armed /trained Islamist's now in Syria /Iraq if they decide go start launching guerilla /suicide bombings attacks against Turkey? :undecided:
Finally, nope, if this conflict had occurred in western europes /U. S it wouldn't have ever reached this point in the first place, and no foreign power will have had any real influence over it. And yummy bet we will have intervened longgg ago to nip it in the bud before it even began. :enjoy:
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Though i don't agree with all your points i admire /respect the fact that we can discuss /debate /agree to disagree respectfully without personal attacks, so kudos to that bro:tup:
Lol, yeah. That has been a pleasant change for me too. Especially in the ME section. :lol:

Coming to topic, you say there are plenty of moderate in FSA, good to see you recognise there are not all moderates. Lol at least we are making some progress.
Ofcourse...moderate groups are fighting along Nusra against ISIS and Assad. There is no denial for that.

As i said, you can NEVER EVER trust /foresee what non state actors /groups are doing nor can you predict their true /real intentions. Just like the U. S found out in Afghanistan with their support for the 'moderate ' mujahideen freedom fighters who were so called fighting to liberate Afghanistan from 'oppression'. Lol. :rofl: once these groups gain power or meet their objectives , they then start showing you their true colours .
Well, i have to disagree with you...want proof ? Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was once a non state actor uprised against Ottoman Sultan(Sultan issued a death sentence for Ataturk)...look where are we now.

You say you want Syria to be rid of Assad, Isis, al nusra, Al Qaeda and other radical Islamic groups fighters and for fsa alias moderate rebel to triumph /rule. hmm....... that's only in dreams obviously that cant /won't happen, we are talking about reality here. You think the most effective /disciplined /powerful groups fighting Assad will just agree to vanish and leave Syria for an imaginary FSA or whatever that means to take over? Lool good luck with that. Unfortunately that won't obviously happen. If Assad was to fall, it will be the radical groups from Isis, al nusra, Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood etc who will have the bigger say /power in the country, since they are the most effective /powerful groups battling Assad, as mao said :political power grows out of the barell of a gun. The Syrian people have no say in how their country will be ruled anymore. :agree: :cheers:
My POV is;

First, FSA get rids of Assad. Then it is going to be FSA against ISIS... when that happens Turkey can finally kick in and intensively support FSA (can give heavier weapons like tanks, artillery to FSA, Turkish special ops conducting surgical operations, Intel Sharing, Close Air support, Hitting ISIS positions with Artillery, MBRLs )

Once ISIS is wiped out. Remaning Actors will be Nusra (wants sharia), Moderate groups (wants democracy). After this point either Nusra is going to come to terms peacefully or we are going to fully support moderate groups against Nusra.

Moderate groups triumphs. A new era starts for the Syrians.

Also you say U. S, U. K/west where invaders so you support the Iranian backed shia militias, Al Qaeda , Syrian backed Islamist's groups who were fighting /killing U. s soldiers? o_O now tell me why you were saying Turkey wanted the evil invasive U. S/west to station troops in turkey and launch a ground invasion of Syria with Turkey to topple Assad? You see that's why I said people in the Middle East seem to want to eat their cake and have it. calling on the west to be fully involved and yet condemning the imperialistic West when it does. That's why I said the leaders in these region are clueless /don't really know what they want /don't have a grand vision for their region. :undecided:
First of all you had no right to be in Iraq. Saddam wasn't mass killing Iraqis and and barrel bombing Iraqi cities. You invaded Iraq with no justification and i believe you deserved what happened to you. It's not like, i'm supporting terrorists.

Assad on the other hand is a whole different situation.

