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Pakistan to turn up the heat on Kashmir again

Aizaz also stated that while remaining firm on its just stance, Pakistan is committed to a meaningful and constructive dialogue with India to resolve all outstanding issues, including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir.
Yeah, Pakistan just has to keep going at it, be committed to dialogue. I guess India will come calling when it is more or equally desperate to resolve all issues.

He conveyed Pakistan’s concerns on certain agreements which according Islamabad would have detrimental impact on the strategic stability in the South Asian region.
What strategic stability do Pakistanis talk about?! The idea that a 7 times larger country by area and economy which has other rivals should maintain same army size and capability as its own?
At her weekly news briefing, FO spokesperson Tasnim Aslam said India’s massive acquisition of weapons further complicated the regional strategic stability. “India’s defence spending has increased by 12% in 2014-15 and stands at US$ 38.35 billion. India has been the top buyers of arms for the last three years. In this backdrop, the US-India 10-year defence agreement can only add to the conventional asymmetry and hence strategic instability,” Tasnim told reporters.

She maintained that Pakistan has been proposing a three pronged Strategic Restraint Regime consisting of conflict resolution, nuclear and missile restraint, and conventional balance.
Coming up with new names and regimes like this only make one sound stupid. The argument for conventional balance sounds like 'I don't have underwear, don't let him wear underwear, we are equal'.
Ya, India won't budge, Pakistan won't budge. That's the road to endless conflict that might on occasion explode into mass suffering. Whatcha gonna say then, "they started it?"

You Indians claim to be "better" than Pakistanis all the time on this Pakistani forum, why don't you prove you're better by being the first nation on earth to institute the regular referendums i asked for and so prove to the world that the people you're administrating in Kashmir actually support you Indians ruling them.
Oh wait, the UK does that with their "common wealth". My Netherlands does that with their "antilles" former colonies.

Whenever you put some kinda claim on any land outside recognized borders (aka : google maps borders), you're being expansionstic. You yourself admit the Kashmir issue generates terroristic problems in your own region.
I've told you how you can show some kinda real will to end that terror risk.

You Indians on this forum, all of you, can from now on at least stop claiming India is a better nation than Pakistan.
Your agent here has just proven you're NOT.
We don't need to be morally superior. We are militarily and economically superior. That's all we care about. We are evil and will remain so. Cry a river.

they're right to do so if you're buying gear that's gonna get pointed at the Pakistanis.
Pakistan is our enemy state.

we need to know what you Indians are buying in military gear, where it's stationed, what it's pointed at, and what the ranges and blastranges and time-to-delivery are
We won't tell you.
Why not PAA put its Cobra fleet in Kashmir-Gilgit and in Sarkareek area. And aslo Govt. bring ME investors to invest in the minerals of Sindh-Punjab-Balochistan-KPK.
We don't need to be morally superior. We are militarily and economically superior. That's all we care about. We are evil and will remain so. Cry a river.

Pakistan is our enemy state.

We won't tell you.

At least you're being honest, blunt, and diplomatic enough at the same time ;)

I'll enjoy engaging you Indian idiots on this forum in the future :)

Why do i think you're idiots now? Because you don't even realize the importance of holding the moral highground in conflicts between nations. :D Don't worry tho, if i can explain that one to the Israeli and US leaderships succesfully as I truly believe i've done, I can probably tackle Indian idiocy as well :) Maybe even without hurting ur fragile stupid egos too much :D

What EXACTLY do you want

Thank you for this question! :)

Well :

- self-governance for Indian-administred Kashmir, or regular referendums among the people living in Indian-administred Kashmir on whether or not they actually want to be ruled by Indians any longer. Reason : this'll shut up the Pakistanis about Kashmir :)

- whenever you increase your defense spending, with Pakistan as your primary stated enemy, a list of the following :
- what military gear and military abilities you're buying with that increased defense spending. in the case of military hardware, that would include the name and supplier of the gear, where it's stationed, who it's pointed at, it's range, it's maximum speed of movement, and blastranges and penetration-abilities (in the case of fighter planes for instance, all of the types of bombs you can put on those planes and *their* blastranges - you don't need to specify how many bombs you got in storage, but you do need to list how many planes you're buying).

i hope you understand why and how these wishes are reasonable, but if you need more explanations i'm willing to give them, and stay diplomatic about it as well.
Thank you for this question! :)

Well :

