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Pakistan issues notifications for multiple missile tests 9-14th April 2022

3000 KM notification means actual range of the missile will be around 2200 km. Excessive range is notified as an alert buffer. Its Shaheen 3.
The biggest threat to salamati of Pakistan is posed by azad adaliya.

Missile is not going to be of much help in a situation where dushman anasir can takeover the country by simply bribing dau takkay kay government officials in plain sight of TV cameras. Missiles are of little use in a country where morality and patriotism are for sale.
When I was younger I used to look forward to new systems. I guess this was a time when we were building up our capability.

Now I look forward and hope for user trials of existing systems because that means that we just added yet another batch of missiles. 10 Shaheen 1As will serve us much better than 2 Ababeels in an actual shooting war.

When a missile is tested towards the ocean, it fells into the water after reaching its target. Yes? If so, isin't that a security risk that your intact missile is floating around somewhere in the ocean and enemies can potentially reach it and retrieve it? Even if it sinks, it is potentially retrievable from the depths of the ocean.

Any thoughts?

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