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Pakistan's nuke arsenal bigger than India's

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Its not about overtaking or getting bigger armed forces. Its about how you use your existing resources. Like when Major Raja Aziz Bhatti (Shaheed) held off attack after attack on the Lahore front (1965 war) against superior enemy forces who where looking forward to a drink at the Lahore Gymkana. He held of desperate Indian attacks for 72 hours without rest with barely 2 Companies of troops whereas the Indians launched brigade strength attacks with out match success.:pakistan:
Not necessarily the number, but the yeild is also important - anyone know any rough estimates of what yeild Pak & India may have of their nukes? If we get a few high yeild nukes, we can stick with a small number, e.g. 80-90 and can turn our attention to nuclear power, something we actually need right now.
Power Generation and Weapon Building are two different things.

But if you guys are concentrating more on weaponisation of Fissile Material, then i guess, these estimates are only ESTIMATES not an exact figure. Because no one knows how many nuclear warhead a country posseses. It will be a Total waste of Time to discuss about the number of warheads.

Secondly, If pakistan is claiming that they have better weapon technology, let them claim. We look to our selves, that is, even after having inferior Weapon Technology we have a detterance. And this term ''DETTERANCE'' is much more important to us.
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wats the use of this thread.....?

If its abt Nukes both India and Pak have enuff nukes to mete an irreparable damage on each other.

and if the topic is abt civilian nuke power then im afraid India is miles ahead of Pakistan.
I still dont know why India is crying with the largest stockpile of Tritium in the world. I hate our media for twisting facts. We already have plutonium based warheads and Pakistanis do have the right to have a deterrence of their motherland. Hope there is no nuclear war.
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