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Pakistan Urges Russia to Sell Nuclear Reactors

Bejoy Samuel


New Recruit

Jan 28, 2006
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It seems the Pakistani Prime Minister Mr. Shaukat Aziz is going on a sustained campaign to secure a nuclear deal from various countries like USA, China and now even arch enemy India's strongest ally, Russia. Here is a Daily Times report:

PM urges Russia to sell N-reactors to Pakistan

MOSCOW: Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz has called on Russia to sell nuclear reactors to Pakistan and invest in the country’s economy.

“Why not sell Russian nuclear reactors for our nuclear power plants? In the military area, we have a successful record of purchasing MI-17 helicopters,” Aziz said in an interview with Russia’s Vremya Novostei newspaper published on Friday.

Arms trade between Russia and Pakistan is constrained by “a special kind of relationship between Moscow and New Delhi”, he said, adding that “relations between the two countries should not stand in the way of relations with a third country”.

Aziz stressed on the need to take steps to enhance the level of cooperation between the two countries, particularly in education, science and technology, energy, defence and security, and trade and investment.

“The dynamics of the world are changing and Pakistan desires better relations with every country. A new chapter of Russia-Pakistan relations need to be opened and links should be developed in every field,” the prime minister said.

He said that Pakistan is trying to increase its capacity in the energy sector and plans are underway to import gas from overseas.

Aziz said that Pakistan is acting as “an anchor of peace and stability in the region”. “We are eager to see progress in the peace process between India and Pakistan. Pakistan wants a solution to the Kashmir issue acceptable to the Kashmiris,” he said.

He said that while Pakistan is opposed to nuclear proliferation, every country has the right to use nuclear energy for peaceful purpose under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards. He said that Russia, which has close relations with Iran, can play an important role in finding a solution to the Iranian nuclear issue.

The prime minister said that Pakistan is against terrorism in all its forms. He said that Pakistan and Russia could cooperate in security matters as well to fight terrorism.

He said that the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) has the potential to serve as a platform for cooperation in economic, diplomatic and security issues and can contribute to the development of the region.

He said that Pakistan, due to its geo-strategic location, provides ideal access to Central Asian States through the Arabian Sea. Pakistan is strengthening its infrastructure and building highways to facilitate trade with the Central Asia States and Russia, he said.

The Russian delegation stressed on the need to explore avenues of enhanced cooperation between the two countries.

What do you think guys? Is Russia the right option? Remember two factors against Russia is:
- Russian alliance with India
- Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Russia (safety concerns)

What seems to be your opinion?
The alliance of Russia and India shouldn't matter, as long as they provide us the equipments and setup up like we want, we should go for it. Regarding the safety concerns, well they have been improved vastly. The disaster was occurred in 1986, its been more than 25 years.

I believe it is a good way how Pakistan is getting its ties good together with other countries, same like India. India have even approached Saudis in past months for better relations, and Saudis are going for it, though many think that Saudis are getting out of control with Pakistan, but it is not the case. When the ties between Pakistan and India can get good why not their allies ties can't be good?

There is nothing wrong with trade, and living happily even with the enemies.
Well how can india trust U.S not to sell important information to pakistan in regards to india the same applies here.....its a good step if india can go to U.S then why cant we go to Russia its a good step and will open a lot of new doors to pakistan in more then one way including defence...so ya its a very good step. :)
Originally posted by Sam@Jan 29 2006, 07:13 PM
Well how can india trust U.S not to sell important information to pakistan in regards to india the same applies here.....its a good step if india can go to U.S then why cant we go to Russia its a good step and will open a lot of new doors to pakistan in more then one way including defence...so ya its a very good step. :)
[post=5713]Quoted post[/post]​
Dude, the cold war has ended.
Originally posted by Sam@Jan 29 2006, 01:43 PM
Well how can india trust U.S not to sell important information to pakistan in regards to india the same applies here.....its a good step if india can go to U.S then why cant we go to Russia its a good step and will open a lot of new doors to pakistan in more then one way including defence...so ya its a very good step. :)
[post=5713]Quoted post[/post]​

That's why china-pakistan friendship zindabad :lol:
Originally posted by Bejoy Samuel@Jan 29 2006, 10:47 PM
Dude, the cold war has ended.
[post=5714]Quoted post[/post]​

Well dude the cold war ended long time ago so what is your point here????
Originally posted by Thunder@Jan 30 2006, 02:07 AM
That's why china-pakistan friendship zindabad :lol:
[post=5717]Quoted post[/post]​

why only Sino-Pak friend ship why cant we have this type of friend ship with other countries??? you proved my point we need to have good relations with every country and this would bring a lot of benefits to pakistan....
Originally posted by Sam@Jan 29 2006, 03:06 PM
why only Sino-Pak friend ship why cant we have this type of friend ship with other countries??? you proved my point we need to have good relations with every country and this would bring a lot of benefits to pakistan....
[post=5722]Quoted post[/post]​

even if it means that we abandon our muslim brothers?

