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Pakistan expanding its nuclear arsenal: Report

... expanding its nuclear arse??
The main page heading reads so.
We should have at least 1000 low yield nukes keeping in mind that NATO and QUAD can be our future enemies. Low yield nukes with yield of under 15kt should be enough to destroy any enemy base or wipe out a big part of a city.
When everything fails, start writing about Pakistan's increasing nuke arsenal. Ta da and you have hordes of "Concerned" white and brown people talking about how it is dangerous thing for world peace.
MIRV is already there in Ababeel. Hope it will be inducted soon after final trial.
ICBMs, i dont see the needs. although for ababeel they may make a longer range and wider missile than Shaheen III with the roughly similar range of Shaheen III
2-3 per each Indian target is the redundancy - and every possible target that would the very idea of the Indian non-existent for 1000 years has been catered for.
Redundancy? You make nuclear warfare sound like Data backup
Redundancy? You make nuclear warfare sound like Data backup
Yes - it usually is redundant. The US and USSR held stockpiles to nuke each other multiple times over. The idea was that if certain warheads were destroyed then others could take its place.
Nope he is not...
But Pakistanis have called me and my mother Indian inside Pakistan to my face - despite both her and I being born in this country.
We should have at least 1000 low yield nukes keeping in mind that NATO and QUAD can be our future enemies. Low yield nukes with yield of under 15kt should be enough to destroy any enemy base or wipe out a big part of a city.
What is the production and maintenance cost if 1 15kt weapon? Do you know?
What is the production and maintenance cost if 1 15kt weapon? Do you know?

Cost of feeding a small village a plate of biryani

But Pakistanis have called me and my mother Indian inside Pakistan to my face - despite both her and I being born in this country.

I hoped You punched them in their face, I don't think I could take such an insult.. unless they meant Harappan, then in that case should've gave them a hug
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Read the report a few days ago when it was released.

There is a lot of exaggerations and half-truths, like the unsubstantiated claim that F-16s were modified for nuclear role. It is always been Mirages and soon JF-17. You don't tie your strategic assets with a platform that can be sanctioned during time of war. This is why JF-17 exists.

View attachment 777262

A total waste of resources.

The money would be better spent on an SLV programme to build our space infrastructure.
What a fighter jet needs to deliver a nuclear warhead . What mirages have which f16 don't?
The only sensible line from this article is the last one

I do believe must of the worlds warheads are based on speculations as nobody officially reports but there is alot of guess-work behind it Pak well be over 500 warheads and the same with china over 1000 but reports but China at 300 which is based on speculations

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