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Operation Rah-e-Nijat

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""If want to completely flush these terrorist it may cost us 50 Billion USD in five years.""

Yes, Your numbers are fairly convincing. Our burn rate on the War on Terror is almost US$ 5 b / year. We have spent about US$ 40 b since 2001; and got back approx US$ 12 b from the USA.

We are the most Loyal nation for the USA. But we are paid very little for our enormous sacrifices because:
1. It is much cheaper for the US to

We get paid so little for our sacrifices. This is because:

1. It is cheaper for the US to pay a few individuals handsomely, rather than invest in the welfare of 170 Million people.
2. The real power rests with our Generals. They are generally contended with a bit of praise by white guys; and a bit of acknowledgment of the supreme sacrifices the Army has made in Swat and fata.
3. Zardari and his government are perpetually indebted to the USA; their lives depend on American goodwill.

Agreed with your views, infact Pakistan is under attack economically as well militancy organised by India/Israel nexus, in Afghanistan India is also partner of US doing billion of dollar projects in Afghanistan , if you remember during Afghan Russian war india was also providing same type of support to Russia and their agent Dr Najebullah.

Present government is planted with the help of Musharaf and working on same lines even Nawaz is also supporting them only Imran Khan is against Government's US agenda .They want criple our economy through IMF loans .

Any how Pakistan is internally strong country will defeat all aims of enemies with help of Allah SWT.

Afghan talaban are playig bull fight with US , early defeat and exit of US from Afghasnistan is in intrest of Pakistan.
Saturday, August 29, 2009

US frustrated as Pakistan abandons military offensive in S Waziristan

LAHORE: Despite strenuous entreaties by top US officials, the government has abandoned plans to mount a military offensive against the group responsible for a two-year campaign of suicide bombings across the country, TIME magazine reported.

Although the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has been in disarray since a missile strike from a CIA-operated drone killed the group’s former chief Baitullah Mehsud on August 5, the military has concluded that a ground attack on its strongholds in South Waziristan would be too difficult. The military has choked off the main roads leading out of South Waziristan, and the country’s fighter jets have been pounding targets from the air (an operation Islamabad insists it will continue).

But that falls short of the military campaign the US desires. Instead, the government is hoping to exploit divisions within the TTP to prize away some factions, while counting on the CIA’s drones to take out Baitullah’s successors.

US counter-terrorism officials worry that a failure to capitalise on the post-Baitullah confusion within the TTP will allow its new leader, Hakeemullah Mehsud, to consolidate his position and reorganise the organisation. Officials in Washington say special envoy Richard Holbrooke and NATO commander Gen Stanley McChrystal have both pressed Islamabad to strike while the iron is hot.

But after initial promises to launch a ground offensive in South Waziristan, the government has backed off. A top general, Nadeem Ahmed, recently said preparation for such an operation could take up to two months. Now, there will be no ground assault at all, according to a senior politician known to have strong military ties; instead, the politician says the military will try and buy off some TTP factions through peace deals. This alarms US officials, who point out that Taliban leaders have previously used peace deals to expand their influence. “Such deals have been abject failures that, at the end of the day, have made the security situation in parts of Pakistan worse. Why the Pakistani government keeps returning to this strategy is a mystery,” says a US counter-terrorism official.

daily times monitor
US efforts to counter extremism ‘lack credibility’: Mullen

* Top US military officer says public relations not enough if American behaviour overseas perceived as arrogant, uncaring or insulting

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: No amount of public relations will establish credibility if American behaviour overseas is perceived as arrogant, uncaring or insulting, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman (JCSC) Admiral Mike Mullen has written in an essay leaked by the New York Times.

The critique, published by official military journal Joint Force Quarterly, arrives when the US is widely believed to be losing ground in the war of ideas against extremist ideology. The issue is particularly relevant, as the Obama administration has ordered fresh efforts to counter militant propaganda as part of its broader strategy to defeat the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. “To put it simply, we need to worry a lot less about how to communicate our actions and much more about what our actions communicate,” Mullen wrote.

“I would argue that most strategic communication problems are not communication problems at all,” he said. “They are policy and execution problems. Each time we fail to live up to our values or don’t follow up on a promise, we look more and more like the arrogant Americans the enemy claims we are.”

