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Only two weeks of time left in 2020. How is India's plan on manned moon mission in 2020?

It is Dec. 24th 2020 today. Only 7 days left in 2020. Are the Indian astronauts on their way to the moon , or miracle will be happened in the next 7 days?
Overpromise and underdeliver is a trait of all Indians. It’s part of their culture. It’s a national weakness for them.
In 2009, India mentions its plan for its first manned moon mission by 2020. Now there is only two weeks left in 2020, how is the planned 2020 mission running?

The original report in 2009:
India’s manned moon mission by 2020: ISRO
The ISRO proposed to undertake the country's first manned moon mission by 2020 following the success of Chandrayaan-I.

Written by Agencies | Salem (tn) | January 12, 2009 2:07:44 pm
The ISRO proposed to undertake the country’s first manned moon mission by 2020 following the success of Chandrayaan-I,project director of Chandrayaan-I M Annadurai has said.

The successful launch of Chandrayaan-I in October last year has given space scientists the confidence to undertake manned mission to moon,Annadurai told reporters in Tamil Nadu on Sunday.

The Chandrayaan-II mission is expected to be undertaken within a couple of years followed by Chandrayaan-III,he said. The Chandrayaan-I mission has been sending considerable amount of data and scientists are busy analysing it,he said.

Several countries have approached India to set up a common lunar research centre for conducting various studies,the director added.

Indians talk = garbage
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