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Pakistan Army warns India against 'misadventure'

Radiness is not. Pakistan is in the top 5 most heavily armed civilian populations/capita. Arm bearing Pakistani citizens outnumber Germany's total population. Arms owned by civilians are worth in a Billion dollar figure and we mainly use a single cartridge for our assault rifles.

In 65 we had sticks and stones, now every Pakistani home atleast owns one fire arm. If India carries out another adventure, its Army will be culled like mosquitos by simple demographic firepower difference. India will have to fight all of us, not just our Army.

Excellent - With Pakistan already home to the 'most heavily per-capita armed' civilians, there is nothing anyone needs to do. 'Armed civilians' isn't a new strategy - was tried in 1947-48 in Kashmir and during 26/11 in Mumbai, amongst others. Excellent idea for the perpetrator/terrorist handlers, because it leads to plausible deniability. Now it can be seen in action in Pakistan. The army is busy fighting against one group of 'armed civilians' in Waziristan, another group of armed civilians attacks naval bases, a third group of armed civilians shoots polio workers, yet another group of armed civilians shoots at passenger aircraft...etc. I can carry on, but there are too many to list.

For a change, instead of obsessing about an Indian threat, Pakistan should look inward and conduct some introspection on what kind of a society has it created. 'Border provocations' are in all likelihood, manufactured by an elite which is cornering a large share of national resources, but is unable to deliver basic safety, health and stable economy to the people. So to stop people from asking questions, build up the Indian bogeyman - its easier than doing something real and tangible.
Radiness is not. Pakistan is in the top 5 most heavily armed civilian populations/capita. Arm bearing Pakistani citizens outnumber Germany's total population. Arms owned by civilians are worth in a Billion dollar figure and we mainly use a single cartridge for our assault rifles.

In 65 we had sticks and stones, now every Pakistani home atleast owns one fire arm. If India carries out another adventure, its Army will be culled like mosquitos by simple demographic firepower difference. India will have to fight all of us, not just our Army.
I guess we are sitting ducks then. The 'Radio Pakistan New Delhi' does not seem too far fetched now. Best wishes anyway.

Now really buddy. You are supposed to be an administrator in this forum. That would entail you adding quality posts which enhances the value of this forum. What do you think, that the IA if faced with an armed hostile population would simply treat that population with all the civic rights expected of an unarmed population during warfare? You do realize that the Geneva Convention rules permit any army when faced with hostility by civilians during warfare to treat those civilians as armed opponents and to attack them accordingly ? Your post displays the height of a reckless attitude by a civilian whose nation is facing hostilities for whatever reason from a neighbor. Also, in my view, it is an insult to your armed forces and an unnecessary insult if stats are to believed when it comes to the Pakistani armed forces
You did not expect that now did you? :P

India will never set foot inside Pakistan. There is no need to. Pakistan has a popular gun culture - that is true. To rectify that, the Pakistan Army is forced to initiate operations ...for many years now.

Excellent - With Pakistan already home to the 'most heavily per-capita armed' civilians, there is nothing anyone needs to do. 'Armed civilians' isn't a new strategy - was tried in 1947-48 in Kashmir and during 26/11 in Mumbai, amongst others. Excellent idea for the perpetrator/terrorist handlers, because it leads to plausible deniability. Now it can be seen in action in Pakistan. The army is busy fighting against one group of 'armed civilians' in Waziristan, another group of armed civilians attacks naval bases, a third group of armed civilians shoots polio workers, yet another group of armed civilians shoots at passenger aircraft...etc. I can carry on, but there are too many to list.

For a change, instead of obsessing about an Indian threat, Pakistan should look inward and conduct some introspection on what kind of a society has it created. 'Border provocations' are in all likelihood, manufactured by an elite which is cornering a large share of national resources, but is unable to deliver basic safety, health and stable economy to the people. So to stop people from asking questions, build up the Indian bogeyman - its easier than doing something real and tangible.
Brilliant answer. :tup:

On the whole, we could actually care less, as long as border firings don't begin again. Happy Diwali.
Radiness is not. Pakistan is in the top 5 most heavily armed civilian populations/capita. Arm bearing Pakistani citizens outnumber Germany's total population. Arms owned by civilians are worth in a Billion dollar figure and we mainly use a single cartridge for our assault rifles.

In 65 we had sticks and stones, now every Pakistani home atleast owns one fire arm. If India carries out another adventure, its Army will be culled like mosquitos by simple demographic firepower difference. India will have to fight all of us, not just our Army.


When civilians start fighting on their streets---the war is already lost.

When civilians start fighting on their streets---the war is already lost.

Right said; MK.Because that was how it was before the final collapse of the Third Reich.
Maybe its just a latent sense of desperation finding expression in that narrative? or plain childishness.
Pakistan Army is never short of men, they must treat India how it ought to be treated. Pakistani nation is ready to fight shoulder to shoulder with the Khakis. Call us to arms!