While President Barack Obama has sought to differentiate himself from his predecessor, George W Bush, in the eyes of the Muslim world, the perception of America as an arrogant oppressor has not changed noticeably, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Admiral Mullen expressed concern over a trend to create entirely new government and military organisations to manage a broad public relations effort to counter anti-Americanism, which he said had allowed strategic communication to become a series of bureaucracies rather than a way to combat extremist ideology. “The problem isn’t that we are bad at communicating or being outdone by men in caves,” Admiral Mullen wrote. “Most of them aren’t even in caves. The Taliban and Al Qaeda live largely among the people. They intimidate and control and communicate from within, not from the sidelines.” American messages to counter extremist information campaigns “lack credibility, because we haven’t invested enough in building trust and relationships, and we haven’t always delivered on promises”, he wrote.

“That’s the essence of good communication: having the right intent up front and letting our actions speak for themselves,” Admiral Mullen wrote, dispelling the impression of Al Qaeda hiding in caves. “We shouldn’t care if people don’t like us. That isn’t the goal. The goal is credibility. And we earn that over time.” The Muslim community “is a subtle world we don’t fully — and don’t always attempt to — understand”, he wrote. “Only through a shared appreciation of the people’s culture, needs and hopes for the future can we hope ourselves to supplant the extremist narrative.” Coinciding with the publication of his essay, Admiral Mullen has also released a YouTube video inviting questions from members of the armed services and the public on a range of national security and military personnel issues for an online discussion.
What credibility US gained in Afghanistan :rofl:

It too late now they lost seven precious years to get credibility by coward arial bombing killing civilians.

US general know very well muslim society culture and faith can not breached with coward actions they need to develop relationship with local comunity when they try understand the essence of islam they will get infected and there is possiblity there soldier who are continusely living in fear and anxiety accept islam only religion gurrante complete peace of mind .

Halaku Khan who killed 2 million muslims in bagdad in six weeks could not save himself from islam, islam is true religion always capture the hearts who ever try to understand it .
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We are the most tolerant and patient nation on earth. We are totally devoid of any feelings, or the excess baggage called dignity. We take pride in our supreme sacrifices in the cause of perpetual slavery to the white skin; because we are so darn inadequate with our brown skin.

We are ashamed of our roots and our religion; because it’s a liability …. We get branded as terrorists.

The US knows the true price of political and military leadership ……. They would rather bribe a few individuals a few Million $ each; rather than pumping billions into the bottomless pit commonly known as 170 Million Pakistani people.

Our forefathers fought for the great British Empire on all corners of the world; and now we are also fighting for the My **** USA on our own soil. BUT Lets have some pride in our achievements. Nobody has shed more blood of its people for American war on Terror than Pakistan has done. No nation on earth has sold more of its people for “war booty” than we have. We are the greatest Anti-Extremist Islamists on the face of earth and very proud of it!!
We are the most tolerant and patient nation on earth. We are totally devoid of any feelings, or the excess baggage called dignity. We take pride in our supreme sacrifices in the cause of perpetual slavery to the white skin; because we are so darn inadequate with our brown skin.

We are ashamed of our roots and our religion; because it’s a liability …. We get branded as terrorists.

The US knows the true price of political and military leadership ……. They would rather bribe a few individuals a few Million $ each; rather than pumping billions into the bottomless pit commonly known as 170 Million Pakistani people.

Our forefathers fought for the great British Empire on all corners of the world; and now we are also fighting for the My **** USA on our own soil. BUT Lets have some pride in our achievements. Nobody has shed more blood of its people for American war on Terror than Pakistan has done. No nation on earth has sold more of its people for “war booty” than we have. We are the greatest Anti-Extremist Islamists on the face of earth and very proud of it!!

Javed Sb,

Thanks for constructive critisim , well diagnosed the decease but what is the remedy?
Saturday, August 29, 2009

US frustrated as Pakistan abandons military offensive in S Waziristan

LAHORE: Despite strenuous entreaties by top US officials, the government has abandoned plans to mount a military offensive against the group responsible for a two-year campaign of suicide bombings across the country, TIME magazine reported.

Although the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has been in disarray since a missile strike from a CIA-operated drone killed the group’s former chief Baitullah Mehsud on August 5, the military has concluded that a ground attack on its strongholds in South Waziristan would be too difficult. The military has choked off the main roads leading out of South Waziristan, and the country’s fighter jets have been pounding targets from the air (an operation Islamabad insists it will continue).

But that falls short of the military campaign the US desires. Instead, the government is hoping to exploit divisions within the TTP to prize away some factions, while counting on the CIA’s drones to take out Baitullah’s successors.

