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Pakistan is a Defeated Force - Bangladesh PM Haseena

Someone needs to ask this b|tch what she meant by defeated Pakistan. She needs some history lessons. Pakistan movement, the creation of Muslim league, the party which created Pakistan, were all done by the Bengalies themselves. Because her father was a traitor doesnt mean that whatever she utters would become facts. By being hostile to Pakistan she is actually pissing over the elders of Bengalies who created Pakistan and had they not put their weight behind Pakistan movement, Pakistan might not even existed. Either the elders were fools and Hasina and her mukti bahni goons are genius or vice versa. Bengalies needs to start asking this question among themselves.
Basically she and her family has always been pro-India or hated Pakistan forever. Its not only to do with 1971 but way back in 1950s his father was busy founding a movement of anarchy and disunity.

She will do anything to please her masters but the time is not far off when the people of Bangladesh will realise that whatever happened in History was just one side of the coin and in order to progress we need to look future and having good relationship with Pakistan is in the interest of both nations. I do wish to see trouble-free SAARC nations with EU like freedom of movement but that is only possible if geographical dispute is resolved.

This subcontinent has potential to grow at fastest pace possible and change the life of its people but everything is somewhat tied with peace and prosperity of its region of Kashmir.
And?????............Germany and Italy were defeated nations after world war 2, what relevance does it have today? Today they are fully developed 1st world nations. What happened nearly 50 years ago has very little bearing on the here & now..

Indeed 1971 was a national humiliation for Pakistani Army but look at the odds in E. Pakistan then?! It was an UNWINNABLE war. Heck, at the height of American power, a vaunted General McCarthy had to retreat in the Korean War--I think twice?!

Give it a rest guys. Most of you were probably not even in this world in 1971. I remember the war a bit. I remember my father roaming the streets of Karachi as a 'Razakar' at night and forcing riders to turn off headlights during the curfews. I remember he almost broke the headlight of a motorcycle by using a stone because the guy had his headlight on. I remember us covering house windows with Jang newspaper to limit house light going out. I remember we making small packets of supplies for the Pakistan Army. I remember all of us in a basement of our house, sleeping eating, with other relative families coming to our house for shelter. I remember PAF planes flying low over the city sometimes....

And I distinctly remember the reaction in Karachi late December 1971 was something like 'Meh! Bangalis were Ghaddar anyway!' or 'Now Paan is more expensive because no more coming from Dhaka'.

We wish BD well--from a distance!
Why is it that when it becomes clear a country has distanced itself from Pakistan, the reaction is "We don't care"? And it seems invariably the country which decides so suddenly becomes irrelevant.

If UAE invests in India or signs declaration against terrorism then it becomes a non-entity. If US advises against breeding terrorism then it becomes a superpower in decline. If Bangladesh issues some statements then it is lungi power.

It seems the only way to remain a country of relevance is to cater to Pakistan's "needs".:D
You do not know what RAW is. RAW has not left any avenue open for her ever to go against india. She's simply a puppet.
Pakistan knows and fully understands the games RAW plays. Even her body guards are being provided by RAW as she does not trust her own people. Well.....you can gamble whole Las Vegas on one bet and will win every time. Nothing is eternal.
Yo had Kashmir been on the other side of India; It would had been LONG GONE from them before Bangladesh
I have always held an opinion that PM Haseena regularly visits PDF and devises her policies to troll the jingoists. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Well this thread is one more evidence of this. May be ..... just may be Haseena gave this statement to troll them.:D:D:D
I have always held an opinion that PM Haseena regularly visits PDF and devises her policies to troll the jingoists. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Well this thread is one more evidence of this. May be ..... just may be Haseena gave this statement to troll them.:D:D:D
ikr? :lol: look the source is even world-leading AF... thukku PTI :p:
I don't know why Pakistanis object to Haseena saying Pakistan is a defeated country when Pakistan's own military accepted that they are defeated !!!
Her grievances are genuine and it's personal. Pak trained BD officers and soldiers, 14 junior officers and a platoon to be precise, with the help of three tanks (without any shells whatsoever) sent her father and all her brothers to hell within half an hour ops. It also included the most ruthless of the proxy gang - her cousin and uncles. All the Indian and USSR backing with thousands of spies and forces came to zilch when Murad-i Ilahi was served on these Hanuman traitors. Let it be a lesson for all those Murted proxies turned into apes and pigs...
BRO, actually Indians were well aware of SK Mujib's barometer of low popularity and didn't intentionally save him. You can read RAW's ex-chief Mr. Kao and Indira's conversation in that regard. SK Mujib's joining in OIC's formation at Lahore's meeting wasn't liked by Indians. He also had record at participating in Kolkata's riots and India itself wasn't that powerful either like today thus Islamic-Hateful Indians didn't save him, IMO.

