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Pakistan has 90- 110 nuclear weapons – Iran has none. Who is a greater thre

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Feb 2, 2007
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Pakistan is estimated to be in possession of more nuclear weapons than India and is currently spending about $ 2.5 billion a year to develop its arsenal, According to a news report published inThe Hindu.

The report titled ‘Assuring Destruction Forever: Nuclear Modernization Around the World’, states that “Pakistan is moving from an arsenal based wholly on HEU (Highly Enriched Uranium) to greater reliance on lighter and more compact plutonium-based weapons, which is made possible by a rapid expansion in plutonium production capacity”.

According to the findings of the report Pakistan is estimated to have “90-110 nuclear weapons”.

Continue reading on Examiner.com Pakistan has 90- 110 nuclear weapons – Iran has none. Who is a greater threat ? - Wichita Military Affairs | Examiner.com Pakistan has 90- 110 nuclear weapons

Pakistan has developed a “second generation of ballistic missile systems” over the past five years and significantly upgraded its capabilities.

Pakistan is not a signatory to the NPT nor has it signed the CTBT and it appears to recognize “no legal obligation to restrain or end its nuclear weapons and missile program”. It is unrestrained in its attempts to develop more nuclear weapons…

Pakistan has a wide range of nuclear weapons including “short, medium and longer range missiles, road-mobile ballistic surface-to-surface missiles in various stages of development”, the report noted (see: Pakistan's nuclear weapons program - a rising threat Pakistan's nuclear weapons program - a rising threat - YouTube ). See also Pakistani test of "terrain hugging" stealth cruise missile capable of delivering a nuclear warheads, as senior officers, elected officals engineering specialists watched CRUISE MISSILE: Pakistan tests nuclear-capable weapon - YouTube .


“We are effectively subsidizing Pakistan’s entire nuclear program with US tax dollars”, said one analyst in Wichita, Kansas who declined to be named in this report. At a time when anti Americanism is at a all time high (see: Raw Video: Anti-American Protest in Pakistan Raw Video: Anti-American Protest in Pakistan - YouTube . See also: Bin Laden Supporters in Pakistan Protest His Killing; Burn American Flags Bin Laden Supporters in Pakistan Protest His Killing; Burn American Flags - YouTube


Pakistan is one of the largest recipients of U.S. assistance. Nearly $3 billion in U.S. aid to Pakistan is planned for fiscal 2012. About $1.6 billion of the FY2012 funds are security-related and most of the remaining $1.4 billion is for economic development. Pakistan has received over $20 billion in military and non-military aid since 2001. About $9 billion of that total went to reimburse Pakistan for its expenses incurred in supporting U.S. military operations in Afghanistan.


When you look at it $3 billion covers almost the entire cost of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program. They get to devote money to that because we are supporting them in other areas. Pakistan says it faces a threat from India and other nations and needs nuclear weapons to protect itself. Some private Intelligence analysts over the years have indicated that the threat of terrorists gaining control over Pakistan’s nuclear weapons is greater than the threat posed by Iran, which claims it has no interest in developing nuclear weapons. These private analysts may be correct in there assumptions.


Pakistan hosts 12 domestic terrorist groups in country, including those directly affiliated with the Taliban, which is responsible for a majority of insurgent attacks in Afghanistan. Pakistan’s has some 32 International terrorist organizations represented in the country, including those recognized as some of the most dangerous in the entire world: “Laskhar e-Taiba, Al-Jehad, Mahaz e- Azadi, Muslim Mujahideen, Islami Jaamat e- Tulba, just to name a few (See: Terrorist and Extremist groups in Pakistan Terrorist and Extremist Groups of Pakistan ).

“In many ways Pakistan is a greater threat to America than Iran which doesn’t even have one nuke that we know of. Yet we pay the one and sanction the other…”, said Philip Marks of Wichita, who agreed to speak to me on the phone regarding the threat of Pakistani terrorism.

I found no one in Wichita willing to defend US foreign and military aid to Pakistan at this time.

Wichita has been hit hard by a huge reductions in state and federal spending on education and other social programs...at a time when US military aid has been increased? People here are worried about how they are going to feed their kids, pay for gas and fund their schools...

Robert Tilford


Please note none of these views are mine
ofcourse pakistan is strong. no doubt abt that. but pakistan's nuclear program is doubted not indegeneous but iran's program is mostly by inhouse research. their new centrifuges are a proof thet they r constantly working on developing new efficient nuclear cycles rather than cloning nuclear weapons.
ofcourse pakistan is strong. no doubt abt that. but pakistan's nuclear program is doubted not indegeneous but iran's program is mostly by inhouse research. their new centrifuges are a proof thet they r constantly working on developing new efficient nuclear cycles rather than cloning nuclear weapons.

:lol: We were the ones who helped Iran develop nuclear weapons and gave them nessacary blueprints...

As for terrorist groups... There are two types of group. Good and Bad. There is bad bacteria and there is good bacteria. There are good parasites and bad parasites... And it goes on and on.
what is the use when Pakistan does not have a proper air defense system that can counter enemy ballistic missiles?
Second strike capability requires to have a minimum number of nuclear weapons equally spread out around the country, there should be all modes of delivery also available. Pakistan has more than one nuclear enemies which have and will collude to work against the interest of Pakistan.
pakistan have got more weapons and bombs compared to Iran.

But Iran have guts.


Iran shot down US drone while US drones regularly bombs pakistan and kills pakitanis while the stronger pakistan with mighty army, PAF, PN and nuclear weapons watches in silence. :rolleyes:

Unlike Iran, Pakistan is not involved in a stand off with America, in fact to a certain degree both US and Pakistan are fighting a common menace, more due to the fact that we share our border with Afghanistan. However when a certain micro power tries to be adventurous, the results are all too obvious. :D

Pakistan should have atleast 5000 nukes :angel:
Piling up so much nuclear bombs are of no use if the nation lacks credible second strike capability ... I wonder whats in on their mind's. Good luck
by the way...how many nukes you guys may have..your country dont have much strategic depth to hide them..thats your main problem..

you can run..but you cant hide.....

Looks like Robert Tilford is pissed that a muslim country has nuclear weapons.

Piling up so much nuclear bombs are of no use if the nation lacks credible second strike capability ... I wonder whats in on their mind's. Good luck
Work is being done to have a secure second strike capability but you know Pakistan is small so once it fires nuclear weapons it means Pakistan is finished hence there won't be any need for 2nd strike as Pakistan i imagine would fire all nuclear weapons at once to cause maximum damage to enemy.
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