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Pakistan Vs India - 2017 Champions Trophy Final

I am saying match against India is exception, not others. Else ICC would have ranked Pakistan above India

First, India isn't the only team. It's a silly argument to keep bringing up over and over. Second, what are you basing it on? If you are going to say based on history in ICC tournaments, then that is an invalid argument. History matters very little in sport except for statistical purposes. If you are talking about the quality of teams then maybe you have a point, but then you have to realize that maybe Pakistan has just started playing a different brand of cricket and this is the beginning. This same team that just beat England and South African in addition to India. Maybe with the departure of Azhar Ali as captain, things are changing and this is just the beginning.
There is a difference between exceptions and generalization, Yesterday;s match was exception (fluke) and Indian team is better is generalization.

On their day a pack of dogs can kill a tiger, but that doesnot mean that tiger is weaker,

Fact will always remain fact and exceptions will exceptions, ICC will still rank India better because exceptions happen but statictics donot lie :P

LOL at 100 overs of fluke. LOL at 400 overs of winning fluke. We must have also fluked the 70+ ODI wins against your 50 throughout these years.

You Indians are a disgrace and thank God you lost in the manner you did. No matter what you say, this loss is not going to soften your pain. This loss is going to be imprinted in your DNA. It already has LOL
Ohh my, so cricket victory changes dna of loosing country. That's a revelation.:lol:
Btw congrats on your dna changing victory.

Don't attack me. Look at your media and people going bananas over a loss. I understand the pain though. That is what happens when you make false claims about winning LOL You shouldn't have high hopes and expectations. 180 run loss is a little too much though. Surely you are going to admit that much? LMAO You must be feeling a lot of pain. India is losing a lot lately. From Jadhav the terrorist, Kashmiri uprising to CPEC and now sports. Modi is bringing shame to India. Time to start an uprising against Modi?
Hahaha..india gave a thrashing to pak in hpckey..7-1....thats much more shameful than 180 run defeat...7-1..cant believe

We've beaten india 7-1 at hockey twice before. Please check the stats. And our overall head to head record against india is better also. That is pathetic considering india is 7x bigger than Pakistan.
When all the hype dies down and Virat sees back at this match in introspection, i think he'll realize this as an important part of his captaincy career.
He requires matches like these once in a while, for these are important part of his growth as captain.
Very few captains in history of game have had smooth sailing throughout their tenure and when setbacks like these come, it shows how media behaves, how fans react, how selectors respond and above all how team pulls itself out of the gloom. In short, the true character of yourself and everything that surrounds you.
India has played some fantastic cricket in last 2 years and failure to win some coveted silverware, while is going to hurt for sometime, shouldn't demoralize, beyond a point.
Last evening, they lost to a clearly better team on the day and for a lot of players like Jadhav, Hardik even Bumrah, this was one of first chance to play in Finals of an ICC event of such a scale. Ability to handle pressure on such a day is definitely one of the lesson they would've learnt.
For captain Kohli, he has a long season ahead of him and his biggest challenge would be to keep his team motivated and fit.
If i were in his shoes, the fact that India has been able to reach two consecutive finals of an ODI tournament in England, would give me enough reasons to be positive, for ODI World Cup in 2019 in England and Wales.

@WAJsal @Arsalan @The Eagle @nair
Wearing red pants with yellow shirt :D
I seriously hope that you don't think that 3 million have the same dressing sense ......... some of us prefer pink and purple :D ... naah but seriously ... :P

BTW, for the friends that implied that this win by Pak was a fluke ... you guys need a mental examination ... Pakistan throughly outdid India yesterday ... and won against Srilanka (a team which thoroughly gave India a spanking in the group stages) and England ( a team that whopped Newzeland and Australlia in the group stages) ... and with the exception of Srilanka .. our wins against England and India ... are at the very least .. slam dunk cases of domestic violence .. so yeah .. that wasn't no one time thing Laquisha :P
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Not to bring in politics. But this whole political rhetoric and hatred is actually very negative in nature and only creates violence. This fire shouldn't have been ignited.

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an american watching cricket...hmmmm.
Something is not right here :lol:

His name is Arsalan. he is a american wannabe. @Zibago knows more about him
There is a difference between exceptions and generalization, Yesterday;s match was exception (fluke) and Indian team is better is generalization.

On their day a pack of dogs can kill a tiger, but that doesnot mean that tiger is weaker,

Fact will always remain fact and exceptions will exceptions, ICC will still rank India better because exceptions happen but statictics donot lie :P
Very well said mate..yours is the top commemt of the thread
Don't attack me. Look at your media and people going bananas over a loss. I understand the pain though. That is what happens when you make false claims about winning LOL You shouldn't have high hopes and expectations. 180 run loss is a little too much though. Surely you are going to admit that much? LMAO You must be feeling a lot of pain. India is losing a lot lately. From Jadhav the terrorist, Kashmiri uprising to CPEC and now sports. Modi is bringing shame to India. Time to start an uprising against Modi?
I hope you guys never win the world cup otherwise you would change the entire worlds dna.:D
Btw team india had too much ego, were too overconfident and required such a thrashing at the hands of foe pakistan, now they have landed on ground. I didn't like koli's overconfidence, he should learn from dhoni how to handle pressure.
Dhoni is a class apart w.r.t kohli.
I hope team india learns from this match and leaves arrogance behind.
You are being sore looser here despite winning, there is nothing wrong in my comment.

Yes there will be some unhappiness since our team lost.

Indian cricket fans the most irritating and loser lot , see this example

1. indians calling Amir "Qaidi Number Panch"

2. Amir's reply

3. the disgraceful indian fans just left the stadium from the back doors without even waiting for the match to complete

That's the epitome of being sore losers!
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I seriously hope that you don't think that 3 million have the same dressing sense ......... some of us prefer pink and purple :D ... naah but seriously ... :P

My goodness boy, I can see the pindi boy in you. :p. Even that sarcasm is on point.

BTW, for the friends that implied that this win by Pak was a fluke ... you guys need a mental examination ... Pakistan throughly outdid India yesterday ... and won against Srilanka (a team which thoroughly gave India a spanking in the group stages) and England ( a team that whopped Newzeland and Australlia in the group stages) ... and with the exception of Srilanka .. our wins against England and India ... are at the very least .. slam dunk cases of domestic violence .. so yeah .. that wasn't no one time thing Laquisha :P

Oh thank you for speaking my heart out. I really hate such people & wish to hold one AK47 and make them history. I mean shut up. We won with playing an outclass game.

no thanks dill main itni bardashat nahi hay ab.mar jain gay sab heart attack say

Same here. But it's worth it.
After Cricket loss:


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