US counter-terrorism officials worry that a failure to capitalise on the post-Baitullah confusion within the TTP will allow its new leader, Hakeemullah Mehsud, to consolidate his position and reorganise the organisation. Officials in Washington say special envoy Richard Holbrooke and NATO commander Gen Stanley McChrystal have both pressed Islamabad to strike while the iron is hot.

But after initial promises to launch a ground offensive in South Waziristan, the government has backed off. A top general, Nadeem Ahmed, recently said preparation for such an operation could take up to two months. Now, there will be no ground assault at all, according to a senior politician known to have strong military ties; instead, the politician says the military will try and buy off some TTP factions through peace deals. This alarms US officials, who point out that Taliban leaders have previously used peace deals to expand their influence. “Such deals have been abject failures that, at the end of the day, have made the security situation in parts of Pakistan worse. Why the Pakistani government keeps returning to this strategy is a mystery,” says a US counter-terrorism official.

daily times monitor
There is no such sign of abandonment. It was pretty much understood that the fighting would resume next summer since the battle would bring about a major refugee crisis in the winter.

There were only subtle chances of the hurrying up the war effort due to Baitullah's death. I believe the official word from the Pakistani side was "It will take months".

The Time.com article written by Bobby Ghosh, an Indian origin fella, should be taken with a grain of salt.
We are the most tolerant and patient nation on earth. We are totally devoid of any feelings, or the excess baggage called dignity. We take pride in our supreme sacrifices in the cause of perpetual slavery to the white skin; because we are so darn inadequate with our brown skin.

We are ashamed of our roots and our religion; because it’s a liability …. We get branded as terrorists.

The US knows the true price of political and military leadership ……. They would rather bribe a few individuals a few Million $ each; rather than pumping billions into the bottomless pit commonly known as 170 Million Pakistani people.

Our forefathers fought for the great British Empire on all corners of the world; and now we are also fighting for the My **** USA on our own soil. BUT Lets have some pride in our achievements. Nobody has shed more blood of its people for American war on Terror than Pakistan has done. No nation on earth has sold more of its people for “war booty” than we have. We are the greatest Anti-Extremist Islamists on the face of earth and very proud of it!!

The biggest sellout to the west have been the mullah brigade whop have taken more money and training from the West than any single group in Pakistan. It is this mullah brigade's bast*rd children the TTP we are fighting since they started attacking our tribal leaders, our forces and customs. The pukhtun lashkars will not leave any of these ghaddar TTP agents alive and entire army will back them up and will contuneu to pay the ultimate sacrifice to rid pakistan of these takfiris inshallah.

""If want to completely flush these terrorist it may cost us 50 Billion USD in five years.""

Yes, Your numbers are fairly convincing. Our burn rate on the War on Terror is almost US$ 5 b / year. We have spent about US$ 40 b since 2001; and got back approx US$ 12 b from the USA.

We are the most Loyal nation for the USA. But we are paid very little for our enormous sacrifices because:
1. It is much cheaper for the US to

We get paid so little for our sacrifices. This is because:

1. It is cheaper for the US to pay a few individuals handsomely, rather than invest in the welfare of 170 Million people.
2. The real power rests with our Generals. They are generally contended with a bit of praise by white guys; and a bit of acknowledgment of the supreme sacrifices the Army has made in Swat and fata.
3. Zardari and his government are perpetually indebted to the USA; their lives depend on American goodwill.

We don't need handouts to defend our own nation against takfiri animals. The soldiers are fighting for free and progressive pakistan and its ideology. That is their belief and that is our belief. You can keep your Western supplied money within the mullah circles.
US frustrated as Pakistan abandons military offensive in S Waziristan
Abandon seems harsh. Delayed may be more apt. Maybe the delay was planned, maybe it wasn't, I can't comment on that because my information is limited, but it would seem the last thing on the Army's mind would be abandonment. After all, we campaigned Rah-e-Rast in our time on our terms, it only makes sense to do the same with Rah-e-Nijat.

It seems that the report places too much importance on the US drone strike and killing of BM. It makes no mention of the Swat operation. Claiming that the TTP has been in disarray solely because of the CIA strike is oversimplification to say the least. Had it not been for the military campaign in Swat, there may not have been such "disarray" and "dis-organization". A rule of boxing, a punch to the face may knock someone down in Round 1 or it may not hurt at all, but a good body punch will hurt deep into the fight.

Lastly, the article makes it sound as if the US believes we owe them an op in SWA. That is the wrong tone to take with the Pakistan Army at this juncture, considering the claims of support for the TTP leaking through Afghanistan, to put it mildly.