no way we will ever support Isreal
Originally posted by A.Rahman@Jan 30 2006, 03:45 AM
even if it means that we abandon our muslim brothers?

no way we will ever support Isreal
[post=5723]Quoted post[/post]​

bhai if your soo keen on helping you muslim brother i am a muslim and i need help i need 15000 Rs for me it is something between life and death the answer is no you wont give a shit about me and you would come up with an excuse....

Bhai kohee muslim brother shader nahi hota hai every body looks after there own interist's and by the way i was talking about russia here not isreal but even on that subject if we become friends with isreal we have a lot to gain and nothing to lose i only care for pakistan and it's muslims and nobody else Pakistan comes 1st... :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Sam@Jan 29 2006, 04:29 PM
bhai if your soo keen on helping you muslim brother i am a muslim and i need help i need 15000 Rs for me it is something between life and death the answer is no you wont give a shit about me and you would come up with an excuse....

Bhai kohee muslim brother shader nahi hota hai every body looks after there own interist's and by the way i was talking about russia here not isreal but even on that subject if we become friends with isreal we have a lot to gain and nothing to lose i only care for pakistan and it's muslims and nobody else Pakistan comes 1st... :thumbsup:
[post=5724]Quoted post[/post]​

Muslims come first, then Pakistan. (Pakistan was made for muslims so I will do anything to protect Pakistan)

Thats why muslims will never get ahead of other people because we think as balochi, punjabi, Pakistani,Arab. All muslims should form something like NATO, to protect other fellow muslim countries.

The whole midle east is screwed up because no one cared about muslims all they cared about was saving their own country. All the muslims should have united and said NO to USA.

If you lived in Palastine or Afghanistan, and I had that much money. I would have given it to you.

We must never support Isreal even if they give us free F-16's.
The difference between kaffir and muslim is that we cannot be sold.

now I dont want to change this thread into something else...
If you really want to discuss, Please feel free to open another thread.

I clearly understand what you mean. But you see, our ummah is so screwed that with out the help of the west we won't be able to devlop. See the reason pakistan all of a sudden recongizes isreal is because they know that then USA will help them devlop. Same with india-pakistans relationship.

We clearly know that all this friendship and recoginze thing is srap. It's only to get pakistan devloped. Afer it's devloped you'll see pakistan saying this to india or isreal :bat: :stupid: .

Other wise tell me why would pakistan still be going for JF-17, F-16's etc. It's all a big game that some people hava a hard time understanding. :cool2:
Originally posted by A.Rahman@Jan 30 2006, 09:10 AM
Muslims come first, then Pakistan. (Pakistan was made for muslims so I will do anything to protect Pakistan)

Thats why muslims will never get ahead of other people because we think as balochi, punjabi, Pakistani,Arab. All muslims should form something like NATO, to protect other fellow muslim countries.

The whole midle east is screwed up because no one cared about muslims all they cared about was saving their own country. All the muslims should have united and said NO to USA.

If you lived in Palastine or Afghanistan, and I had that much money. I would have given it to you.

We must never support Isreal even if they give us free F-16's.
The difference between kaffir and muslim is that we cannot be sold.

now I dont want to change this thread into something else...
If you really want to discuss, Please feel free to open another thread.
[post=5732]Quoted post[/post]​

