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Pakistan's bid to form group of OIC envoys at UN foiled

Maldives: India is the largest democracy in the world and home to over 200 million muslims. Alleging Islamphoebia would be factually incorrect. It would be detrimental to the religious harmony in the South Asian region.


what a load of bull crap you just stated.
We have to be very cautious. Though middle east have shown its true colors but we cannot risk alienating them completely and throw them in Bharti camp. Pakistan's war is with bharti not middle east, or any other xyz.

That's what Bharti want. To "fight back" fellow Muslim nations. Pakistan's fight is with bhart. Plus gulf can easily replace Pakistanis with bharti...a loss loss situation for us.

when you are strong enough to fight on your own, there is no loss and you have a say among nations, this is what Pakistan has to achieve. It is not India but every nation will look at Pakistan in a different perspective.
economic strength is what we need to achieve and everything is alright. then comes India or some other nation no one can threat us. and no body here is saying to fell into indian tarp.
Being lectured on democracy by a guy from the nation that literally committing genocide against it's minority. :lol:

Say what you will about Pakistani democracy, at least we still have a constitution. Unlike India, which has turned it's constitution into toilet paper after violating it on the Kashmir issue.

Chanakya is trying to teach you about the virtues of Iran and democracy. Lol, I got a good laugh.. It goes without saying, chanakyaism at work.
It was expected, though my over enthusiastic friends were not believing otherwise.
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Well, Iran is not weak she stands against US like no on did. Same for IRAQ which faught againt US. Even Eqypt fought against Israel.

These countries did far far more courageous acts than Malaysia or Turkey. ( in the past 50 years ).
Sir, you have missed the point that I have stated earlier. There is no doubt about their resolve to fight back when they are threatened. I never said they are cowards. Didn`t call a single Muslim country as being sissy. And I would love to add Jordan, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Palestine and Indian Occupied Kashmir to the list that you have come up with. They all have fought back in their own capacity for survival.

Why should a country who wont believe to YOUR ideas automatically become "weak" our "coward". They care their own interests. They show courage where they need to.
Now you have accepted my second comment that there are self-centered Muslim states who thrive on the principle of 'every man for himself' and not for the collective good of the Muslim brotherhood that OIC was created for and that we are discussing on this thread. But Malaysia, Turkey and Pakistan are the only 3 Muslim countries who have taken stands for the Muslims of Afghanistan, Bosnia, Palestine, Indian Occupied Kashmir and Rohingyas or in other words, who have shown selfless devotion to the cause of Islam and Muslims because they feel the pain of their brothers unlike others who turn a blind eye and are not vocal at all for these suppressed Muslims.

I hope I have made myself clear. If you still fail to understand, then it`s OK because only Muslims understand the spirit of Ummah.
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It seems the Arab Bedouin rulers are happy to be labelled as born out of forced sex , not love, as mentioned by one of the ruling member of Hindu terrorist regime in India.

Pakistan needs to officially acknowledge that not attending the Malaysia Summit was a big mistake.
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Sir, you have missed the point that I have stated earlier. There is no doubt about their resolve to fight back when they are threatened. I never said they are cowards. Didn`t call a single Muslim country as being sissy. And I would love to add Jordan, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Palestine and Indian Occupied Kashmir to the list that you have come up with. They all have fought back in their own capacity for survival.

Now you have accepted my second comment that there are self-centered Muslim states who thrive on the principle of 'every man for himself' and not for the collective good of the Muslim brotherhood that OIC was created for and that we are discussing on this thread. But Malaysia, Turkey and Pakistan are the only 3 Muslim countries who have taken stands for the Muslims of Afghanistan, Bosnia, Palestine, Indian Occupied Kashmir and Rohingyas or in other words, who have shown selfless devotion to the cause of Islam and Muslims because they feel the pain of their brothers unlike others who turn a blind eye and are not vocal at all for these suppressed Muslims.

I hope I have made myself clear. If you still fail to understand, then it`s OK because only Muslims understand the spirit of Ummah.

Don't feel the need to comment to trolls, brother.

Muslim solidarity is the sole domain of Muslims, ofcourse Hindutva trolls will be against it.
Keep in mind Modi got awards from the Sikhs for killing all those Muslims.

What wards and when?

Ah, you mean the Sheiks, not the Sikhs

Better luck next time dont give up. This oic needs to modified and improved otherwise its i meaning less meeting

Good idea, can start with including the country where 10% of worlds muslim population lives:)

Honestly I only see 3 Muslim countries, Malaysia, Turkey and Pakistan, that feel the pain of Ummah and take a stand. The rest are either weak or too corrupt to speak up.

I think Malaysia has recalibrated their position a little after exit of Mahathir.

Anyway, the muslim world is just to big to unite under one banner. Just human nature.
we need to learn and stand on our own two feet, they can't do shit about us, can't kick out huge workforce in GCC from Pakistan. we have many fronts to fight back but a fight is only on one's own strength.

we are paying the price because of our own mentality that we can't live with out aid and loans and are hitting our own feet.

hang those ba***ards or live with the spoil lot of politicians like we are since years.

I think pakistani workforce can be replaced by indians in less then a month. India has no shortage of desperate workers willing to work there.
Pakistan should quit from OIC, coz its not listening to them anyways.
They can with turkey form their own OIC. And also ask malaysia if they are still interested, coz they seem to have changed their colors upto some extent.
Pakistan should quit from OIC, coz its not listening to them anyways.
They can with turkey form their own OIC. And also ask malaysia if they are still interested, coz they seem to have changed their colors upto some extent.

They tried that a few months back. Then one country got cold feet.
I wonder what is really going through the head of Shah Mahmud Qureshi when he sees the back stabbing nature of the "fellow Muslim" countries and what strategy he is adopting to counter this threat from "fellow Muslim brothers", because we are not seeing any at the diplomatic front.

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