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Pashtuns are jews ... A documentary...lost tribes of Israel.

LOL it is your Jewish brothers that are peddling these theories. There are tons of Jewish sources claiming how Pashtun are supposed to be an Israeli tribe.

Just do a little Google search Hindustani. You must be feeling down and out why they never considered you LOL
Seems like another retarted self hating Pakistani Americans

We have a ton of them here, the most annoying creatures on this planet Earth
This is a moot subject the best work such oral traditions was done by Sir Olaf Carore in his book The history of the Pathans.

I still don’t buy this argument - for example the history of most pashtun tribes can be traced back to both shamanistic and zorastrian tribes along the belt which is present day Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Pashtuns aka Afghans being Jewish is just a pure myth based on the claims of some Pashtuns who wanted a closer connection to the founders of Abrahamic religions after Pashtuns accepted Islam. The earliest reference we have to Afghans (Pashtuns) is 4th century Bactrian documents from Northern Afghanistan. Some believe Afghans are also mentioned in old Indian books as Avagana, Pakhtas etc as well.

There is no evidence in Jewish, Arab or others that a section of Bani Isreal ever migrated to the Pashtun regions. We have limited jews in central Asia like the Bokharan jews and their presence is well documented but nothing like that exists for Pashtun jews.

All the credible evidence we have, linguistic, genetic etc confirm that Pashtuns are an Eastern Iranic people who speak and Eastern Iranic language and their closest ethnic groups are Tajiks of Afghanistan, Baloch, Pumjabjs etc with varying degrees. Pashtuns have no genetic connections to Arabs Jews or other semites and geographically it makes sense. Pashtuns also have little connection to Indus Valley civilization as the Aryans ( Iranians and Indo Aryans) came to this region after the Indus valley civilization already existed here and assimilated the locals.
I as a pashtun think we have our own identity and no need to search for roots. We are muslims as a nation and we have our pashtunwali code, which is enough.
I can make a documentary and prove that my Cat is Jew.
Urdu and Arabic. Urdu and Turkish have many common words. We are not Arabs or Turks.
Urdu speakers are a mix race...not Pashtuns. The history of Pashutns are thousands years old.

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