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Pakistan develops Joint Standoff Weapon System


Oct 8, 2005
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Pakistan develops Joint Standoff Weapon System

ISLAMABAD, Feb 28 (APP): Pakistan has attained another mark in the production of latest missile technology by producing Joint Standoff Weapon System, which would enable Pakistan Air Force and Navy to hit the targets with accuracy.

The system is a joint venture of Pakistan Air Force and Navy. It has been developed by using Integrating Global Positioning System and Initial Management System, Navigation System.

The programme is designed on modivator Joint Air Frame Guidance and Flight control systems.

The maximum range of this missile is 70 km.

Under this programme, fighter jet fitted sensor provides the relevant details about the possible targets and guides the fighter plane to strike them with accuracy.

This system is used to hit armoured vehicles and fixed targets, GEO TV reported.

Dr Professor Hassan Askari , a renowned defence analyst while commenting said that Joint Standoff Weapon System is a form of Cruise missile.

It is fired from a jet fighter and after piercing through air it can hit its target. The greater advantage of this system is that it can be fired from the fighter plane while remaining outside the range of Anti Air Craft and Defence system of the enemy.

It will add to the defensive punch of the country because it strengthens Air Defence system, Dr Hassan said and added that it can hit hard targets, air shelters, underground command posts and tanks as well. Moreover, the missile is less expensive and effective defence system
Pakistan gains capability to hit invisible target

(Updated at 2200 PST)
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has gained what it calls ‘joint standoff weapons’ a capability through which an invisible target can be hit.

The weapon, in which integrated Global Position System and Inner-shell Management System Navigation are used, is a part of a joint programme of Navy and Air force in the U.S.

Joint airframe, guidance system and flight control is used in this programme which is designed on the modular programme and thanks to this system the missile can hit a target at range of 70 kilometers.

The missile can hit an enemy target without entering air limits of an enemy.


Sorry guys i am unable to provide link.
Its not a JDAM, its a JSOW. JDAM is Joint Direct Attack Munition and is very different from Joint Standoff Weapons System. The main one being, JSOW (the one that the news piece claims Pakistan has developed) acts more like a cluster bomb combined with a cruise missile type capability.

The JSOW is a launch and leave weapon that employs a tightly coupled Global Positioning System (GPS)/Inertial Navigation System (INS), and is capable of day/night and adverse weather operations. The JSOW uses inertial and global positioning system for midcourse navigation and imaging infra-red and datalink for terminal homing. (Courtesy Fas.org)

This is what a US General explained in one of his interviews before the Iraq War:

"...well, the JSOW is just coming into the inventory right now. Think of it as a light airplane attached underneath a real airplane. You go in fast and low or fast and high -- you release it, wings pop out and it glides to its target. It also has GPS and it can release what we call sub-munitions.

In other words, smaller munitions that go out and attack things on the ground. It also has some new things coming out that will give it penetration capability. Very formidable weapon, and it's standoff and it's launch-and-leave. So the aircraft can stay away from the target defenses and launch this weapon. It's a big, big advance in warfare."

Anyways, congratulations to the scientists involved.
Originally posted by Zeeshan S.@Mar 1 2006, 06:00 AM
Pakistan gains capability to hit invisible target

(Updated at 2200 PST)
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has gained what it calls ‘joint standoff weapons’ a capability through which an invisible target can be hit.

The weapon, in which integrated Global Position System and Inner-shell Management System Navigation are used, is a part of a joint programme of Navy and Air force in the U.S.

Joint airframe, guidance system and flight control is used in this programme which is designed on the modular programme and thanks to this system the missile can hit a target at range of 70 kilometers.

The missile can hit an enemy target without entering air limits of an enemy.


Sorry guys i am unable to provide link.
[post=6416]Quoted post[/post]​

Is it developed by pakistan or US or was it a jt development between US and pakistan.
A good question!!! I wanna about that, how come Pakistan got its hands on to this, instead they are not offering this to other nations. It could have been related to bush's visit to Indo-Pak. Need a relevent the source for info.

But any way it is agood news for Pakistan, if they are really offering it to Pakistan.
Good news. However the details are a bit sketchy. A bit more detail would be very helpful.
But then this report follows the same obscure format used by ISPR to report weapons development. They always keep you guessing.
Impressive! :thumbsup: :army:

But how did we get US to participate in such an advanced and sensitive area in full secrecy?
US gift to Pakistan ahead of Bush visit

The US has provided Pakistan Air Force (PAF) with AGM-154 ''Beyond Visual Range (BVR)'' stand-off missiles, ostensibly to target terrorist hideouts. While state-run news agency said Pakistan has attained another landmark in modern missile technology by producing a joint standoff weapon system capable of hitting "over-the-horizon" targets with accuracy, ''Pakistan Observer'' newspaper said the AGM-154 system was provided by US ahead of President George W Bush's visit to the country. According to the daily, the announcement of Pakistan acquiring the BVR missile system came at the Corps Commanders meeting presided over President Pervez Musharraf on Tuesday. The system uses technologies called ''Integrated Global Positioning System'' and Inner-shell Management System Navigation and could engage targets 70 km away. This apparently is the first BVR missiles the PAF has acquired that could be fired from a distance without coming into visual contact with the enemy. It could be fired from fighter jets fitted with sensors. The missile was provided by US reportedly to stem criticism arising out of its spy planes firing similar missiles at a village in Bajore tribal agency last month to target Al-Qaeda second in command Ayaman al-Zawahiri killing upto 18 civilians. As part of equipping Pakistan with military hardware to fight terrorists, US has granted approval to sell latest models of F-16s and supplied a fleet of helicopters, transport and sea surveillance planes.

