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Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi to take action over allegations of inappropriate behaviour by an Indian staffer


Sep 20, 2014
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New Delhi: The Pakistani government has announced that it is investigating reports of inappropriate conduct by one of its officials at its consulate in Delhi. A woman has come forward accusing staff members of making unwanted sexual advances towards her during her visit to the consulate in 2022 to apply for a visa. According to the woman's statement to News18, she wanted to travel to Pakistan as she was invited by a varsity to deliver a lecture. When she first arrived at the embassy for a visa, she was told to come in May after Eid. However, another official at the consulate told the woman that he can process her visa application.

Woman claims she was asked questions on marital status, sex life​

She further told the media outlet that she was taken to another room and asked general questions first and then the conversation crossed a line as she was asked about her marital status and sex life. "He then asked me about my sex life. I found that uncomfortable," she said as quoted by News18.

She also alleged that the two Pakistan officials began talking about the Khalistan movement and the Kashmir resolution, completely steering the conversation from the matter.

Pak diplomats allegedly asked her to criticise PM Modi in articles​

Approximately one month after the initial incident, the woman reported receiving WhatsApp messages from the officials involved. According to her, the two men were offering her money in exchange for writing articles critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The woman stated that the men were messaging and deleting their messages simultaneously, but she was able to capture screenshots.

Pakistan foreign ministry takes cognizance of incident​

In a statement, the Pakistani Foreign Ministry emphasized the importance of proper behavior and etiquette towards visa and consular applicants, and that all diplomatic staff are instructed to conduct themselves professionally. The ministry also stated that there is zero tolerance for any mistreatment or misconduct towards individuals visiting Pakistani Missions.

The ministry spokesperson expressed surprise at the timing and manner in which the allegations were made and highlighted that there are established procedures in place to address public grievances. The incident has caused tension between the two countries, and the investigation is ongoing. Any misconduct must be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated to ensure justice for the victims and accountability for any wrongdoings.

Zero tolerance for misbehaviour, Pakistan says looking into Indian woman's allegations​

It seems that the diplomat in question has been influenced by local Indian culture.
The Pakistani diplomat took Indian culture too seriously.
What a shame.
Is your Pakistani/islamic culture this weak that it got influenced by the so called inferior Indian culture so easily.
Were these Pakistani men too were affected by Indian culture, or was it Pakistani culture from the very start that caused these types of incidents.

All the South Asian men are equally bad in this regard, they don't know how to respect women, but Pakistan certainly is worse than the others
Pakistan ranks in the 5 worst countries in this regard.
India ranks 148 certainly better than Pakistan but still a very shameful ranking
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Is your Pakistani/islamic culture this weak that it got influenced by the so called inferior Indian culture so easily.
Were these Pakistani men too were affected by Indian culture, or was it Pakistani culture from the very start that caused these types of incidents.

All the South Asian men are equally bad in this regard, they don't know how to respect women, but Pakistan is more bad in this regard
Pakistan ranks in the 5 worst countries in this regard.
India ranks 148 certainly better than Pakistan but still a very shameful ranking

Relentless Bollywood projections in Pakistan are showing their obvious symptoms.
I hope no physical contact was made. Perhaps, it was a honey trap failure. Anyway, men are stupid and women are golddiggers.
I think they were having fun with her....
then your idea of fun is very deluded and shameful not to mention against islamic values
in simple words you are a sexist pervert if you support this man's action in any way or form
I think she failed in getting attention from one of attractive guy of our embassy staff
then your idea of fun is very deluded and shameful not to mention against islamic values
in simple words you are a sexist pervert if you support this man's action in any way or form

you know for country whose soldiers murder, rape and torture muslims on a daily basis you are no position to lecture us.
There have been complaints about Pakistani embassy staffers in Bangkok, Thailand as well.

But no official complaint.

The type of paindoos the Foreign office has employed to work in embassy worldwide is astounding. You have jahils who have no manners, cannot communicate properly, spew paindoo accent, have staring issues, do not know what the process is, try talking up personal crap unrelated to work at hand.

I won’t recommend family members going to Pakistan embassy alone. The good people seem to have done a runner overseas. The foreign office really needs to introspect on what kind of people they are employing.
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