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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Sorry to hear that. Pakistan should be freed of its Westerner partners. As long as you let them in your country, these terrorism actions will continue. They are aware of every single step of Taliban, your army, your government etc.
Only that condemns the terrorists.Any flamebaits, and it will not last.
it's not the time to do blame and flamebaits. But it is a high time that Pakistan must take actions and find out all sympathizers of these rog elements pro Pakistani or anti. saanp ko ghar mein rakhna theek nahi hota.. beshak kitne bhi kaam ka ho.
I never claimed this attack was done by Arabs.o_O I just think your posts are disrespectful. You need to grow a thicker skin and not fight every battle in which you think Arabs are being attacked especially a thread like this.

I never said that you did but people here were justifying attacks on Arabs and blaming everything but their own faults. How is anything that I said disrespectful? Against what? Whom? I am not the one that is throwing insults around or blaming others falsely. That's like saying that all Pakistanis in the Arab world should be attacked because somebody WHO MIGHT (very dubious) be a Pakistan committed some crime in country x or y. You would be in your right to tell such a person that such a logic is wrong. That has nothing to do with being disrespectful.

I tell you what is disrespectful. It's disrespectful when I (a foreigner that had nothing to do with this attack nor have I ever hurt Pakistan or any Pakistani) comes here to extend his condolences but is met with personal insults. That's disrespectful.

Anyway let's stick to the topic. I am not interested in any mud-throwing. I just found it distasteful that people used this horrible attack to justify hatred or use it for their own agenda. Based on barely anything.

Nonsense is written about Arabs all the time on PDF. I don't bother commenting on it 99,9% of the time but I could just not stop myself in this thread. That's maybe my fault. I must admit that I was quite disappointed by your reaction. I was not expecting that bro.


I read on the local news that Pakistan might declare martial law? Is this correct and what would that mean? Also that terrorist areas in Waziristan have been bombed.
Ill state this again. Please reserve your who and why Analysis.. cynical comebacks... political bullcrap.. after the three days of official mourning has ended.

Before that, Ill be exercising straight to week ban option, you will not receive warnings.

Express your sorrow and/or anger at the Terrorists.. but keep all other agendas to yourself.

Now tell me how on earth is Musharaf responsible for terrorism? He's the one who killed those kharjis in Lala Masjid, or maybe you weren't happy with one of your woman relatives in there getting roughed up by the soldiers?
Yaara! I nearly reported you! :blink:
Did no one think of just nuking FATA and the bordering Afghan provinces (i.e. Kunar, Nuristan and whatnot)?
Also, how come no one came up with the idea of parading the carcasses of these attacking animals?

Wow you want to nuke the whole FATA and Afghan provinces? How would that make you any different from the terrorists?
Its true that Taliban are mostly locals but the ones who taught them about suicide bombings, IEDs, beheadings, making propaganda videos , were arabs of Al-Qaeda............our arab "guests" did a very great damage to our values , society, even though they were/are in very small number......Taliban consider arabs of al-qaeda as their teachers. Allowing wahabi arabs to participate in Afghan jihad of 80s was a blunder

That is very true, what was once the MOST peaceful and lawful(by its own system) area of Pakistan was turned into hell because of these people. I remember the times of the 90's in Karachi where lifespan was in weeks.. yet one could easily drive up to Parachinar, Kalam.. or as far as Torkham.. and except the usual criminal element(always there with kidnappings and drugs).. the local would take a bullet before letting any harm come to you.

However, we cannot single out all Arabs at fault.. but it clear that a collection of ideologies(which includes that from Najd and homegrown ones) have infected some areas of society more than others. That blame lies on the government more than the infected people themselves. If you are going to stand by while gangrene effects your legs.. then you should be upset if you having to feel the pain when having to treat or cut your leg off in its worst.
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