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PM orders to reopen Pak-Afghan border

PM orders to reopen Pak-Afghan border
March 20, 2017, 12:33 pm

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has ordered to reopen Pak-Afghan border, reported Waqt News.

The PM maintains that while links of recent terror attacks have been traced back to Afghanistan, “but Pakistan is reopening border as a goodwill gesture.”

The premier further said both countries have enjoyed cordial relations over the years.

“Cultural and historic relations between both sides are centuries old,” he added.

PM Nawaz also stressed that without stable Afghanistan, peace cannot be achieved in the South Asian region.

PM's vested interests in the US and UK are in danger. So, the PM has no choice but to be generous to the indian stooges in Afghanistan.
This is a grave mistake by the incompetent Bugs bunny league, watch this space there will be more suicide attacks in the coming weeks and months, stupid Noora king never learns from his mistakes.
Was expected from this corrupt moron becoming our PM via cheating and rigging. :mad:

He only cares about wealth of his family and Pakistan's national security issues are just toilet paper for him.

Hope SC send him behind bars forever!
Pak Afghan border had to open eventually but the point is
  • What assurances and measures has Afghanistan taken to curb terrorism in Pakistan? NONE!
  • What measures has Nawaz Sharif taken to prevent terrorism from happening in Pakistan from Afghansitan? Again NONE!
Now hold neck of this moter*f! if and when there is another terrorist incident from Afghanistan. He is selling National Interest for his own soul's sake. Mah Allah Curse him in two worlds and may Allah make him another Altaf Hussain before our eyes.
This order was expected directly from no other than this scum. NS is a national security threat.

Waiting for army's response ..
And here comes the chutia pm doing his chuityapa once again. A lesson for all Pakistanis that he does not give a damn about their lives but only his own agenda and business interests. Those Pakistanis that made hue and cry over why IK called some players patcheer where are they now? Next terrorist attack on Pakistan would be at the hands of NS and his supporters.
By the way good going SC of Pakistan for delaying the panama decision for so long along this patcheer PM to carry on with his stupidity which is hurting Pakistan more than anything else and which will hurt CPEC.

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has given directions for immediate re-opening of Pak-Afghan border.

In a statement, the Prime Minister said recent incidents of terrorism in Pakistan have been traced back to anti-Pakistan elements in Afghanistan. However, the decision to re-open the border is being taken as closure of the border for a long time in the backdrop of, religious, culture and historical ties between the two countries would not be in the interest of the people and the economy.

He said the decision to re-open the border is being taken as a goodwill gesture. The Prime Minister hoped that the Afghan Government would take measures to address the reasons for which the borders were closed.

The Prime Minister said they have reiterated time and again that durable peace in Afghanistan is imperative for peace and security in Pakistan. Pakistan would continue to collaborate with Afghanistan to eliminate the menace of terrorism from the two countries.

Noonies supporters??

Are PTI supporter so stupid that they thought Border will be closed forever?
Let me think who was it that said Afghans are being discriminated and targeted, and that Border closure is causing humanitarian crisis....
let me think who was it...damn i forget his name.

My mind goes overtime thinking how stupid a human can be whenever i read a post from your group
PTI needs billion Brain planting Tsunami not the trees
not a good move we never learn from the past last week they martyred our two FC jawans in a cross border attack.
such moves will only encourage terrorist factions present in Afghanistan to beef up their attacks.
present govt has zero interest in keeping people of Pakistan safe from this menace
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