There is no such sign of abandonment. It was pretty much understood that the fighting would resume next summer since the battle would bring about a major refugee crisis in the winter.
In addition to what you have said, there may be several other issues that come to mind if we just stress the brain a little.

There may be the possibility of the Army being ill-equipped presently to conduct an all-out operation in SWA, especially after a successful one in Swat which most likely drained resources. Also, as you hinted at, the country as a whole needs time to recover from the previous mass internal disposition. It would be too much to ask of the population to shoulder the burden of these IDP camps for almost an entire year without break. With this gap, next year, InshAllah, people will again come out in full force to support the IDPs from a different area. The government also requires time to address the issues that came to light during the past few months. In order to apply lessons learnt from the previous months to next year, we will require time to at least study and identify the problem areas, to categorize them into critical and non-critical issues and to address them accordingly through proper resource allocation. This will help us help the future-IDPs before they need it. And so on, if a nobody like me can think of all these possible issues to address before ReN goes into full-swing, there may practically be several more reasons to wait for the next opportune moment to strike at the heart of TTP.

It seems articles like these fail to take many points into account. What would they have us do anyway? Do they want the tents that were previously occupied by Swati families to be occupied by Waziristani families, the toilets previously used by Swati men to be used by Waziristani men, without being cleaned and re-equipped? Would they want us to run the IDP camps non-stop for the entire year, including the winter months, without sufficient resources? Or do they want us to take the fight to a (likely) stronger enemy with diminished resources?

Don't get me wrong. From all that I have read of warfare, it makes a lot of sense to push the advantage, to strike while the metal is hot, to cut down the enemy while he is at run, to [enter your cliche here], and so on. But, there are many more issues to take into account here which have been ignored in the article. Not everything is the way it is in books. It is an age old tradition of journalists to oversimplify critical issues. This report just carries the tradition forward.
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We are the most tolerant and patient nation on earth. We are totally devoid of any feelings, or the excess baggage called dignity. We take pride in our supreme sacrifices in the cause of perpetual slavery to the white skin; because we are so darn inadequate with our brown skin.

We are ashamed of our roots and our religion; because it’s a liability …. We get branded as terrorists.

The US knows the true price of political and military leadership ……. They would rather bribe a few individuals a few Million $ each; rather than pumping billions into the bottomless pit commonly known as 170 Million Pakistani people.

Our forefathers fought for the great British Empire on all corners of the world; and now we are also fighting for the My **** USA on our own soil. BUT Lets have some pride in our achievements. Nobody has shed more blood of its people for American war on Terror than Pakistan has done. No nation on earth has sold more of its people for “war booty” than we have. We are the greatest Anti-Extremist Islamists on the face of earth and very proud of it!!
Well written, though may I ask which particular event you have targeted as "fighting for the My **** USA"? Surely, you don't believe we fought for the US in Swat? Last time I checked, Pakistani police cadets were not Americans, neither were the people in the Masjid who were blown to pieces after Juma prayer, and neither were the Pakistan Ordnance Factory workers who were killed in my hometown Wah. Should we allow all of that simply to satisfy our anti-US sentiments? I mean, are you suggesting that we should not be of any help the the US, ever, even if it means letting our country go to waste.
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We are the most tolerant and patient nation on earth. We are totally devoid of any feelings, or the excess baggage called dignity. We take pride in our supreme sacrifices in the cause of perpetual slavery to the white skin; because we are so darn inadequate with our brown skin.

We are ashamed of our roots and our religion; because it’s a liability …. We get branded as terrorists.

The US knows the true price of political and military leadership ……. They would rather bribe a few individuals a few Million $ each; rather than pumping billions into the bottomless pit commonly known as 170 Million Pakistani people.

Our forefathers fought for the great British Empire on all corners of the world; and now we are also fighting for the My **** USA on our own soil. BUT Lets have some pride in our achievements. Nobody has shed more blood of its people for American war on Terror than Pakistan has done. No nation on earth has sold more of its people for “war booty” than we have. We are the greatest Anti-Extremist Islamists on the face of earth and very proud of it!!

