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Paris Million March!!!!!!!!!

It will. Remember how 9/11 forever changed the world. This event may not have the same effect, but I am sure the west is not gong to sit and watch now.
What should they do? Attack more countries in the Muslim world? As we all know that’s the best way to fight extremists as previous examples have shown and the events after 9-11 did nothing but create more extremists.
What should they do? Attack more countries in the Muslim world? As we all know that’s the best way to fight extremists as previous examples have shown and the events after 9-11 did nothing but create more extremists.

Good point. Probably this time they will go after Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Good point. Probably this time they will go after Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Well hopefully they have learnt their lesson and will stop using good terrorist and bad terrorist policy (which hopefully Pakistan has leant as well after the Peshawar school massacre).That in itself will greatly help reduce incidents of terrorism.
Good point. Probably this time they will go after Al Qaeda and ISIS.

Britain seriously miscalculated when it started arming mullahs with advanced weapons against Al Assad. I don't know if you have seen "Team American: World Police" But one scene from that film sums it up perfectly: Sometimes you need the "A**holes to keep the Di**s" in check.

They replaced Saddam and created a backhoe, then the replaced Gadhafi and where did that lead, and now this situation in Syria. This has all happened because the "A**holes" like Saddam and Gadhafi were needed to keep these "D**KS" in check and when the US and their allies got rid of them, the left a void which was filled by the "Militants".

Did they not learn anything from 1980 and Afghanistan?
I don't know if you have seen "Team American: World Police" But one scene from that film sums it up perfectly: Sometimes you need the "A**holes to keep the Di**s" in check.

I can understand the european hypocrites having such a march for a low life bigot and politically capitalistic on the situation as much as they can . but what was "Palestinian President" Mahmoud Abbas doing there? Boot licking zionist hypocrites? France was the only EU country to ban pro-Palestinian march when zionist monkeys were bombing gaza.


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