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Pope Francis calls for fasting during day in Ramadan for end of COVID-19


May 12, 2010
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Pope Francis calls for fasting during day in Ramadan for end of COVID-19

Pope Francis has called on “believers of all faiths” to unite next Thursday in a day of fasting and prayer to ask “God to help humankind overcome the coronavirus pandemic.”

Top-level interreligious group, the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, organized the day of worldwide prayer scheduled for May 14, which falls during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan when Muslims fast from dawn to sunset.

Egypt’s Grand Imam Ahmad al-Tayeb has also welcomed the initiative. He invited people around the world to pray and do charitable works “for the sake of Allah Almighty, in order to lift this pandemic off us and the entire world,” in a post on Facebook.

The day will be historic moment, according to Pope Francis’ aide Monsignor Yoannis Lahzi Gaid, a priest from Egypt and a member of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity.

It will be the first time that all humanity has united for a single goal: to pray together, each according to their faith, giving proof that faith unites, not divides,” said Gaid in an interview with Al Arabiya English.

The pandemic has crossed borders and cultures indiscriminately, affecting people’s lives regardless of their religion and background.

“The virus has made us understand our fragility and the need to unite as brothers. We can’t come out of this separately,” said Gaid.

“COVID-19 has brought us all to our knees. But kneeling is the best position to pray,” he added.

The Committee, which was established last year with the support of the United Arab Emirates, is also calling for people to pray for scientists to find a vaccine as soon as possible.

Though the areas of modern science and traditional faith are often perceived as incompatible, Gaid said there is no contradiction between the two, as demonstrated by the pandemic.

“There is a complementary. Science without faith remains without horizon and faith without science remains without support. This is a great lesson of COVID-19,” said Gaid.

This is not the first time the Committee’s diverse set of international religious leaders and scholars have emphasized science.

Reflecting on scientific and technical progress was a focus of the Committee’s interfaith meetings that led to last year’s signing of a landmark “Document on Human Fraternity,” by Pope Francis and Dr. al-Tayeb.

Other world leaders have also endorsed the May 14 call for prayer, including Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Lebanese President Michel Aoun, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew.

If they/we do it in truth and sincerity . Creator of universe will surely show us mercy. It would be first time two or 3 major religion people come together.

He likes unity among man kind and doesn't like divisons for sure He will be pleased if we can do it together.
Corona ain't going anywhere, Pope.

Pope Francis calls for fasting during day in Ramadan for end of COVID-19

Pope Francis has called on “believers of all faiths” to unite next Thursday in a day of fasting and prayer to ask “God to help humankind overcome the coronavirus pandemic.”

Top-level interreligious group, the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, organized the day of worldwide prayer scheduled for May 14, which falls during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan when Muslims fast from dawn to sunset.

Egypt’s Grand Imam Ahmad al-Tayeb has also welcomed the initiative. He invited people around the world to pray and do charitable works “for the sake of Allah Almighty, in order to lift this pandemic off us and the entire world,” in a post on Facebook.

The day will be historic moment, according to Pope Francis’ aide Monsignor Yoannis Lahzi Gaid, a priest from Egypt and a member of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity.

It will be the first time that all humanity has united for a single goal: to pray together, each according to their faith, giving proof that faith unites, not divides,” said Gaid in an interview with Al Arabiya English.

The pandemic has crossed borders and cultures indiscriminately, affecting people’s lives regardless of their religion and background.

“The virus has made us understand our fragility and the need to unite as brothers. We can’t come out of this separately,” said Gaid.

“COVID-19 has brought us all to our knees. But kneeling is the best position to pray,” he added.

The Committee, which was established last year with the support of the United Arab Emirates, is also calling for people to pray for scientists to find a vaccine as soon as possible.

Though the areas of modern science and traditional faith are often perceived as incompatible, Gaid said there is no contradiction between the two, as demonstrated by the pandemic.

“There is a complementary. Science without faith remains without horizon and faith without science remains without support. This is a great lesson of COVID-19,” said Gaid.

This is not the first time the Committee’s diverse set of international religious leaders and scholars have emphasized science.

Reflecting on scientific and technical progress was a focus of the Committee’s interfaith meetings that led to last year’s signing of a landmark “Document on Human Fraternity,” by Pope Francis and Dr. al-Tayeb.

Other world leaders have also endorsed the May 14 call for prayer, including Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Lebanese President Michel Aoun, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew.


God's grace and mercy isn't bestowed on those that pretend to be noble and gracious. Grace and mercy are only reserved for the pious whose words and actions match.
still these guys are talking BS in a medical issue ? no fasting can not end corona .
still these guys are talking BS in a medical issue ? no fasting can not end corona .
Corona ain't going anywhere, Pope.

God's grace and mercy isn't bestowed on those that pretend to be noble and gracious. Grace and mercy are only reserved for the pious whose words and actions match.

You both miss the point. Everyone is a sinner and makes mistakes no one is perfect if you try with sincerity and ask to the creator of universe he will help indeed.

