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Pakistani religious scholars arrive in Kabul for talks with TTP militants

I beg to disagree
compliance is enforced through fear and application of extreme punishment.

during chaos same law abiding good natured people resort to looting, rape and destruction knowing well that state cant enforce rule of law.

the good natured, pacifist saints are few and far between.

The pillagers and rioters riding the mob mentality still constitute less than a mere percentile of population who consider themselves as outsiders.

During riots of 27 December 2007, the rioters were mostly not locals.
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him once said that solve your problem by yourself, if you bring it to state; state would handle it in it's own way. Don't actually remember the Hadith number.

The point is people should have space to get their matters solved by themselves. If one party goes to state then matter is out in state's hand.

Never allow deshatgard or Khwarij any space or mercy, they have murdered innocent people

If it wasnt for the jahilat of the locals we should bomb Eastern Afghanistan into dust

We can give our enemies space

The only reason talks are going on is because the TTP is in Afghanistan and their locals in the tribal areas have family connection to terrorists
Never allow deshatgard or Khwarij any space or mercy, they have murdered innocent people

If it wasnt for the jahilat of the locals we should bomb Eastern Afghanistan into dust

We can give our enemies space

The only reason talks are going on is because the TTP is in Afghanistan and their locals in the tribal areas have family connection to terrorists

No one has space in our society. It takes two seconds to involve state whatever the matter is. Why are there millions of cases pending, it is sign of intolerant society.

Let people decide their matters as per their fiqh, school of thought and belief system. Whether deobandi, brelvi, shia and even hindus and christians; they can and should solve their problems as per their ideals.

State has to least of the worry of those issues.
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Please dont allow these mullah to come back infact is advocate to deport every single mullah in pak to the islamic emirate.
These mullahs are there to perform a duty that basically is not theirs... When will you learn to return a favor on better terms?
TTP is so powerful that Pak armed forces have to send these guys to ask them not to attack Pakistan. If these people have to save Pakistan then why we are spending billions on world number one, whatever?
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Pakistani tribal elders in Kabul after clerics fail to soften hardcore TTP militants​

Web Desk
31 Jul, 2022

KABUL – Another Pakistani delegation has arrived in the Afghan capital for peace talks with the banned terrorist group, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

The development comes days after a group of top Pakistani clerics failed to woo the militant group to shun violence against the state of Pakistan.

Reports in local media said a 17-member delegation of tribal elders reached the neighbouring country on Saturday in another bid to convince the militants to lay down arms.

The delegation led by Barrister Mohammad Ali Saif, special assistant to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa chief minister, visited Kabul to advance the peace talks between Islamabad and the terror group.

They include local parliamentarians, who will stay in the war-torn country for four days to push their narrative as TTP leadership refuses to budge in the absence of concrete assurances from Islamabad.

The visiting members also called on officials of the Afghan Interim Government in which tribal elders also called for opening girls' schools and colleges in Afghanistan.

Maulana Tayyab of the delegation told the local that their meetings went well and they were quite optimistic about the success of the peace talks.

Earlier in June, another Jirga members had visited the neighbouring country to move the peace talks forward with the terrorist organisation.

TTP continues demanding Pakistan to enforce Islamic law while their key demand for peace talks is the revocation of the FATA merger.

The recent development comes a month after the militant group prolonged its cease-fire with Pakistan for an indefinite period. TTP previously accused Pakistani forces of violating the ceasefire by conducting raids in the northwestern region.

The terror outfit has carried out some of the deadliest attacks in the South Asian country, targeting politicians, civilians, and armed forces with suicide bombings, targeted killings, and other forms of attacks.

TTP, also known for the attack on Army Public school in Peshawar, in which more than 140 people were martyred, mostly school-going children.
Commander of TTP, Umar Khalid Khorasani, has a conversation with Senator Hilal-ur-Rehman, a member of the Pakistan Peace Negotiation Jirga, in Kabul. 3rd phase of peace talks between the TTP and the govt, Tribal leaders headed by Barrister M Ali Saif are currently in Kabul.

They killed innocent Pakistanis, butchered an entire school full of children. Even after the war is over they are still not laying down arms.

There is a reason why the yanks set up Guantanamo bay for these specimen because only through prolonged torture will they learn their lesson.

I don't care what stake Pakistan had in the WOT and what the outcome of it was on Afghanistan. They shouldn't have backed Bin Laden in a delusional post 2000 new millennium lucid trance, thinking an avenger on a white horse from khorasan will gift them Pakistani and Arab women and their lands. Bin Laden fed into their delusions, he knew exactly what he was doing. That's why he was quick to label Pakistan enemy number 1 because he knew Afghans have wet dreams of conquering Pakistan.

Set the deadline and if they don't lay down arms send in the tactical nukes and make those mountain hideouts radioactive.
TTP wants full control of FATA including Malakand. Where they impose sharia law. This is the message delivered by their ex-mentor Taqi Usmani , who played a vital role in building these monsters. Now Fazl ur rahman and Achakzi supporing TTP demand. Good luck. NATO should have stayed in Afghanistan to control these monsters.
They need daily drone dose.
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