No body has fought more aggressively for US than the very Mujahids you would have us embrace and tolerate so please cut out this argument. You need to look at the entire conflict evolving from the Afghan war and should atleast have some idea about how irrelevant Islam has become in this conflict...it is a mask being used by these so called Islamic fighters...there is nothing Islamic about all what they do...and openly claim credit for as if it is a great achievement.
We have seen first hand what these great champions of Islam do at the behest of our enemies.
A most brutal and merciless terrorists campaign has been launched against our country by these thaikaydaars of Islam and it has affected us all, they want to claim this country as their own and to hold its people as their serfs and slaves.
We atleast have mustered that much courage and dignity to fight for our country and its people...such confusing thoughts about this conflict held us back from acting before but now the realization has dawned upon most that these are not people who are even fit to be called human, leave alone Muslims...what right do they have to bring fire and death to our motherland and all in the name of Islam?

Do not kid me here...i have seen these monsters for what they are and have witnessed what they do firsthand, they are criminals, terrorists, bandits, rapers, kidnappers, killers and are proud of it because they can get away with anything as long as they keep a beard and wear a scarf with the holy kalma on it...
It is pathetic that we as Muslims tolerated such atrocities in the name of Islam and did not see through their nefarious desires till they gained a stranglehold on SWAT and were openly taking credit for terrorist acts throughout the land.

The battle for SWAT was the first time after many years when we truly fought for Pakistan and for its people.
We were on the verge of losing hope, i could not send my family to crowded areas and when they went to a public place i was always scared, anxious and fretting over their safety and security...is this what our life should be like, should this be acceptable to us?

Our families get slaughtered by the hundreds and those who kill them are our young children who are captured and brainwashed by our enemies...All in the name of Islam?
You do not chose to see this side of the story?

If there is injustice against muslims or muslim countries and they are suffering...does it mean we give same suffering to Pakistan and our own people...instead of making it stronger, unified and ensuring that it can play a key role in securing the political and social future of Muslims and Muslim countries?
Should Pakistan not be our priority?
Afterall Allah has blessed us with this land and we are responsible for its well being

These are indeed confusing times, here you are criticising the white masters for whom we fought in all corners of the world and yet you seem to be in UK and therefore are contributing to the economy of our former British Masters who is also number one ally of USA in its geopolitical agenda...by indirect implication then should i call you an ally of theirs as well?

You see how complicated this is...oversimplification may be gratifying for the soul in the short run but one should try to understand the true extent of the problem and for that one has to look closely at these so called Islamic fighters to realize whose side they really are on.

Far be it from me to become personal with anyone i assure you, i am a civil man by nature...

but then why this conflict in what you think about the former white masters and where you live, earn your livelihood and pay your taxes?
By simplification then you are also funding the US and UK war on one hand and taunting us about our perpetual slavery to the white skin and our abandonment of dignity?

The elimination of this TTP fitna is the first step in reclaiming our motherland for ourselves and our true independance and emancipation as a country and a people.

Those who are sympethatic to terrorists and justify such actions have done irreparable damage to Islam and Pakistan and as time passes by they will have no place in this country, inshallah.
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Zafar Hilaly

Compared to what awaits the Pakistan Army in Waziristan, the Swat operation was a skirmish. There 30,000 Taliban wait to give battle. As fighters, they are matchless and have few equals in the art of mobile warfare. Their fanaticism, ruthlessness, ability to withstand huge losses conjoined with their familiarity of terrain, and mastery of the tactics and weapons of guerrilla warfare make them a formidable enemy.

It is a small wonder that the Pakistan Army is apprehensive about taking on the Taliban in Waziristan until all preparations have been made. It is equally wondrous that the Americans, having had the bitter experience of charging into situations, ill-prepared to deal with them, would have the Pakistan Army rush in where, what to speak of fools, even angels fear to tread.

The Army should take its time. All preparations should be made; every strategy examined and re-examined and all possible forces mustered. The possibility of defeat should be eliminated. The Taliban are going nowhere; nor are we, unlike the Americans. Nor do we have a time-line to meet, like Obama, if his party is to stand a chance in the mid-term Congressional elections in 2010. The American idea that the current divisions within the Taliban should be exploited by a quick push is just wishful thinking. Nothing will unite the Taliban more than danger from an outside force. Till then, they will squabble and even kill each other periodically just as surely as they will come together when the call for battle is made. History, rather than military text books, is a better guide when it comes to devising strategy or predicting the behaviour of the Masud Taliban.

The stakes are high, inestimably so. Victory and the pacification of the tribal areas will end for a generation, if not more, any meaningful challenge to the authority of the state from extremists, irredentists and Kabul provided if success on the battlefield is followed by investment in education, job opportunities, political empowerment and the provision of speedy justice. Such steps will detoxify the tribal areas of the extremist poison that they presently exude. On the other hand, defeat will metamorphose the extremist cancer. Its growth will be exponentially rapid and assuredly end all prospects of Pakistan becoming what most strive for, a democratic, modern, progressive and tolerant Islamic polity.