Moreover, you say why should turkey do it alone in Syria? I thought Turkey was at least a regional power? :undecided: if it can't even solve issues /problems /conflict in it's immediate neighbourhood without relying on foreign powers then how does it intend to be a power to be reckoned with /respected /influence abroad? You can't always expect the U. S/west to be doing every thing everywhere bro. sometimes you also have to take things in Your own hands and be a responsible power especially when it involves your core /main interests /national security. you said West /US /U. k have large interests so we have more reason to intervene, by that logic China (who had even more investment in Iraq oil fields than the West /U. S) should also have intervened (not like in comparing a more dynamic/adventurous West with a passive China .lol).
Maybe, it can be true. But any Turkish leader who declares war on Syria would be ending it's political career. Turkish people are most peaceful and doesn't want wars.

You have been Dealing with the pkk for decades now and still couldn't eliminate them completely, what makes you think you will be able to eliminate the even more armed /trained Islamist's now in Syria /Iraq if they decide go start launching guerilla /suicide bombings attacks against Turkey? :undecided:
First of all PKK doesn't controls a single village....they live in the Northern Iraq mountains....they infiltrate to Turkey through mountain tops, attack on a remote military our post with 10 folds terrorists, do some IED and escape back. At best they had 5000 militants....and we killed over 15.000 terrorist but they keep replacing their terrorists because of their sympathizers in Turkey.

To add, different to their usual operations. In 2012, they tried to occupy a Small town called Şemdinli. Hundreds of terrorists came down from mountains and engaged a front war with Turkish army. In mere hours Turkish army decimated the terrorists, only a handful remained. So, remaining ones, used some civilians in the outer villages as human shields and escaped to Norther Iraq.

Terrain in the Syria is flat...there are nowhere to hide. If ISIS tries hitting Turkish army like the way do to Syrian/Iraqi army. They would be decimated.

They can go for hit and run tactics, suicide bombings, etc.... That's why Erdoğan says "If you want us to get involved, A buffer zone is a must)

Finally, nope, if this conflict had occurred in western europes /U. S it wouldn't have ever reached this point in the first place, and no foreign power will have had any real influence over it. And yummy bet we will have intervened longgg ago to nip it in the bud before it even began. :enjoy:
Lol, yeah. That has been a pleasant change for me too. Especially in the ME section. :lol:

Ofcourse...moderate groups are fighting along Nusra against ISIS and Assad. There is no denial for that.

Well, i have to disagree with you...want proof ? Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was once a non state actor uprised against Ottoman Sultan(Sultan issued a death sentence for Ataturk)...look where are we now.

My POV is;

First, FSA get rids of Assad. Then it is going to be FSA against ISIS... when that happens Turkey can finally kick in and intensively support FSA (can give heavier weapons like tanks, artillery to FSA, Turkish special ops conducting surgical operations, Intel Sharing, Close Air support, Hitting ISIS positions with Artillery, MBRLs )

Once ISIS is wiped out. Remaning Actors will be Nusra (wants sharia), Moderate groups (wants democracy). After this point either Nusra is going to come to terms peacefully or we are going to fully support moderate groups against Nusra.

Moderate groups triumphs. A new era starts for the Syrians.

First of all you had no right to be in Iraq. Saddam wasn't mass killing Iraqis and and barrel bombing Iraqi cities. You invaded Iraq with no justification and i believe you deserved what happened to you. It's not like, i'm supporting terrorists.

Assad on the other hand is a whole different situation.

Maybe, it can be true. But any Turkish leader who declares war on Syria would be ending it's political career. Turkish people are most peaceful and doesn't want wars.

First of all PKK doesn't controls a single village....they live in the Northern Iraq mountains....they infiltrate to Turkey through mountain tops, attack on a remote military our post with 10 folds terrorists, do some IED and escape back. At best they had 5000 militants....and we killed over 15.000 terrorist but they keep replacing their terrorists because of their sympathizers in Turkey.

To add, different to their usual operations. In 2012, they tried to occupy a Small town called Şemdinli. Hundreds of terrorists came down from mountains and engaged a front war with Turkish army. In mere hours Turkish army decimated the terrorists, only a handful remained. So, remaining ones, used some civilians in the outer villages as human shields and escaped to Norther Iraq.

