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Pashtuns and Kashmiris: Similarities between brothers

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Indic probably crying somewhere since he the only bhaiya left now. :rofl:

**** them, now that i finally acepted Pakistanis are like biharis this bhiaya come and deny his heritage. The **** is wrong with being bihari? Bc indic is crying in corner right now......

Very soon your sorry @ss would be owned by a Bihari from Karachi .

We are all Biharis anyway.
Internet tough man lurkers family's Lord:


Yeah sure they ruled over ....:lol:

As for changing identity I only see you doing tht .. You are from Lucknow your behind was owned by a muslim nawab so much for the tough guy routine ... I suggest you calm the hell down mr apu.. Thank you come again . @PazPak

;). Edited.:lol:

Yaar these hindutva re-writers of history are just mind-blowing. Chanakya was a Punjabi, spending most of his time teaching in Taxilla in Punjab. Chandragupta was present when Alexander came to Punjab and personally met him. And yet these people are using songs and bards of 13th century to make the claim that these people were Bihari of all things. Why? Inferiority complex.
Moreover, it's a well-known fact that these people use themselves that 'guerilla armies' took over the Nandas and created the Maurya empire. Where did these Guerrila armies come from? Being led by Chanakya the Punjabi and Chandragupta Maurya the Punjabi. Ask yourself this simple question? These were the battle-hardened armies of Raja Porus. 2+2=4
These hindutvas are just kings of writing non-sense.

@save_ghenda @KingMamba
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Yaar these hindutva re-writers of history are just mind-blowing. Chanakya was a Punjabi, spending most of his time teaching in Taxilla in Punjab. Chandragupta was present when Alexander came to Punjab and personally met him. And yet these people are using songs and bards of 13th century to make the claim that these people were Bihari of all things. Why? Inferiority complex.
Moreover, it's a well-known fact that these people use themselves that 'guerilla armies' took over the Nandas and created the Maurya. Where did these Guerrila armies come from? Being led by Chanakya the Punjabi and Chandragupta Maurya the Punjabi. Ask yourself this simple question? These were the battle-hardened armies of Raja Porus. 2+2=4
These hindutvas are just kings of writing non-sense.

@save_ghenda @KingMamba

No one take them seriously for the same reason.
No one take them seriously for the same reason.

This is one reason that you should mention the non-sense ideology that some of these folk follow. It get's them, trust me. Interestingly this re-writing is going up at a pretty high level. They're working in a very organized fashion to change history.
I always felt that Kashmiris are sort of Genetic bridge between Pashtun and Punjabis/Sindhis, another reason Kashmir banega Pakistan.
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anskrit is the language of the people east of the Indus
Sanskrit is not an indian/dravidian language, its a indo-aryan language of the indo-aryans.

The oldest book of Sanskrit grammar was found in Taxila, Pakistan and the man who formulated the 3959 rules of Sanskrit was Panini who happened to be an ancient Pakistani from Taxila.

So no, Indians have no language.

Kashmris aren't related to any people from the West of Indus.

Speaking as someone whose grandmother from his dad's side and great grandmother from his moms side are Kashmiri I can assure you the Kashmiri people aren't filthy backward Indians.

The people of Kashmir are Pakistani.

The Pakistani civilization and Indian civilization are two distinct groups
with our civilization having been born and flourished within Pakistan (which includes Kashmir). Our civilization was composed of two neolithic settlements the most significant being that of Mehrgarh and the much smaller settlement of Burzahom (located in the portion of Kashmir India now occupies) which spread throughout Pakistan particularly along the Indus and it's tributaries just as the Mesopotamians spread along the Tigris and Euphrates, the Egyptians along the Nile and the Chinese along the Yellow River. India's civilization on the other hand began in two locations the first was the Belan Valley from where they spread into the Gangetic valley and eventually along the Ganges the other being settlements located in Tamil Nadu.


There has never been any such country called "Hindustan"
nor has the term, particularly when used by foreigners, ever been used to refer to any particular religious or ethnic group or even people with a shared history and common government much like the term "Asia" today. "India" as a country never existed before the British occupation of countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, etc... In fact the oldest known name for Pakistan (which includes the whole of Kashmir) was one used by Mesopotamia which referred to our nation as "Meluha" and our coastline as "Makran" (pg. 285 of "History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume 1") from about 2500 BC and did not encompass modern day India (other than Gujrat and small sections of Punjab but at this time the Indian race would not have reached our borders).

This whole thread has been turned into an Aryafart by the bhaiya.

Frankly this goes on in every thread. Hindus of India have been ruled by muslims for a thousand ears now. Even before that most of the great civilizations of so-called 'India' were in Pakistan (Indus-basin or Indus-delta) . Check Indus valley, pre-Indus valley and Rigvedic Aryan civilization. This is a country of 1.25 billion people that named itself after a Pakistani river Indus (90+% of its course is through Pakistan) . No doubt they are full of inferiority complexes. They claim that IVC wasn't pakistani when one of the other names for IVC is Harrapan civilization, Harrapa being a city in Punjab (the name has become virtually synonymous with IVC).
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This is one reason that you should mention the non-sense ideology that some of these folk follow. It get's them, trust me. Interestingly this re-writing is going up at a pretty high level. They're working in a very organized fashion to change history.