Why isnt the nation fighting ?

Thats what the world wonders . The nation is already at war !

PA has traditionally not been able to identify who the enemies of the nation are .
Nothing is wrong with these statements , its only fair anyways the big mouth from across the border is always barking of big words we also have a right to defend our selves so nothing wrong said here simply we will and shall defend our nation against enemy ... and to those who don't think that we don't know who our enemy we are well aware of who they are .
Radiness is not. Pakistan is in the top 5 most heavily armed civilian populations/capita. Arm bearing Pakistani citizens outnumber Germany's total population. Arms owned by civilians are worth in a Billion dollar figure and we mainly use a single cartridge for our assault rifles.

In 65 we had sticks and stones, now every Pakistani home atleast owns one fire arm. If India carries out another adventure, its Army will be culled like mosquitos by simple demographic firepower difference. India will have to fight all of us, not just our Army.
It is funny that you would try to derive a "war fighting" capability by mentioning the number of civilians carrying arms in your country. It would rather be a cause of worry given the current taliban situation in your country.

Anyway, it is now a clearly stated modus operandi of the GoI that any firing across the IB or the LoC from Pakistan will be retaliated very heavily from India. It may not mean a lot to you on this forum but that is how it will be as a response from India. Now if you think that retaliation by the IA or BSF for any cross border / LoC firing is misadventure, so be it.

And the way things have been rolling out, so far it has not been India which is running around to UN or to P5 or all and sundry. Since that you mentioned Germany, probably Pakistan can try to ring up Merkel to see if she wants to take the Pakistani call.
Right said; MK.Because that was how it was before the final collapse of the Third Reich.
Maybe its just a latent sense of desperation finding expression in that narrative? or plain childishness.


Capt----my good man-----what?????????????????????? What has the 3rd reich got to do with it. The original poster posts brainless comments---and then you top them off.

Capt----my good man-----what?????????????????????? What has the 3rd reich got to do with it. The original poster posts brainless comments---and then you top them off.

No Sir. I gave the example of the Third Reich to validate your (correct) comment that if Citizens have to roam the streets firing off their guns, then the Nation is simply a 'goner'.
And yes; the original poster was quite brainless, but thought that it was bravado-loaded.
It is funny that you would try to derive a "war fighting" capability by mentioning the number of civilians carrying arms in your country. It would rather be a cause of worry given the current taliban situation in your country.

Anyway, it is now a clearly stated modus operandi of the GoI that any firing across the IB or the LoC from Pakistan will be retaliated very heavily from India. It may not mean a lot to you on this forum but that is how it will be as a response from India. Now if you think that retaliation by the IA or BSF for any cross border / LoC firing is misadventure, so be it.

And the way things have been rolling out, so far it has not been India which is running around to UN or to P5 or all and sundry. Since that you mentioned Germany, probably Pakistan can try to ring up Merkel to see if she wants to take the Pakistani call.


As long as the firing stays heavy ACROSS THE LOC----it is not a problem. It is your expenses that are going up and your ammo that is going to be in shortage----and your heavy equipment that would be in need of service.

But if it is a pre-cursor to war then it is not avoidable. India is just prepping the world to start this war.
What India does not understand that if full scale war broke out India will be the biggest loser because its economy has grown tremendously and war and conflicts are enemy of economic growth. Whereas Pakistan is on sea floor as per economy.
What India does not understand that if full scale war broke out India will be the biggest loser because its economy has grown tremendously and war and conflicts are enemy of economic growth. Whereas Pakistan is on sea floor as per economy.

You have nothing to lose my child.
No Sir. I gave the example of the Third Reich to validate your (correct) comment that if Citizens have to roam the streets firing off their guns, then the Nation is simply a 'goner'.
And yes; the original poster was quite brainless, but thought that it was bravado-loaded.


Please don't ride my comments. It is your nation and media that fits the scenario of the third reich. Look at your media outlets----it is all hate and slogans for war----they have created a hysteria amongst the public----they are lighting up a fie----and you the public has fallen right into it face first-----.

You Indians need to stop----step back and re-think----. You are financially well off now----you asked for success and you are walking towards it----but the problem is that the DEVIL in you is pulling you back---it does not want you to live a prosperous life---it is creating scenarios in your mind that would lead you to disaster.

As much passion that you have to go to war---so much passion you need to have to stop a war---actually more so---.

While reading the posts of all you Indians----it seems like that none of you have ever regretted mistakes in your life----or nothing catastrophic ever happened---that made you look towards the heavens and utter " Lord, I wish I knew better. I would not have done that ".

But looking at the hysteria in your country fueled by your media----regrettably, there is going to be a war.
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