It does seem like the AGM-154A-1 procured from the US as the range and features are quite similar. Its media at its best once again; turning and twisting the news in whatever way they like best.
Pakistan equipped with BVRS weapon
Corps Commanders Conference reviews internal, external security situation
Aroosa Alam

Rawalpindi—The senior commanders were told here Tuesday that Pakistan was now equipped with Beyond Visual Range standoff weapon system that can fight terrorists as well as insurgents in the country. The AGM 154 system has been provided by USA under its anti-terror package which includes many systems including BVR standoff weapon. Raytheon of USA has developed this system for the Air Force and the Navy. The AGM-154A (formerly Advanced Interdiction Weapon System) is intended to provide a low cost, highly lethal glide weapon with a standoff capability. JSOW family of kinematically efficient, air-to-surface glide weapons, in the 1,000-lb class, provides standoff capabilities from 15 nautical miles (low altitude launch) to 40 nautical miles (high altitude launch). The JSOW will be used against a variety of land and sea targets and will operate from ranges outside enemy point defences. The JSOW is a launch and leave weapon that employs a tightly coupled Global Positioning System (GPS)/Inertial Navigation System (INS), and is capable of day/night and adverse weather operations. The JSOW uses inertial and global positioning system for midcourse navigation and imaging infra-red and datalink for terminal homing.

Commanders were told that the milestone achievement will take care of Pakistan’s internal and external security concerns. This weapon system will also put at rest concerns expressed by some commanders lately over the breach of Pakistan’s sovereignty by Allied Forces with a particular reference to Bajour incident. Bajour killings had attracted severe criticism from people of Pakistan, political parties and even from within the armed forces. With the induction of new system Pakistan Army combating terrorism will be able to hit targets without coming into direct contact with well dug terrorists.

The induction of the standoff weapon system has also lent comfort to those commanders who are fighting insurgents in Balochistan and terrorists in Wana and tribal areas. The new system will also serve as a shot in the arm for the ruling alliance who is braving opposition rallies in the name of protest against blasphemous cartoons .

Commanders reposing complete confidence into the leadership of President General Pervez Musharraf and his policies firmly declared that blasphemous cartoons are matter of grave concern to every Pakistani but nobody will be allowed to draw political advantage out of it. They agreed that such elements will be dealt with an iron hand. And nobody will be allowed to disturb law and order situation in the country.

The 95th Corps Commanders Conference was held at the General Headquarters Tuesday. President General Pervez Musharraf presided over the conference, which was attended by all Corps Commanders and Principal Staff Officers.

The participants of the conference reviewed the internal and external security situation with particular reference to the situation arising out of publication of the blasphemous sketches in some western media. President General Pervez Musharraf strongly condemned these publications. He said that Pakistan has already condemned this act at all forums in October 2005. Pakistan wrote a letter to Danish government condemning the blasphemy. Our Ambassador in Denmark along with six other Ambassadors of OIC countries made a strong demarche to the Danish Prime Minister. In December 2005, our Permanent Representative in Geneva in his capacity as the Chairman of the OIC Group in Geneva, addressed a letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights seeking his intervention with Denmark to help stem this outrage against Islam. President said that at Pakistan’s initiative, the 60th Session of UN General Assembly in December 2005 adopted a resolution calling upon the International Community to combat defamation of all religions and curb the tendency of Islamophobia. On 14th February, an extraordinary meeting of the OIC was also held in Jeddah due to our efforts which adopted resolution condemning the blasphemy.

President said that Pakistan in fact is in the lead of all Muslim countries at all these forums. We shall also ask for International legislation banning blasphemy against all Prophets and term it as cognizable and criminal offence. Whereas this act has hurt the sentiments of all Muslims, irrespective of their affiliation with a religious party or otherwise, the government stands by with its people in condemning this act. It was unanimously viewed by all the participants that we shall not allow any person or group to exploit this event for political or vested interests.

Unfortunately some elements with malicious intent have created law and order problem and situation of insecurity for the foreign investors. Those who have indulged in violence causing loss of life and property of their brethren and exploited this situation for personal agendas, are actually indulging in unethical and criminal act and we shall deal with these unscrupulous elements with stern hand. President General Pervez Musharraf reaffirmed the resolve that no one shall be allowed to disturb law and order situation and measures will be taken to protect the life and property of the citizens.

At the end the participants were also briefed on the situation in Balochistan and Federally Administered Tribal Areas. President appreciated the efforts of security personnel who are engaged in maintaining the law and order situation both in Balochistan and FATA. The participants were also briefed on the enhancement of Army’s capabilities and acquisition of new system to combat terrorism.

There is no question about how effective this will be. This will give the PAF the much needed qualitative advantage over well dug-in miscreants. Lets see how deep they can dig themselves in, whether in mainland Balochistan or the hostile terrain of North Waziristan.
This apparently is the first BVR missiles the PAF has acquired that could be fired from a distance without coming into visual contact with the enemy.
I tend to disagree with this point. For those who have been following the developments pakistan has made with the last year or two must know about H2 and H4 weapon systems.
Both of these are air 2 ground weapons with either similar or longer range than AGM154.
The only advantage in case of AGM 154 is the Fire& Forget ability. :army:
Originally posted by Zeeshan S.@Mar 2 2006, 04:53 PM
Pakistan equipped with BVRS weapon
Corps Commanders Conference reviews internal, external security situation
Aroosa Alam
[post=6530]Quoted post[/post]​

So that means Pakistan does have a BVR Technology. :shocked:
Yes pakistan does posses BVR technology. However in this thread the BVR weapons discussed are Air to Ground BVR weapons.
I mean Both Air-to-Air and Air-To-Ground Technology. It is abvious that if they have developed this weapon they would have got air-to-ground BVR, but the real question is about the Air-to-Air BVR?

No 1 so far has been able to tell that with exact source.

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