Sorry but i tend to disagree the matter of fact is pakistan gave the nuclear tech to iran and made doctor abdul kadir a escape goat just to save there @ss i still remember mushraff talking to the press and saying that people said there should be muslim brother hood what happened we gave the tech to iran and all they did was that they shouted there mouth's offf and back then i disagreed with him but i do agree with him now acha tell me why did iran sticked with india and suported indian's stance agaisnt pakistan tell me in this mordern time and day what did any muslim country do for one another tell me what did anybody do for us where were our muslim brothers when we needed them the only country which ever helped pakistan was egypt and turkey who lend PAF a good amount of F-16's when pakistan was going nuclear in 1998 and one more thing will any of your so called muslim brothers ever stand for us if we are attacked the answer is simply NO and every body knows this when i said that i needed 15000 RS which is hardly $250 us dollars you just made an excuse like just i said you would now where is your muslim brother hood like i said all talk no action all we ever do is talk nonsence and when the time comes do nothing you love afganistan and iraq and palestine so much then go fight the america's and the isreali's just dont come up and tell me about muslim UMMA and muslim brother hood what you said was true to some extend but let us be capable enough to atleast fight these nations when we become that strong then all your points are valid but as of right now we are weak and for me PAKISTAN'S survival is the number one thing on my list....
Originally posted by Sam@Jan 30 2006, 12:31 AM
Sorry but i tend to disagree the matter of fact is pakistan gave the nuclear tech to iran and made doctor abdul kadir a escape goat just to save there @ss i still remember mushraff talking to the press and saying that people said there should be muslim brother hood what happened we gave the tech to iran and all they did was that they shouted there mouth's offf and back then i disagreed with him but i do agree with him now acha tell me why did iran sticked with india and suported indian's stance agaisnt pakistan tell me in this mordern time and day what did any muslim country do for one another tell me what did anybody do for us where were our muslim brothers when we needed them the only country which ever helped pakistan was egypt and turkey who lend PAF a good amount of F-16's when pakistan was going nuclear in 1998 and one more thing will any of your so called muslim brothers ever stand for us if we are attacked the answer is simply NO and every body knows this when i said that i needed 15000 RS which is hardly $250 us dollars you just made an excuse like just i said you would now where is your muslim brother hood like i said all talk no action all we ever do is talk nonsence and when the time comes do nothing you love afganistan and iraq and palestine so much then go fight the america's and the isreali's just dont come up and tell me about muslim UMMA and muslim brother hood what you said was true to some extend but let us be capable enough to atleast fight these nations when we become that strong then all your points are valid but as of right now we are weak and for me PAKISTAN'S survival is the number one thing on my list....
[post=5741]Quoted post[/post]​

I agree with the part "all talk and no action". In next 20 - 50 years there will even be no "talk". sometimes I wondser waht happened to the ummah? where is the Amir? how we ended up in this situation? even 400 years ago we were not that bad as we are now. The problem was division of the Islamic empire into little states that were run by nationalist, Iranis must be thinking we must save persians to the hell with paskitanis. And we are thinking the same. $250 US can be given to needy person or to a mosque. ( btw good trick to take money form me besty :) )

We must offer charities for the relief of the suffering(palastine). While doing so it is important to feel the pain and suffering they are going through right now as if we ourselves were being personally hurt

. As the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “There is no intelligence greater than planning”. Stated differently, we must plan and work out strategies methodically and systematically; let me list a few points in this regard:

1. We must organize our priorities and seek to mobilize the spiritual and intellectual and other resources of the community to strengthen the Ummah and protect it.

2. We must prepare a new generation of trained professionals and experts who would protect us against the misinformation and deliberate cover up and false propaganda in the media.

3. We should reach out to other communities and cooperate with all the peace-loving people, regardless of their religious or ethnic affiliations, and work for the cause of truth and justice and fundamental rights of all fellow citizens and human beings.

4. We must recapture the essential universal, ethical values and ideals of Islam and accentuate them, rather than being ossified on dogmas and rituals.

5. The Ummah cannot be mobilized for the higher ideals of Islam so long as the Minbar (the pulpit from where religious speeches are given) remains a dead piece of wood. We must remember that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) trained an entire generation of leaders from the University of Minbar.

Besty I agree with u that why dont I go and fight there, you see that by Iman is not 100% strong.And I know that goin to fight for the truth takes lot of courage. Right now I am working on my Imaan, Right now the most I can do it financially support the People in the opressed country so they can fight. IF you cant even this then least you can do is to make dua and know in the heart that they are right

Before looking at Iran we shold also look at saudi & Kuwait , I am 100% sure that If Pakistan is attacked by USA ( May Allah never let it happen). They will allow US to use their military base. They will think of saving their Arab a$$ instead of protecting muslims. This is the problem today with muslims we dont think about others. If we follow sunnah and quran like in times of prophet we will be super power once again.
If Pakistan was attacked by Kaffir country then I willtry to go and wage a gurellia war on them, If i cant then I will atleast financially support them

We also gave it to libya and they told on us too ( I think i heard it somewhere).
what we should do is to minimize the US and EU pressure on muslim countires.
this can only be achieved by making some kind of orginization like UN for muslims. Right now UN is in hands of kaffirs and they use it to attack our lands.

US and China dont care about Pakistan, they care about their interest as long as they are protected nothing will happen to paksitan, but the time will come when we will have to choose between them or us.

They are already politically blackmailing Mushy to stan with them on war on terror, this war on terror will someday come on our door step. Like it came to Afghanistan and soon to Iran.

could anyone would have tought in soviet-war that US will attack Afghanistan?
People would have laughed at me and called me crazy.

we can never trust anyone but Allah and ourselves. who knows today they block F-16s and tomorrow we are labelled as the nation of terrorist.