There are many who feel that such a battle is needless, just as they stubbornly insist that Swat was unnecessary or indeed any operation targeting fellow Muslims unwarranted. And that peace can be achieved through arrangements and understandings reached as a result of parleys at jirgas and by prayers, homilies, appeals to Islamic solidarity, etc. They are equally wrong in thinking that battle can be avoided as the Americans are in rushing into it. They misread the adversary and his intentions.

The Taliban are no longer the well meaning, albeit naïve, rustic fundamentalists or the popular expression of Pashtun nationalism in Afghanistan. Their nature, character and goals have evolved considerably over the past decade. They are not any more mere tribals rebelling against foreign occupation, poor governance, savage repression, persecution, militarism and endemic corruption. If that were so, theirs would be a common struggle. Their credo and motives are different. They now believe that “The Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power” (1 Corinthians 4:20). They view themselves as God’s agents, the true inheritor’s of the Prophet’s (PBUH) mantle. Their mission, along with that of their ally Al Qaeda, is to cleanse the ummah and then humanity, beginning with Afghanistan and Pakistan, of imperfections by force and wanton killing, if necessary, and by guile, lies or any stratagem that works. In other words, for them the end justifies the means — any means. None of which, of course, would make them as rare a historical phenomena as they appear. What gives them this status is the extent of their following, the viciousness of their tactics and insistence that their law is His; and hence opposing them is akin to waging war on Him.

The Taliban/Al Qaeda combine have been spurred on by the disastrous performance of the regime in Kabul and because Karzai has acted like a degenerate Durrani aristocrat rather than a genuine reformist. By befriending war lords and drug barons, partaking of loot while failing to provide his wretched fellow citizens with basic amenities or a semblance of security, what to speak of justice, Karzai has immeasurably strengthened the appeal of the Taliban.

No less an encouragement for the Taliban has been the disarray of policy, thought and tactics of the Americans. They do not seem to know what they want or how to go about achieving their goals. They profess a desire to negotiate with the Taliban but fight shy of approaching them with a plan in hand. They wish to prevail over the enemy but are unwilling to commit the forces or accept the casualties that may enable them to win. They promised to deliver basic amenities, allocated vast sums, raised expectations but failed miserably to live up to the hype they generated. They swore to fight corruption and improve governance but turned a blind eye to acts of gross corruption at all levels of government and ended up being accused of colluding with the likes of Fahim and Dostum who are not only corrupt but have overtaken corruption. They proclaimed their desire to end poppy cultivation but passively surveyed vast plains of poppy fields from their armed redoubts. And while America did know why she was in Afghanistan, her leaders have no idea whether to stay or when to leave.

If Bush was incompetent and a dissembler, Obama’s mediocrity is concealed behind the majesty of his language. America, alas, is being set up for a fall by her own gaffes and miscalculations rather than the shrewdness of her adversary. If the truth be told, America cannot match the challenge that Afghanistan poses.

Pakistan should not be distracted by the real possibility of an American denouement in Afghanistan. Our course is clear, so is our objective. We wish to reclaim our territories and their population that have been lost to the Taliban. Admittedly, recapturing Waziristan will be a prolonged and deadly affair. The repercussions will impact all aspects of Pakistani life and the economy. Terrorism may touch every home in Pakistan by the time it ends. But that the attempt has to be made and Pakistan saved is beyond question. We cannot parley a shameful peace with a medieval order led by deluded warrior Muslim monks. Appeasement of the Taliban has never worked; nor will hand-wringing and blaming America suffice. Far from dousing the current flames of war, appeasement will ignite a firestorm as bigots, encouraged by signs of weakness and irresolution, step up their drive for the control of Pakistan. “Fight them,” is what polls say Pakistanis want, which is just as well because a more sinister chant emanating from a terrified world is what we will hear if we do not, or if we lose. Already a dim refrain of that is audible as India, Israel, America and the western alliance ponder plans to avert the Armageddon.