Terrain in the Syria is flat...there are nowhere to hide. If ISIS tries hitting Turkish army like the way do to Syrian/Iraqi army. They would be decimated.

They can go for hit and run tactics, suicide bombings, etc.... That's why Erdoğan says "If you want us to get involved, A buffer zone is a must)


Lol well it's indeed a good change for you then, I know how your Middle Eastern brothers can be hot headed in their response Lool

The fact that you really believe these imaginary FSA is some sort of benevolent/saint rebel Islamic group who is just fighting for democracy, WTH?? You really believe that bro? o_O:o: you really actually one of the very few intellectuals who I have seen really believes in such a fantasy to be honest. even if these rebel groups were to emerge victorious, Syria will just end up like another libya, but only difference is that the infightings between militias /hundreds of rebel groups it will be far more worse, plus believe you me we in the West /U. S won't do anything ,put media will just ignore it and move on to another hot topic over the globe (maybe China threat? Lol ) just like they don't even mention Libya anymore. :big_boss:

No, Turkey can very well use an excuse to invade Syria and I think Turkish people will be proud of seeing their valuable army put an end to the Assad regime and stop this conflict which has been going on for too long. However, I think Turkey doesn't simply because it knows it can't do it all by itself as it doesn't have the capabilities to achieve this alone. So best to rely on the U. S/West.

You said Saddam wasn't mass killing Iraqi's? :o: wow I'm shocked. You do know Saddam was the first in the region to even use chemical weapons on his own citizens? I'm not even taking about the ones he used against Iranian citizend as well during the war, invaded and committed many crimes in Kuwait. He committed so many crimes I don't even know where to begin. If anything i will even say Assad is better than Saddam. :agree: so i don't know how can say Assad is on a different level. they are the same. However I myself never supported the Iraq War, as I think we had no business in it at all (Well, apart from our interests. Lol) same like I don't support our country getting involved in Syria like many Middle Eastern countries in the region wish. So i don't see why you will be against the U. S /U. K /West invasion of Iraq, but hoping for the U. S/west to invade Syria (something Turkey will love to see, while it stays at the sidelines as always) . You can't adopt two double measures man. If house are against a foreign country invading another one, then at least be consistent.

You say moderate ' groups are fighting alongside Al nusra against ISIS. So you also consider al nusra to be a moderate group we can deal with /manage??? Lol. For your info al nusra is a terrorists group recognise by all western countries and even some Middle Eastern ones. So the fact that your FSAd even cooperating and fighting with them shows your fsa are not so moderate after all . Cuz as far as i know, no real secular/moderate group will want anything to do with a radical islamist shariah terror group ever. They should be fighting al nusra instead. :agree:

In short, Syria is the real loser in all of this. There are no Winners to be honest. The so called Arab spring as only set back the region by decades, and bring back the same regimes in power (for those countries whose 'revolution ' was successful ').:lol: The region really needs a real reality check, and self introspection of what went wrong(more like what have been going wrong for over a century now) . :bounce:
Lol well it's indeed a good change for you then, I know how your Middle Eastern brothers can be hot headed in their response Lool
Are you posting in any different forums ? (western)

And a little correction. Let's say friends instead of brothers....i only consider my fellow Turkics as brothers (and Pakistanis).

The fact that you really believe these imaginary FSA is some sort of benevolent/saint rebel Islamic group who is just fighting for democracy, WTH?? You really believe that bro? o_O:o: you really actually one of the very few intellectuals who I have seen really believes in such a fantasy to be honest.
Mate, i wanna ask you how did this Syrian civil war erupted ? There were no people in the streets of Syria, chanting for democracy, down with the dictator (Arab Spring) ? When Assad started to kill them, they started to take up arms, defections from SAA.....and only later Jihadists came and hijacked the revolution....

What happened to those guys ? They vanished to thin air ?

Today, FSA consists of many groups and there are definitely many moderate groups that favors democracy...