He loves unity and i feel he will end it.

He is the Creator over all things competant if people ask him something in sincerity no doubt they will be saved, we will be saved.

This is what only people of faith will agree upon. Muslims by name or other people who say beleive but don't actually beleive won't get my point.

And those who are not religious or men of faith they wont get it 1 bit.

To them im a stupid lunatic babling fairy tales.

Whoever this pope is it's a good idea of his and i i support it. If it is done with purity and sincerity.

Arogant are lot only disbelievers arrogance is also seen among believers thinking they are better than non muslims..

Shaitan (lucifer / iblis) was best of Muslims amd then he fell because of his arrogance and ceased to be muslim. Dont be arrogant espeically muslims .
You both miss the point. Everyone is a sinner and makes mistakes no one is perfect if you try with sincerity and ask to the creator of universe he will help indeed.

He loves unity and i feel he will end it.

He is the Creator over all things competant if people ask him something in sincerity no doubt they will be saved, we will be saved.

This is what only people of faith will agree upon. Muslims by name or other people who say beleive but don't actually beleive won't get my point.

And those who are not religious or men of faith they wont get it 1 bit.

To them im a stupid lunatic babling fairy tales.

Whoever this pope is it's a good idea of his and i i support it. If it is done with purity and sincerity.

Arogant are lot only disbelievers arrogance is also seen among believers thinking they are better than non muslims..

Shaitan (lucifer / iblis) was best of Muslims amd then he fell because of his arrogance and ceased to be muslim. Dont be arrogant espeically muslims .

There is a day and night difference between an ordinary sinner and scavengers of this day and age. We are not only committing sins in our own capacity. We hurt others, entire communities, cultures and nations. We take joy out of hurting others. Just open your eyes and have a good look how predatory the human has become. We want to consume at the expense of others. We want more, bigger and better. Even if we have to kill or destroy planets. Worse, even if we have to walk over dead bodies. That is not just being a sinner. God doesn't help such people and the pain that humans suffer speaks volume.

As for those pious men that remain mum, for them the punishment is even more harsh. God doesn't discriminate. When punishment is meted out everyone suffers. Ask the people of Lot.

God is extremely merciful. He is also just.
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Mullahs of Pakistan should return the favor and take part in a Christian religious ceremony
Pope Francis calls for fasting during day in Ramadan for end of COVID-19

Pope Francis has called on “believers of all faiths” to unite next Thursday in a day of fasting and prayer to ask “God to help humankind overcome the coronavirus pandemic.”

Top-level interreligious group, the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, organized the day of worldwide prayer scheduled for May 14, which falls during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan when Muslims fast from dawn to sunset.

Egypt’s Grand Imam Ahmad al-Tayeb has also welcomed the initiative. He invited people around the world to pray and do charitable works “for the sake of Allah Almighty, in order to lift this pandemic off us and the entire world,” in a post on Facebook.

The day will be historic moment, according to Pope Francis’ aide Monsignor Yoannis Lahzi Gaid, a priest from Egypt and a member of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity.

It will be the first time that all humanity has united for a single goal: to pray together, each according to their faith, giving proof that faith unites, not divides,” said Gaid in an interview with Al Arabiya English.

The pandemic has crossed borders and cultures indiscriminately, affecting people’s lives regardless of their religion and background.

“The virus has made us understand our fragility and the need to unite as brothers. We can’t come out of this separately,” said Gaid.

“COVID-19 has brought us all to our knees. But kneeling is the best position to pray,” he added.

The Committee, which was established last year with the support of the United Arab Emirates, is also calling for people to pray for scientists to find a vaccine as soon as possible.

Though the areas of modern science and traditional faith are often perceived as incompatible, Gaid said there is no contradiction between the two, as demonstrated by the pandemic.

“There is a complementary. Science without faith remains without horizon and faith without science remains without support. This is a great lesson of COVID-19,” said Gaid.

This is not the first time the Committee’s diverse set of international religious leaders and scholars have emphasized science.

Reflecting on scientific and technical progress was a focus of the Committee’s interfaith meetings that led to last year’s signing of a landmark “Document on Human Fraternity,” by Pope Francis and Dr. al-Tayeb.

Other world leaders have also endorsed the May 14 call for prayer, including Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Lebanese President Michel Aoun, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew.

Sure why not- If its for the greater of humankind- We are all in this together.

still these guys are talking BS in a medical issue ? no fasting can not end corona .
I know- But its one day less of mingling and maintaining social distance to some extend.
Sure why not- If its for the greater of humankind- We are all in this together.

I know- But its one day less of mingling and maintaining social distance to some extend.
ohhh i this case i agreed with you . but not eating drinking can not stop corona
Sure why not- If its for the greater of humankind- We are all in this together.

I know- But its one day less of mingling and maintaining social distance to some extend.

You are not in this together. Had you been in this together, nations would not be trying to score political points at the expense of corona.
You are not in this together. Had you been in this together, nations would not be trying to score political points at the expense of corona.
I dont care what you think- shoo- Thats all!
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