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Pakistan's bid to form group of OIC envoys at UN foiled

Honestly I only see 3 Muslim countries, Malaysia, Turkey and Pakistan, that feel the pain of Ummah and take a stand. The rest are either weak or too corrupt to speak up.

Honestly what have Malaysia, Turkey and Pakistan done ?

Pakistan, on the other hand, a powerful military, famed ISI, and sole nuclear power of the Muslim world, yet we bow to every single tiny country which issues threats against us. Let us not even speak of US, UK, France, Russia, and European nations.

<sarcasm on>
may be your military is not powerful as PDFers like to believe
what good are your nukes if you cannot use them in a war ?
<sarcasm off>

I won't mention the begging bowl your leaders carry
I've been thinking alot about this situation. We are in a region surrounded with nations which push narrative and propaganda above the weight of their actual power. Iran, KSA, UAE, and Turkey all have strong, detailed, and unshakeable national policies. When you deal with these countries, you know what to say and what not to say.

Pakistan, on the other hand, a powerful military, famed ISI, and sole nuclear power of the Muslim world, yet we bow to every single tiny country which issues threats against us. Let us not even speak of US, UK, France, Russia, and European nations.

We have no narrative outside our borders, no propaganda wing, zero soft power outside Afghanistan and a few other countries like Somalia.

No one takes us seriously because they do not see any repercussions to harming us. We always talk peace and never war. We always are trying to prove we are not as others paint us, but we never go on a media attack against those liars.

On a side note, Pakistan's problems seem like a microcosm to wider Muslims' problems as well.

I was hoping with KPK in control of the government, maybe the situation would fix itself. Pukhtoons are famous for their strong sense of self and defense of their narrative. Yet, here we are with niceties and pleasantries only.

Pakistan should come together and make a concrete plan of what kind of image it wants to create for itself, how we will give our voice its deserved audiences, and what repercussions nations which do not respect our national interests will bear.

Here in a tiny, miniscule Maldives, we may have a chance to try to test that diplomacy. In OIC, who is Maldives compared to Pakistan?

The UAE demon will require some more in-depth thinking to deal with.
After Libya and Syria, the UAE will be sorted out...

If Gwadar gets operational and the Turkish plans in Oman (the old guy died) and Yemen bear fruits, the UAE's shipping hub will get rattled...

Libya will see a major development Insha'Allah!! Already, a top Libyan religious figure has asked to import food stuffs only from Turkey, Pak, Indonesia etc. They'll need tons of "guest labor" and different types of professionals. I am pretty sure Pak will be the principal source. The GNA government has grand plans, thanks to Turkey....
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Nothing will happen...

They can't kick out our people. Even if they do that , there are a lot of way to retaliate against them. We have unnecessarily taken this assumption to our heads.
Yah, like how Pakistan economy nearly collapse and default last year and only for Saudi and UAE to save you financially.
Yah, like how Pakistan economy nearly collapse and default last year and only for Saudi and UAE to save you financially.
That money helps them with access to nukes and other military resources.
Good , atleast we know who are on our side or just a ummah chumma facial expression. Is UAE a crypto jews , ah my bad I see them with indian gobi and worshiping in temple. Make sense why they love so much to money booty
a top Libyan religious figure has asked to import food stuffs only from Turkey, Pak, Indonesia etc. They'll need tons of "guest labor" and different types of professionals. I am pretty sure Pak will be the principal source. The GNA government has grand plans, thanks to Turkey....

Hilarious. :crazy::cheesy::woot: Libya will continue importing food from wherever it can and as for "guest labour" Libya has tens of thousands of graduates unemployed and a vast unskilled and semi-skilled labour force. I can guarantee Pakistan will never be the principle or even a tiny fraction of the labour in Libya
who is even listening to them ?
Now you have just acknowledged the efforts of this trio that you were negating before in your earlier comment. However, now you have shifted gear towards downplaying the impact their endeavours have been making; although down somewhere you acknowledge that it is producing results which is why your state is irked Pakistan and Turkey should stop meddling in India`s "internal affairs" and had boycotted importing palm oil from Malaysia.
I wish all Pakistanis can stop going to UAE and stop supporting there economy by working there and using their airlines. Only if Pakistan I government can come up with a plan to bring Pakistanis from Arab countries to use their skills in Pakistan.

Now you have just acknowledged the efforts of this trio that you were negating before in your earlier comment. However, now you have shifted gear towards downplaying the impact their endeavours have been making; although down somewhere you acknowledge that it is producing results which is why your state is irked Pakistan and Turkey should stop meddling in India`s "internal affairs" and had boycotted importing palm oil from Malaysia.

Google for Turkey. Turkey has enough problems of its own - Erdogan, Cyprus, Syria ...
Google for Turkey. Turkey has enough problems of its own - Erdogan, Cyprus, Syria ...
Sir you have deviated from the topic. Nonetheless, everyone has got problems. But great nations never let it stop them from helping others.

It was nice talking to you.

200M Muslims of India are just slaves .. they are suffering genocide for the last 7 decades years after year .. wish they had migrated to Pakistan in 47!!

you'd like to believe that but you're just plain wrong. you guys are killing each other in Pakistan and are also taking active part in sectoral violence - shia sunni ahmedi ! you all should be ashamed of yourselves for that but on top of that, to talk about India that way is sheer idiocy

I met many Indian Muslims, and I can now say with confidence that there is absolutely no freedom for them. How police treats a Muslims Vs rest religion, what they do in Eid ul fitr.. infact they are just waiting till another war happens between India and Pakistan . They will try to fix the mistake they did in 1947.

From religion point of view, yeah I agree they are allowed to pray, fast, hajj, give Zakat. I will concentrate on word *Allowed*. Here in Pakistan we rarely hear such word.


I met many Indian Muslims, and I can now say with confidence that there is absolutely no freedom for them. How police treats a Muslims Vs rest religion, what they do in Eid ul fitr.. infact they are just waiting till another war happens between India and Pakistan . They will try to fix the mistake they did in 1947.

From religion point of view, yeah I agree they are allowed to pray, fast, hajj, give Zakat. I will concentrate on word *Allowed*. Here in Pakistan we rarely hear such word.

hm, let me say it gently and diplomatically : you are lying and full of it.
you'd like to believe that but you're just plain wrong. you guys are killing each other in Pakistan and are also taking active part in sectoral violence - shia sunni ahmedi ! you all should be ashamed of yourselves for that but on top of that, to talk about India that way is sheer idiocy
you are factually wrong.. problem is that upper caste Hindu deep state has poisoned your minds so much that you guys just can't reason. Muslims genocide in India IS state sponsored. by bringing Pakistan to discussion you just can't shamelessly defend the genocide of Muslims happening in India..

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