Once again, the Pakistan Army is being called upon to deliver this country from the hands of those who wish to impose their way of life on us. This time, the numerical odds may favour the army but the terrain and ferocity of the enemy makes up in spades for the adversary’s inferior numbers. Waziristan is a completely different war and the Taliban/Al Qaeda combine a vastly contrasting foe to the adversary our forces have been trained and equipped to fight. The outcome will depend not only on the bravery of our forces but also crucially on their resourcefulness and their battlefield skills. On the outcome will hinge the fate of Pakistan and perhaps beyond.
No body has fought more aggressively for US than the very Mujahids you would have us embrace and tolerate so please cut out this argument. You need to look at the entire conflict evolving from the Afghan war and should atleast have some idea about how irrelevant Islam has become in this conflict...it is a mask being used by these so called Islamic fighters...there is nothing Islamic about all what they do...and openly claim credit for as if it is a great achievement.
We have seen first hand what these great champions of Islam do at the behest of our enemies.
A most brutal and merciless terrorists campaign has been launched against our country by these thaikaydaars of Islam and it has affected us all, they want to claim this country as their own and to hold its people as their serfs and slaves.
We atleast have mustered that much courage and dignity to fight for our country and its people...such confusing thoughts about this conflict held us back from acting before but now the realization has dawned upon most that these are not people who are even fit to be called human, leave alone Muslims...what right do they have to bring fire and death to our motherland and all in the name of Islam?

Do not kid me here...i have seen these monsters for what they are and have witnessed what they do firsthand, they are criminals, terrorists, bandits, rapers, kidnappers, killers and are proud of it because they can get away with anything as long as they keep a beard and wear a scarf with the holy kalma on it...
It is pathetic that we as Muslims tolerated such atrocities in the name of Islam and did not see through their nefarious desires till they gained a stranglehold on SWAT and were openly taking credit for terrorist acts throughout the land.

The battle for SWAT was the first time after many years when we truly fought for Pakistan and for its people.
We were on the verge of losing hope, i could not send my family to crowded areas and when they went to a public place i was always scared, anxious and fretting over their safety and security...is this what our life should be like, should this be acceptable to us?

Our families get slaughtered by the hundreds and those who kill them are our young children who are captured and brainwashed by our enemies...All in the name of Islam?
You do not chose to see this side of the story?

If there is injustice against muslims or muslim countries and they are suffering...does it mean we give same suffering to Pakistan and our own people...instead of making it stronger, unified and ensuring that it can play a key role in securing the political and social future of Muslims and Muslim countries?
Should Pakistan not be our priority?
Afterall Allah has blessed us with this land and we are responsible for its well being

These are indeed confusing times, here you are criticising the white masters for whom we fought in all corners of the world and yet you seem to be in UK and therefore are contributing to the economy of our former British Masters who is also number one ally of USA in its geopolitical agenda...by indirect implication then should i call you an ally of theirs as well?

You see how complicated this is...oversimplification may be gratifying for the soul in the short run but one should try to understand the true extent of the problem and for that one has to look closely at these so called Islamic fighters to realize whose side they really are on.

Far be it from me to become personal with anyone i assure you, i am a civil man by nature...

but then why this conflict in what you think about the former white masters and where you live, earn your livelihood and pay your taxes?
By simplification then you are also funding the US and UK war on one hand and taunting us about our perpetual slavery to the white skin and our abandonment of dignity?

The elimination of this TTP fitna is the first step in reclaiming our motherland for ourselves and our true independance and emancipation as a country and a people.

Those who are sympethatic to terrorists and justify such actions have done irreparable damage to Islam and Pakistan and as time passes by they will have no place in this country, inshallah.

All Green,

Agreee with you that TTP and TNSM adopted wrong methodology for implementation of Shariah but you should also accept wrong decisions of general musharaf for support of US against Afghan talaban government .

US is aggressor as per islamic defination and jihad with any aggressor is valid.

Can you prove jihad in Afghanistan is wrong with any Fatwa reference. I dont think so.

You know very well still majority pakistanis are against US and its occupation in Afghanistan.

GOP is responsible for mess in SWAT and FATA , if they would have taken Pushtoons Tribes in cofidence before making agreement with US for few dollars there will be peace in SWAT and FATA.
All Green,

Agreee with you that TTP and TNSM adopted wrong methodology for implementation of Shariah but you should also accept wrong decisions of general musharaf for support of US against Afghan talaban government .

US is aggressor as per islamic defination and jihad with any aggressor is valid.

Can you prove jihad in Afghanistan is wrong with any Fatwa reference. I dont think so.

You know very well still majority pakistanis are against US and its occupation in Afghanistan.

GOP is responsible for mess in SWAT and FATA , if they would have taken Pushtoons Tribes in cofidence before making agreement with US for few dollars there will be peace in SWAT and FATA.

First of all i am not supporting US.

My concern is regarding what is happening to Pakistan and what is being done to the name of Islam, on both counts these pshycotic militants are doing irreparable damage.