China is playing pretty well and arming itself with modern weapons. we shold atleast try to moderanize our airforce. screw F-16's get something else.... but fast.

I know muslim countries will fall one by one , thats how Dajjal will come, but atleast we will give them HELL.. .. show them its not easy to attack Muslim country

Hooah ! :army:
Originally posted by A.Rahman@Jan 30 2006, 01:00 PM
I agree with the part "all talk and no action". In next 20 - 50 years there will even be no "talk". sometimes I wondser waht happened to the ummah? where is the Amir? how we ended up in this situation? even 400 years ago we were not that bad as we are now. The problem was division of the Islamic empire into little states that were run by nationalist, Iranis must be thinking we must save persians to the hell with paskitanis. And we are thinking the same. $250 US can be given to needy person or to a mosque. ( btw good trick to take money form me besty :) )

Before looking at Iran we shold also look at saudi & Kuwait , I am 100% sure that If Pakistan is attacked by USA ( May Allah never let it happen). They will allow US to use their military base. They will think of saving their Arab a$$ instead of protecting muslims. This is the problem today with muslims we dont think about others. If we follow sunnah and quran like in times of prophet we will be super power once again.
If Pakistan was attacked by Kaffir country then I willtry to go and wage a gurellia war on them, If i cant then I will atleast financially support them

We also gave it to libya and they told on us too ( I think i heard it somewhere).
what we should do is to minimize the US and EU pressure on muslim countires.
this can only be achieved by making some kind of orginization like UN for muslims. Right now UN is in hands of kaffirs and they use it to attack our lands.

US and China dont care about Pakistan, they care about their interest as long as they are protected nothing will happen to paksitan, but the time will come when we will have to choose between them or us.

They are already politically blackmailing Mushy to stan with them on war on terror, this war on terror will someday come on our door step. Like it came to Afghanistan and soon to Iran.

could anyone would have tought in soviet-war that US will attack Afghanistan?
People would have laughed at me and called me crazy.

we can never trust anyone but Allah and ourselves. who knows today they block F-16s and tomorrow we are labelled as the nation of terrorist.

China is playing pretty well and arming itself with modern weapons. we shold atleast try to moderanize our airforce. screw F-16's get something else.... but fast.

I know muslim countries will fall one by one , thats how Dajjal will come, but atleast we will give them HELL.. .. show them its not easy to attack Muslim country
Hooah ! :army:
[post=5743]Quoted post[/post]​

I mostly agree with you now coz what you say now is different from what you said earlier but still there are some things i tend to still disagree with its definately nice to have a decent and a healthy debate on this subject :thumbsup: :) ( nahi yaar it isnt a trick lol i am in deep shit and only yahya knows what deep shit i actually am in i needed 15000 i have like 5000 will borrow 2500 from yahya and will have to find a way to come up with the rest so to speak i have $125 but i did enjoy that joke :laugh: ).

Actually Rahman majority of the stuff you said is true but you have to realize that in this mordern day and time nobody is willing to help one another that includes muslims them self the only way we can develop our self is my education woth worldly and realigious and by getting a upper hand on technology we Pakistan have big problems protecting our selves from india forget military powers like US and isreal we cant go on head to head with them i hope Inshallah one day we surpass them or hopefully atleast be equal to them just so that we could help our selves and other muslims around the globe and that my friend would take us sometime now days nobody is anybody's friend not even muslims yah bhai bhai ko marnai pai tula howa hai we have to make good realtions with other countries and you dont have to fight a war to help muslims you have to be in a position to bargin inn and we are not in that position being friends with isreal and solving this diplomatically is also possiable you tell me most muslims in pakistan hate jews what did they ever do to us as far as i know nothing at all we can solve problems with friend ship too rather then haterit iraq was a fool to attack kowait and saddam was much more stupid not to back off when america asked it too...palestinians were stupid to sell there lands to jews in the 1st place you see you see if you make a mistake you have to pay for it and now they are paying ALLAH can not be help responsible for stupid actions taken by muslims....muslims all around the world took stupid decisions and you and i can not be held responsible for there stupid action....

We need to be friends with everybody even with isreal take our time make our selves better and then come into a position where we actually can do something rather then just talking nonsence like most people do look at china when it was in late 70's and look at china now a country which may rival or take over U.S in the future we have to be smart and we have to take right decision's ya sure too hell with F-16's tell me what else can we buy besides it EF-2000? Rafale F-3 or the SU-37 if yes then sure who needs F-16's but inreality we can buy that stuff and we need F-16's so its not so easy to just not go for them we need to be mature and we need to be start rather then being emotional fool's and ending up making decisions which threaten our existance...... i rest my cas e:)

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