Then in their second phase of Indianization of BD, Indians provided shelter for Hasina to brainwash her.Just like her father, she wasn't academically aptitude or politically intelligent thus became perfect candidate for fulfilling India's long dream. On a related note, Indians are masters in creating concocted reality while it serves their interest and don't follow any moral or legal boundary to achieve it.

OTH, author like Mr. Lefkowitz in 'Bangladesh an unfinished revolution' revealed that SK. Mujib's mother was a converted and never allowed him to be circumcised. He also went to Kolkata and studied at Islamia College, where he got picked by Hindu's intelligent class and got the ABC's of brain washing. Furthermore, his political master like Mr. Shoharowardy was a tacit Bengali nationalist but Mujib never had academic or intellectual credential to understand conniving, sleazy, hybrid Benya zealot's real scheme. So, he was netted easily and groomed as a perfect candidate to break PAK up. So, in a nutshell, he was used, abused and neglected by Indians.
Hypothetical situation:
If Bhutto had accepted the results and Sheikh mujeeb bacame the prime minister back in 71 what changes do you think would have occurred in the history?
Indeed 1971 was a national humiliation for Pakistani Army but look at the odds in E. Pakistan then?! It was an UNWINNABLE war. Heck, at the height of American power, a vaunted General McCarthy had to retreat in the Korean War--I think twice?!

Give it a rest guys. Most of you were probably not even in this world in 1971. I remember the war a bit. I remember my father roaming the streets of Karachi as a 'Razakar' at night and forcing riders to turn off headlights during the curfews. I remember he almost broke the headlight of a motorcycle by using a stone because the guy had his headlight on. I remember us covering house windows with Jang newspaper to limit house light going out. I remember we making small packets of supplies for the Pakistan Army. I remember all of us in a basement of our house, sleeping eating, with other relative families coming to our house for shelter. I remember PAF planes flying low over the city sometimes....

And I distinctly remember the reaction in Karachi late December 1971 was something like 'Meh! Bangalis were Ghaddar anyway!' or 'Now Paan is more expensive because no more coming from Dhaka'.

We wish BD well--from a distance!

1971 was a national humiliation not because you lost the war to India. It is because you drove Bengali Muslims in the arms of your hated enemies. they were one of the two groups most responsible for the creation of Pakistan

Basically she and her family has always been pro-India or hated Pakistan forever. Its not only to do with 1971 but way back in 1950s his father was busy founding a movement of anarchy and disunity.

She will do anything to please her masters but the time is not far off when the people of Bangladesh will realise that whatever happened in History was just one side of the coin and in order to progress we need to look future and having good relationship with Pakistan is in the interest of both nations. I do wish to see trouble-free SAARC nations with EU like freedom of movement but that is only possible if geographical dispute is resolved.

This subcontinent has potential to grow at fastest pace possible and change the life of its people but everything is somewhat tied with peace and prosperity of its region of Kashmir.

there is no proof Mujib is any less of a traitor than any other West pakistani politician or army general

India has been growing since 1990. Pakistan has to decide which way they want to go
Pakistan needs to recapture it's colony again.
Why would we want to that? ..... Apart from her and supporters, I love and respect our Bangladeshi brothers and sisters and wish them best of luck in dealing with an idiot like her who has bartered freedom for some Indian goodies :( Her father was the same and that's why he got killed by his own army.
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