We say that their implementation of Shariah is wrong, i am afraid that is an understatement. Their Islam is not Islam, they are not Muslims as we are Muslims.
What became of the teachings of the Prophet PBUH and the decree of the Holy Quran?
To terrorise people and butcher them like sheep, to kill innocents, to kidnap innocents for ransom and call it collection of Jihad fund, to marry women forcibly at the point of gun, to call anyone who disagrees with them as enemy of Allah.
These people are the biggest enemies of Allah, for they are doing the unthinkable in His name and still claim to be serving his cause.

How many US troops did they manage to kill if they are fighting the US?
How many innocents did they kill?
Is there even a comparison between the two figures?

Allah gave us the light of Islam to establish peace and order and we go back to chaos and savagery and call it a rather brutal implementation of Sharia...it is zero implementation of Islam and Sharia.

Regarding Jihad, i would like to ask you about what happend in in Afghanistan from 79 to 88?
We all call it a Jihad but what was the real purpose of that whole operation?
For a decade muslim countries fought what they did was a Jihad and in the end it was naught but to humble one superpower against the other.
It resulted in the coming of a new world order.
We were proxies and by we i do not mean Pakistan, i mean most Muslim countries.
These same Mujahids were fed on US money and indoctrinated to fight USSR, they are not as pious as we think them to be because what they did after the USSR left was absolutely savage and brutal.

US has gotten the plot wrong and the incapable leadership of Bush deliberately lied through its teeth and was not sincere in what they claimed.
Once the major issue that the muslim world had with US was its blind support of Israel, no other major friction was there. Had this issue been resolved US would have had no problem with the Muslim world.
But after the Bush dynasty and the War in Iraq and Afghanistan the gap seems unbridgable.
Iraq war was not necessary even from US perspective and it has made a mess of things.
Whereas US is relatively safe now due its heightened state of security and its geographic isolation, the rest of the world is going down the drain.
Two Major conflicts were started off in very volatile parts of the world without an end in sight.
If we examine the neighbourhood in which Afghanistan and Iraq are situated, it is certainly a very dangerous situation in which the world is standing at the moment and US has a part in it which cannot be ignored.

But i cannot ignore the terrorists...and cannot forgive, forget or have any mercy for them.

I agree that US has used 9/11 to establish its firm hold on the world rather than work towards ensuring that the fallout does not result in bigger centers of terrorism. These conflicts are fueling the ranks of terrorists who can hide within these war zones and reinforce.

However these terrorists are clever and use the name of Islam and Jihad to confuse us and cause division within the ranks, whereas they are just killing our people and destroying our countries.

Even if a person is fighting US in Afghanistan and choses to target an innocent civilian, he ceases to be a Mujahid and a Muslim.
The fact that these rascals of TTP and TNSM claim all what was done to the people as justified in the name of Islam speaks volumes about their inhuman disposition and absolute aversion from the very principles which define Islam and Islamic law.

Regarding the Pushtoon tribes, it was our fault to leave the tribal areas without proper control, control does not mean to oppress the spirit of the tribals, Control means to ensure that there is nothing dangerous going on which the tribes cannot handle.
The TTP slowly eliminated the Tribal leadership and all those who mattered and they were not stopped in time. Dialogues only strengthened them and gave them time to reinforce and further purge their opponents.
We thought them as having an Islamic agenda but we were terribly off the mark and that we should have seen from the character of their leaders and their tactics...it was all unislamic what they did but still the nation hung on to the notion that this was a war for shariat...it was not, it was a war for power.

When they were acting in SWAT there was a religious party in power and it always sided with the militants and did not let it slip that there was a major crisis in the province.
This is the major issue, these religious parties and their corrupt leaders are the worse thing that has happened to us. They were all fed $ from Uncle Sam and now want us to face Uncle Sam whereas they enjoy the luxuries bestowed upon them.
They are not sincere to Pakistan and they use Islam as a tool to get power over others and not to serve the nation.

If we made a mistake we indeed have to make amends and leaving the terrorists in our country alive and kicking is certainly something unacceptable...we have to take them all out and make them an example for generations to come so that our country and its people are secure. The terrorists have become the primary threat to our security and economy and after eliminating them we should trace their supporters and take them to task.
Sympathizing with the these monsters and viewing them as capable of having a good intent is a very foolish thing to do after what we have seen.

The external threat is there but first we have to take care of the beast that has entered our house and ravaged our kin, it would be our end if we do not take this to heart!
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