If Pakistan was somehow part of Bharat then they would never have any problem about Maurya being from here. Any non biased logical historian will see who he was. Ganga hindus has been trying their best to change every historical figure birth place to Bihar.
1-Pashtuns are mostly ahle sunnat wal jamaat hanafis, kashmiris are mostly of ahle-bidah/bareilwi sect.
2- Pashtuns are predators by instinct, kashmiris are prey by instinct.
3- Pashtuns are short-tempered, no non-sense people, kashmiris are soft-tempered people.
4- Pashtuns wear khat pardoog and khashmiris wear sac like dress.
5- The romance between kashmiri and pashtun would be like romance between wolf and sheep.

just joking
No. Pashtuns are mostly Ahlesunnat Sunni, not deobandi wahabis
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To me it looks like Kashmiris, Northern Punjabis and Pashtuns share the same ancestors.

yes, they are basically the same people today

Punjab and Kashmir are filled with Pathan blood
lurker got frustraded by my posts lol
Pashtuns ruled over Kashmir in the past and also liberated 1/3rd of it in 1948 with the help of Pakistan Army. I once met an old major of Pak Army from UP after studying in Aligarh and came to Pakistan and joined the army and was sent to fight in Kashmir.

No they didn't bro and this myth has been put about for years now. The area was liberated by the Azad Kashmir militia, which was formalised as the AKRF and not by the tribal lashkers. The AKRF was around 85,000 strong and made entirely of ex servicemen who had served in the British Indian Army. These men were battle hardened, well disciplined, experienced and were a standing army in waiting.
The Pakhtun Lashkers joined after the liberation of Muzaffarabad to take the fight into what is now Indian administrated Kashmir. My grandfather and my entire elder generation are vets from that war and the war in 65. They also all fought in the British Indian army.

Read this please.

Kashmir- The untold story
By Christopher Snedden

Importantly. many Poonchi men possessed significant military capabilities that
could challenge Dogra rule. Most had obtained this in as soldiers in the Indian Army in
World War I and World War il, not as members of the maharaja's Hindu/Dogra
dominated military. Many Poonchis, along with neighbouring Milpuris, had
volunteered for Ihe Indian Army, although not for patriotic reasons alone. Small
farms, limited local economlc opportunities and heavy taxes encouraged men in
Mlrpur and Poonch, particularly, to go: elsewhere to obtain work. Apart from
working at various occupations in Punjab, Muslims in these districts had a reputation
for enlisting in tha Indian Army. I
t was particularly said about Poonch
every male Muslim in the Jaglr was, had been, or when old enough would be a
soldier in the Indian Army..... the Mirpur Poonch area was the great recruiting areas of the Indian Army.

While it is difficult to quantify, both in terms of absoulute numbers and service occpations, large numbers
of Poonchis served as soliders in the Indian Army. The 1941 census gives no figures but a close analysis of
this document reveals that six of Jammu's seven districts provided men to the Indian Army. During World War
1, of the 31,000 men from J & K who served in the Indian Army, Poonch was particularly prominent in supplying
recruits. For World War 2, a reasonable figure for Poonchi and Mirpuri servicemen would seem to be at least
These figures meant that in, in 1947 Muslim men in Pooch and Mirpur with military experience and training
outnumbered the strength of the Maharaja's armed forces. Significantly they were concentrated in one area.
Fighting in World War 2 had given Poonchi and Mirpur Muslims useful skills and broad experiences and additional
reasons to be disgruntled.

Benefiling lrom shorter supply lines, rugged terrain, local knowledge and support,
and hlgh morale, lhe Azad Army built on the Poonch uprising to further oppose the
Maharaja.By 22 seprember 1947, the Azad Army's military structure was
functioning so well that Major General Scott reported that the maharaja's armed
forces were losing control over large parts of Jammu and Kashmir. The maharaja's opponents were
doing well, despite ‚miserably lacking a regular line of commumcarion, and a
regular supply of arms and ammunition. By mld-to-late october, they controlled
large parts of Poonch and Mlrpur, while much of Muzaffarabad
tehsll was being
cleared of non Muslim elements, including, Sikhs, Dogras and R.S.S [Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh] cut-throats'.Thls latter mirrored anti-Musllm
rellgimls vlolence occumng ln Jammu.

The Azad Army's success was significant: when Pukhluun tribesmen entered
Kashmir Province on the 22 October 1947, most of western Jammu Pmvince had already
been liberated from Ihe Maharaja's forces.

Refer to pages 1922 and 1926

KASHMIR - THE UNTOLD STORY - Christopher Snedden - Google Books

From the Pakistani army website:

Having chosen the path of armed struggle, the people of the State armed themselves with all sorts of weapons ranging from axes, swords, spears and muzzle-loaders to a very limited number of Darra-made single-shot rifles without bayonets. They took to the fighting; initially organizing themselves in platoon/company size groups under local leaders in respective areas of domicile which, with the passage of time, turned into a fairly well knit and organized Force.

Azad Kashmir Regiment

1. Appearence/Look:









2. Place of living:





3. Religion:





4. Clothes:





Some similarities but they are truly different people. You'd find such similar things amongst many of Pakistan's ethnic groups e.g. Baluch.
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