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Pakistan Needs a Visionary Leader


Oct 3, 2005
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United States
Pakistan Needs a Visionary Leader

Pervez Musharraf's reign had to end. He had ignored the will of the people far too long by catering to Washington's whims and exercising oppression and suppression of the people. It is time for all leaders to know that serving the so called "War on Terror" should not, and cannot, be a substitute for domestic sources of legitimacy. Many leaders use the already destructive war on terror to prolong their rule and rely on Washington's support to evade accountability and transparency at home.

Musharraf's departure is an opening but will not end Pakistan's woes. It's geopolitical importance, first in the Cold War, and later in the era of "the war on terror", has served Pakistan's rulers at the expense of the people and the country's democratic institutions.
It is also regrettable that the two main opposition parties are more interested in reinforcing feudal and tribal allegiances in the service of consolidating dynasties than they are interested in the goal of strengthening democracy.

But it is not clear how much of a change that Musharraf's departure will usher in.
Pakistan is still torn in different directions by forces of tribalism, military hegemony, fanaticism and extremism -- all fueled by the continued " war on terror", regional rivalries, the instability in neighboring Afghanistan and, now, possible fall out from the new Caucasus war.

I think that Pakistan still needs a visionary leader at the helm to take the country out of its endless turmoil of blood and steel. The country does not lack courageous people (such as the Chief Justice, Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry) who challenge oppression and tyranny to protect the rule of law. But I fear that the conflicting regional
interests, bleeding internal wounds and American influence will not allow for the right leadership to emerge.

Washington will offer support for leaders that suit its interests. Unfortunately there is no shortage of leaders in Pakistan, as in the Arab World, who are ready to comply with foreign intervention to obtain or retain power.

Nevertheless one cannot be but encouraged by the fact that the Pakistani people
continue to make their voices heard and challenge arbitrary power. And at least there is a process of change where leaders have to quit, unlike the situation in the Arab countries.

Lamis Andoni at PostGlobal: Pakistan Needs a Visionary Leader - PostGlobal at washingtonpost.com
webby - dont hold your breathe! CJ as a visionary - give me a break!
I think he wants to differentiate Leadership and power, the writer took note of the CJP for his struggle as a deposed judge, how he attracted countless thousands to join him in struggle to undo what happened in March. What CJP did required pure leadership skills, a mere march from Islamabad to Lahore turned into revolution against autocracy and plutocracy, and when they (Musharraf) used force the Lawyers boycotted, and when Musharraf made charge sheet against the CJP the lawyers sent Aitzaz Ahsen. It was war of Power against Leadership.
We need a visionary leader coupled with a change in Nizam.
This Nizam breeds corruption and corrupt leaders!
We need a visionary leader coupled with a change in Nizam.
This Nizam breeds corruption and corrupt leaders!

wait a minute - the awam has elected these people - who are we to question their wisdom!
More than a visonary leader what is needed is to allow democracy to grow..only then will a leader emerge who will be able to think beyond avoiding the next coup / arrest or keeping his passport intact to fly abroad at short notice.
What they need are more good leaders than one excellent leader. Otherwise that leader too will think of himself as gods gift to Pakistan and rule till he dies.
Rationally speaking, I dont see any "Visionary Leader" on the horizon of this country.
Visionary leaders are nurtured within the nourishing environment of a credible political system . . . something that Pakistan does not have!!

The present bankrupt system has only been able to provide bankrupt rulers . . . whether civilians or military.

To coin a famous Americanism, its the system, stupid !!
Visionary leaders are nurtured within the nourishing environment of a credible political system . . . something that Pakistan does not have!!

The present bankrupt system has only been able to provide bankrupt rulers . . . whether civilians or military.

To coin a famous Americanism, its the system, stupid !!

Gotta concur with that. the problem is that the kind of upheaval required to change the system in the short term involves there being a big mess.

Long term education is the only way there will be change. When people will not be flanneled by the likes of the current batch of wasters.

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