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Pakistan steel Achieves 60% Capacity and 50 MW Electricity Generation First Time in 6 Years

If they are able to do all of this in their current term they will not be challenged by any party in the future
above measurements can be easily achieve simply via policy making.

i am not talking about growth like china, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, even srilanka in education that they achieved in 20 years.

mport of LNG via a private terminal and providing it to private producers, improving power distribution and recovering some tax exemption for the rich and using nadra database etc those things can be achieved in short period if the govt has political will to do so. but this will not make Pakistan a develop country or even put pakistan on a list of strong developing country.

no real developing country from india to turkey have the problems we have, they dont have power problems, extremely low taxation, problems in simply importing LNG etc.

but that doesn't mean that they are already DEVELOPED BY SIMPLY SOLVING THE VERY BASICS.

the real work of extensive infrastruture , education reforms, reforms in easing business, improving growth on longterm and health reforms are more complex and complicated

if above measurements completion make Pakistanis so happy that they will not even consider any other party than forget about Pakistan being a developed country in next 100 years.

its time we judge our politicians by international standards(or atleast standards of south asia or our region) not by our own local standards.
no wonder corruption, inefficiency and poor education is prevalent in pakistan, its because of our educated class says "all is well"
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above measurements can be easily achieve simply via policy making.

i am not talking about growth like china, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, even srilanka in education that they achieved in 20 years.

mport of LNG via a private terminal and providing it to private producers, improving power distribution and recovering some tax exemption for the rich and using nadra database etc those things can be achieved in short period if the govt has political will to do so. but this will not make Pakistan a develop country or even put pakistan on a list of strong developing country.

no real developing country from india to turkey have the problems we have, they dont have power problems, extremely low taxation, problems in simply importing LNG etc.

but that doesn't mean that they are already DEVELOPED BY SIMPLY SOLVING THE VERY BASICS.

the real work of extensive infrastruture , education reforms, reforms in easing business, improving growth on longterm and health reforms are more complex and complicated

if above measurements completion make Pakistanis so happy that they will not even consider any other party than forget about Pakistan being a developed country in next 100 years.

its time we judge our politicians by international standards(or atleast standards of south asia or our region) not by our own local standards.
no wonder corruption, inefficiency and poor education is prevalent in pakistan, its because of our educated class says "all is well"
I know they can easily be done by good or even average policy making but as you know our government is not up to any kind of standard so if they accomplish what they say they will accomplish then it will be a great step as they they will be the only ones fulfilling promises. I know by doing what they have promised wont make pakistan a developed country but it will open the gateway to development. And you should know that we are a really really emotional country and we have a thing called paray likhay jahil (educated fools) who will never judge our politicians by international standards
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