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PM lands in Afghanistan, 'Welcome to your second home', says Karzai

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Jan 10, 2011
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KABUL: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today flew into Afghanistan for a two-day visit and assured the Afghan leadership that India will stand by the war-torn nation through "thick and thin", noting the two countries were "partners in progress."

Shortly after he landed in the Afghan capital amid tight security cover, Singh was warmly received by Afghan President Hamid Karzai who told the Prime Minister "Welcome to your second home" at a ceremonial reception by the Afghan Police, the Army and the Air Force in the grand Presidential Palace 'The Arg'.

Singh, who last visited Afghanistan in 2005, is due to hold talks with Karzai on terrorism, Indian aid to the war-ravaged country and fallout of the killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in the region.

He was earlier received at Kabul airport by Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmay Rasoul, Defence Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak and other senior officials.

"This is a tremendous honour for the Afghan people to welcome His Excellency Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, to second home Afghanistan," said Karzai, welcoming Singh.

The Prime Minister, in turn, described India and Afghanistan as "partners in progress".

"It is always a great honour and privilege to visit you. That you have invited me to visit is an honour to entire people of India.

"India and Afghanistan are partners in progress and we will stand by you through thick and thin, and we reaffirm our solidarity with the people and government of Afghanistan," he told the Afghan president at the reception at the palace.

The presidential palace houses the president's office, his residence, and the office of the Afghan National Security Adviser.

The presidential complex also houses the home of Afghanistan's last King Zahir Shah, where Prime Minister Singh is staying.

Singh is the first foreign head of government for whom the late king Zahir Shah's home has been thrown open.

National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon, Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao and Prime Minister's special envoy to Afghanistan Satinder Lambah and other senior officials are accompanying Singh.

Ahead of his visit, the Prime Minister had emphasised that his discussions with President Karzai will cover regional developments and the fight against terrorism.

The visit will also deliver "tangible" results with India to discuss ways to advance its developmental partnership with Afghanistan to a new level in the coming years.

There are indications that India will step-up its assistance for various developmental projects which already cover almost two-third of the provinces in Afghanistan.

Indian government sources said that during the meeting with the Afghan leadership, India would also like to know the views of the government there on the situation after the killing of bin Laden during a covert US operation on May One.

PM lands in Afghanistan, 'Welcome to your second home', says Karzai - The Economic Times
Aww.......how cute! Ontopic: Are the coalition forces expecting india to establish itself in afghanistan before making their exit? Is india being prepped to bear the afghan baggage?
Aww.......how cute! Ontopic: Are the coalition forces expecting india to establish itself in afghanistan before making their exit? Is india being prepped to bear the afghan baggage?

baggage?,this is all a part of the older friendly ties with Afghanistan.

Besides its mandatory that NATO forces,before they leave, make sure Afghanistan is in position to choose its own allies,or else its all back to square one.
Aww.......how cute! Ontopic: Are the coalition forces expecting india to establish itself in afghanistan before making their exit? Is india being prepped to bear the afghan baggage?

well india will not send its army to afghanistan. we have sent a team of doctors and thats abt it. we will continue to help afghanistan even after exit of coalition forces. india wouldnt like to maintain its strategic foot hold in afghanistan.
Any chance of pics of MMS arrival? Especially would be interesting if he flew in one of the IAF VVIP 737 BBJs as Afghan is rather close to India or his standard "Air India One"?
Air India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Isn't this what Karzai said once (despite his deep hatred for Pakistan):

India a friend but Pak a conjoined twin, says Karzai

India a friend but Pak a conjoined twin, says Karzai - Express India

Feel free to live in your fantasy world though.

Yes but you know what they say-


The implication is that as Afghanistan and Pakistan share such a long and unkept border and that inevitably Pakistan tries to influence what happens in Afghanistan naturally the are "conjoined twins". He isn't saying he wants to have anything to do with Paksitan it is just how it is.

It is Afghanistan's misfortune they are neighbours with Pakistan, something they can do very little about.
well india will not send its army to afghanistan. we have sent a team of doctors and thats abt it. we will continue to help afghanistan even after exit of coalition forces. india wouldnt like to maintain its strategic foot hold in afghanistan.

India doesn't need to send its army because its proxy army, the Northern Alliance, is already in place and propped up by NATO. NATO had to step in because India's proxy army failed last time against Pakistan's proxy army, the Taliban, and NATO wants to help India dominate the region v/s China.
Yes but you know what they say-


The implication is that as Afghanistan and Pakistan share such a long and unkept border and that inevitably Pakistan tries to influence what happens in Afghanistan naturally the are "conjoined twins". He isn't saying he wants to have anything to do with Paksitan it is just how it is.

It is Afghanistan's misfortune they are neighbours with Pakistan, something they can do very little about.

This is also what Karzai said about Pakistan:

"Pakistan is a twin brother of Afghanistan. We are more than twins, we are conjoined twins. There is no separation, there cannot be a separation."

Wonder why he said all of that?
This is also what Karzai said about Pakistan:

"Pakistan is a twin brother of Afghanistan. We are more than twins, we are conjoined twins. There is no separation, there cannot be a separation."

Wonder why he said all of that?

Because there CAN'T PHYSICALLY BE A SEPARTION! they are neighbours FFS!
Because there CAN'T PHYSICALLY BE A SEPARTION! they are neighbours FFS!

Where did he say a physical separation?

Is there no 'separation' between India & Pakistan (being neighbors)?
India doesn't need to send its army because its proxy army, the Northern Alliance, is already in place and propped up by NATO. NATO had to step in because India's proxy army failed last time against Pakistan's proxy army, the Taliban, and NATO wants to help India dominate the region v/s China.

:cheesy: You accept that finally. Taliban is your proxy for sure ... the world knows it and now Pakistanis accept it too.
:cheesy: You accept that finally. Taliban is your proxy for sure ... the world knows it and now Pakistanis accept it too.

The Taliban-Northern Alliance war was a proxy war between Pakistan and India. It's one of those open secrets.

The weird part is that, after the Soviet withdrawal, Northern Alliance first approached Pakistan, but were rebuffed, and then they went to India. Pakistan could have helped negotiate peace between the various groups. Opportunity lost.
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