Who the heck US army training inside Turkey and Jordan then ?
U.S. training of Syria rebel fighters expands to Turkey: source| Reuters

even if these rebel groups were to emerge victorious, Syria will just end up like another libya, but only difference is that the infightings between militias /hundreds of rebel groups it will be far more worse, plus believe you me we in the West /U. S won't do anything ,put media will just ignore it and move on to another hot topic over the globe (maybe China threat? Lol ) just like they don't even mention Libya anymore. :big_boss:
Well, you have point but i don't think US would allow part of Syria to be breeding ground for Jihadists. In Libya, country is torn between different tribes. Not like Jihadist vs Moderates.

No, Turkey can very well use an excuse to invade Syria and I think Turkish people will be proud of seeing their valuable army put an end to the Assad regime and stop this conflict which has been going on for too long.
Only if Syrians had been Turks.

However, I think Turkey doesn't simply because it knows it can't do it all by itself as it doesn't have the capabilities to achieve this alone. So best to rely on the U. S/West.
Can we defeat Syria on 1vs1...yes we can. But Syria has formidable air defense systems. We would eventually establish a no-fly zone over Syria but with the cost of many jets.

And they have Scuds that can reach Ankara, these would be a problem.

You said Saddam wasn't mass killing Iraqi's? :o: wow I'm shocked. You do know Saddam was the first in the region to even use chemical weapons on his own citizens? I'm not even taking about the ones he used against Iranian citizend as well during the war, invaded and committed many crimes in Kuwait. He committed so many crimes I don't even know where to begin. If anything i will even say Assad is better than Saddam. :agree: so i don't know how can say Assad is on a different level. they are the same.
I'm not saying Saddam was angel. He committed many crimes. But he didn't devastate his country like Assad did.

This was Iraq before US invasion.




And this is Syria.



They are very different from each other.

However I myself never supported the Iraq War, as I think we had no business in it at all (Well, apart from our interests. Lol) same like I don't support our country getting involved in Syria like many Middle Eastern countries in the region wish. So i don't see why you will be against the U. S /U. K /West invasion of Iraq, but hoping for the U. S/west to invade Syria (something Turkey will love to see, while it stays at the sidelines as always) . You can't adopt two double measures man. If house are against a foreign country invading another one, then at least be consistent.
I think, i explained myself. ^^^^

However, if i had been English, i too wouldn't want my people to and die at the other side of the planet.

You say moderate ' groups are fighting alongside Al nusra against ISIS. So you also consider al nusra to be a moderate group we can deal with /manage???
No...they are not moderate.... but i explained "how to handle Nusra" in my previous post.
After this point either Nusra is going to come to terms peacefully or we are going to fully support moderate groups against Nusra.

Lol. For your info al nusra is a terrorists group recognise by all western countries and even some Middle Eastern ones.
We have also designated them as a Terrorist group.

So the fact that your FSAd even cooperating and fighting with them shows your fsa are not so moderate after all . Cuz as far as i know, no real secular/moderate group will want anything to do with a radical islamist shariah terror group ever. They should be fighting al nusra instead. :agree:
Moderates and Nusra are two different factions with different ideologies and with same enemy. They have some sort of non-aggression pact. So, they don't mess which other, respect each others territories and coordinate their attacks on Assad. It's not like they are fighting shoulder to shoulder.

Soviets and USA both fought against Nazi Germany, did they become buddies ?

In short, Syria is the real loser in all of this. There are no Winners to be honest. The so called Arab spring as only set back the region by decades, and bring back the same regimes in power (for those countries whose 'revolution ' was successful ').:lol:
Well...you are right. :meeting:

The region really needs a real reality check, and self introspection of what went wrong(more like what have been going wrong for over a century now) . :bounce:
Well....Ottoman Empire ceased to exist. You formed new countries and decide their borders with a ruler....That's what happened a century ago. :lol:

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