- self-governance for Indian-administred Kashmir, or regular referendums among the people living in Indian-administred Kashmir on whether or not they actually want to be ruled by Indians any longer. Reason : this'll shut up the Pakistanis about Kashmir :)

- whenever you increase your defense spending, with Pakistan as your primary stated enemy, a list of the following :
- what military gear and military abilities you're buying with that increased defense spending. in the case of military hardware, that would include the name and supplier of the gear, where it's stationed, who it's pointed at, it's range, time from launch to deliver, and blastranges (in the case of fighter planes for instance, all of the types of bombs you can put on those planes and *their* blastranges - you don't need to specify how many bombs you got in storage, but you do need to list how many planes you're buying).

i hope you understand why and how these wishes are reasonable, but if you need more explanations i'm willing to give them, and stay diplomatic about it as well.


Both your demands are UNACCEPTABLE and are hereby REJECTED

Both your demands are UNACCEPTABLE and are hereby REJECTED

Ok buddy.. Your failure to respect the importance of holding the moral highground in conflicts between nations is something we need to work on then :D
Why do i think you're idiots now? Because you don't even realize the importance of holding the moral highground in conflicts between nations. :D Don't worry tho, if i can explain that one to the Israeli and US leaderships succesfully as I truly believe i've done, I can probably tackle Indian idiocy as well :) Maybe even without hurting ur fragile stupid egos too much :D
We shall see. :tup:

When we cry, we cry really well. And NOT because we are hurt. You need to read about Chanakya.

- self-governance for Indian-administred Kashmir, or regular referendums among the people living in Indian-administred Kashmir on whether or not they actually want to be ruled by Indians any longer. Reason : this'll shut up the Pakistanis about Kashmir :)

- whenever you increase your defense spending, with Pakistan as your primary stated enemy, a list of the following :
- what military gear and military abilities you're buying with that increased defense spending. in the case of military hardware
i. Kashmir does not exist. There is a Federal state with its Government and it is called Jammu and Kashmir.
ii. We tell Pakistan how many bullets we hide in our socks. We update our secret acquisitions, manufacture etc to the ISPR via Facebook messages. We keep USA, Russia and China in cc.
Oh well...looks like some in Paksitan have given up on their own Country. They talk about turning the heat up on India while their own backyard is on fire. Wasn't there a blast in one of the mosques yesterday? Let's how many of them will come out on the streets to protest this heinous act by the terrorists. Oh..wait they don't care about such things happening to fellow countrymen.. They would rather take march & hold funeral prayers for Charlie Hebdo killers. Wow...priorities are fcuked up in that place man....:tsk:
Bottom Line (If our Pakistani friends still didn't know):

Resolution 47 was passed by United Nations Security Council under chapter VI of the UN Charter. Resolutions passed under Chapter VI of UN charter are considered non binding and have NO mandatory enforceability as opposed to the resolutions passed under Chapter VII.

So, the question is: Why did Pakistan agree to pass the Resolution under chapter VI of the UN Charter and not insist on including it under Chapter VII which would have made a plebiscite mandatory and enforceable?

It's no use crying over spilled milk! The Resolution is therefore dead as a dodo. Pakistan can keep crying, and try to internationalize the issue, but no one cares a hoot because they know it's not enforceable!! QED

And needless to say, Part II of the Resolutions clearly states that Pakistan has to withdraw ALL its troops from Kashmir including the razakars brought for the purpose of fighting in Kashmir BEFORE A PLEBISCITE IS HELD.
We're still waiting. In other words, its not going to happen!

So what are they blathering about?
- whenever you increase your defense spending, with Pakistan as your primary stated enemy, a list of the following :
- what military gear and military abilities you're buying with that increased defense spending. in the case of military hardware, that would include the name and supplier of the gear, where it's stationed, who it's pointed at, it's range, it's maximum speed of movement, and blastranges and penetration-abilities (in the case of fighter planes for instance, all of the types of bombs you can put on those planes and *their* blastranges - you don't need to specify how many bombs you got in storage, but you do need to list how many planes you're buying).
WE pakistanis already know that.Its not difficult even for civilians to get most of that ``basic info`` about indian military
If Pakistani politicians starts singing any other tunes except Kashmir to divert their peoples attention they will be exposed.
Kashmir is the favourite tune for them, they always bring it every time even if it is not relevant in some occasions.

India is not ready to give away any part of Kashmir including Azad Kashmir.
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