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Poll: Afghan support for Taliban steadily declining

Sher Malang

Aug 3, 2010
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Poll: Afghan support for Taliban steadily declining, people feel growing sense of insecurity

By Associated Press, Updated: Tuesday, November 15, 9:57 AM

KABUL, Afghanistan — Support for the Taliban among Afghans has steadily declined in recent years and people are feeling a growing sense of insecurity, according to a survey funded in part by the U.S. government.

The survey released Tuesday by the San Francisco-based Asia Foundation also found that an overwhelming majority of Afghan adults, 82 percent, back reconciliation and reintegration efforts with insurgent groups. It said that the number of people who said they sympathized with the aims of Taliban had dropped to 29 percent compared to 40 percent last year and 56 percent in 2009.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has been making peace overtures to the Taliban for years with the backing of the international community. However the survey was conducted in July, nearly two months before the Sept. 20 assassination of former Afghan President Burhanuddin Rabbani, who was leading the government’s U.S.-backed effort to broker peace with the Taliban. He was killed by an assassin who claimed to be an emissary from the Taliban, dealing a major setback to efforts to find a political resolution to the 10-year-old war.

The survey also found that nearly half of those asked, or 46 percent, thought the country was moving in the right direction. Reconstruction and rebuilding, good security in some areas and improvements in the education system were the main reasons. But for the first time since the survey began in 2004, a rising number now think that Afghanistan is moving in the wrong direction — an increase to 35 percent from 27 last year.

Although the survey said a majority of Afghans were satisfied with the performance of the government, it did not address the issue of whether they were satisfied with the country’s leadership or its president. Karzai has been criticized by the Afghan opposition and by the international community for not doing enough to combat corruption, and for ignoring institutions such as the parliament.

In 2011, for the first time, the majority of respondents said corruption was a major problem in all facets of daily life.

Sixty-four percent said corruption was a major problem in their provincial government and 76 percent said they thought corruption was a major problem for Afghanistan as a whole.

“The majority of respondents say that the government is doing a bad job in fighting corruption,” the survey report said.

The survey also found that although Afghans expressed increased satisfaction with the government’s performance in delivering services, that was not the case for the performance of democratic institutions. “Since 2008, there has been a steady rise in those who say they are dissatisfied with the way democracy works in the country,” the survey said.

Insecurity was identified as the biggest problem in the country by 38 percent of those polled, especially in the south and east where insurgents are fighting Afghan security forces and U.S.-led coalition troops. It was followed by unemployment, corruption and poverty. Of those asked, 71 percent said they feared traveling from one part of Afghanistan to another.

“Security is the biggest problem for Afghans,” said Asia Foundation President David Arnold. “Afghans told the Asia Foundation that issues of security and conflict influence their perceptions about the future.”

Although roughly half of those polled thought the Afghan police and army were “unprofessional and poorly trained,” a growing number of people thought they were steadily improving. There was also a small reduction in the number of people who feel the two security forces can operate without foreign help, although a majority think they can’t — 65 percent for the police and 60 percent for the army.

“The fact that the majority of respondents still have a negative perception on these issues highlights ongoing concerns about insecurity, which is consistently identified as the most important problem facing the country,” the survey found.

The U.S.-led coalition has spent tens of billions of dollars to try and train more than 300,000 Afghan army and police forces so they can gradually take charge of security as the foreign forces end their combat mission by the end of 2014 and go home or move into support roles.

But a series of spectacular attacks by the Taliban this year — many occurring after the survey was conducted — has raised doubts about the ability of Afghan security forces. They include a September attack against the U.S. Embassy and NATO headquarters that led to a 20-hour standoff in downtown Kabul.

The Asia Foundation, which conducted the poll, is a nonprofit organization working for a peaceful and prosperous Asia-Pacific region.

The survey was conducted among 6,348 adults in July in all of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces, excluding some dangerous areas. The survey, conducted with financial backing from the U.S. Agency for International Development, has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: Poll: Afghan support for Taliban steadily declining, people feel growing sense of insecurity - The Washington Post
Support for the Taliban among Afghans has steadily declined in recent years and people are feeling a growing sense of insecurity, according to a survey funded in part by the U.S. government.


Does anyone else see an agenda here?
Slightly more than a quarter of the respondents(27%) say USA has provided the most aid for development of their region followed by Germany(7%),Japan(6%),India(4%) & UK(2%).

---------- Post added at 02:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:45 PM ----------


Does anyone else see an agenda here?
Not everyone here are Pakistanis.
Look at the Indians jumping at me. I'm sure most Afghans don't like the taliban, but let's try to use common sense here. 70 percent of Afghanistan is controlled by the Taliban. How could Afghans not be in favour of the Taliban when it consists of an overwhelming majority of Afghans? And now Indians will say the Afghan Taliban has all Pakistani members. :no:
Afghan Taliban has all Pakistani members. :no:

Yes, you are partly right here. Its not wholly Pakistanis though...there are also a central asians and some afghans here and there .
You shouldn't be this critical of your nation...especially when its doing rather badly in the PR department...just a friendly advice..
Look at the Indians jumping at me. I'm sure most Afghans don't like the taliban, but let's try to use common sense here. 70 percent of Afghanistan is controlled by the Taliban. How could Afghans not be in favour of the Taliban when it consists of an overwhelming majority of Afghans? And now Indians will say the Afghan Taliban has all Pakistani members. :no:
70% of Afghanistan is controlled by Talibunnies?I think it's time you stop listening to Zaid Hamid or his type.
Straight out of the BBC...

There are six parts...this is the first in a very interesting series. Keyword search "secret pakistan" in youtube or bbc iplayer.
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The problem is not how much support the Taliban, but how much support Karzai has. People not supporting the Taliban does not they support the Karzai regime. A lot of people are 'on the fence' like that. People might not have love, or support the Taliban, but they have grievances against the current regime. They might not support the Taliban, but might not act against them either, as they might see them as the lesser of the two evils.
70% of Afghanistan is controlled by Talibunnies?I think it's time you stop listening to Zaid Hamid or his type.

Why don't you Google up and see which sources quote the 70% figure other then Zaid Hamid. I hope you will find lot of more western credible sources other then Zaid Hamid.
70% of Afghanistan is controlled by Talibunnies?I think it's time you stop listening to Zaid Hamid or his type.

No, not Zaid Hamid, more like the International Council on Security and Development (ICOS):

Why don't you Google up and see which sources quote the 70% figure other then Zaid Hamid. I hope you will find lot of more western credible sources other then Zaid Hamid.

NATO spokesman James Appathurai said the alliance “is on the same page” while denying that the Taliban controls as much of the country as ICOS says.

“The Taliban is present in the east and the south, which is already less than 50 percent of the country, and they don’t hold any areas where the Afghan national army or international forces are present,” Appathurai said in a telephone interview from Brussel.

It is better to believe NATO than ICOS as it is NATO which is virtually woven in Afghanistan's security
There is difference between Taliban insurgency presence and having control over an area.

Just because there is insurgency in FATA does it mean that its under the control of terrorists?
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