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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Is this really happening?
PDF members here PROMISED me Trump would not harm Assad. And that he and Putin would save Syria? :(

As you probably already know, some PDF members live in their own personal fantasy bubble, and routinely make promises that never come to pass in the real world.
We don't know that, and there is no convincing evidence that Assad did that. The so called eye witness said he saw that "chemical weapon" was dropped from the planes, can he actually tell those bombs were chemical while still in mid air?

We all need to use your power of deduction for entertainment. You know those bombs did hit the ground, blow up and tons died with similar symptoms. Effects of Sarin or Chemical weapons. Frothing at the mouth, gasping for air, vomiting, suffocating. He said "chemical weapon" because he was speaking to the interviewer post the bomb hitting the ground and after seeing the effect of it. So when asked what happened, he said I saw that chemical bomb drop from a plane.

You and Russians have the same laughable fake scenarios as excuses. You are in good company

Yup jumping too fast conclusions is nothing new to most American citizens. Same with the US accusations of Chinese,Russian,Iranian hacks which were actually from the FBI lol. Anyway there's something fishy going on with this accusation pointing Assad using chemical weapon.

CNN and other MSM are running this "chemical weapon" news non-stop, I knew it was coming. It reminded me of WMD story before US invading Iraq. I just could not see the logic that Assad wanted to use chemical weapon to kill a couple of hundred people at this stage of war.
You forgot the message was especially for Putin
Well putin has been striking the usa supported militia for quite a long time.
If any russians are killed in this strike , it complicates the situation for putin. I am watching cnn and they are at pains to suggest that no russians would be posted their as its far from the frontline.

Cnn reporting that the russians were informed about the time and area of strike before the strike.
No ww3.
As you probably already know, some PDF members live in their own personal fantasy bubble, and routinely make promises that never come to pass in the real world.
Aye. And how do you feel about this? You being American n'all.
Where were our "beloved" "Muslim" leaders between 2011 and late 2015 when the Russians finally showed up? Nowhere to be seen.


Don't tell anything !

Assad was definitely losing Syria from the summer of 2013. That's why he did that :

Ghouta chemical attack

Seeing no reaction from Obama, the Russians installed the S-400 to permanently protect Assad from any air attacks from another enemy nation outside the USA.

Don't tell anything !

Assad was definitely losing Syria from the summer of 2013. That's why he did that :

Ghouta chemical attack

Seeing no reaction from Obama, the Russians installed the S-400 to permanently protect Assad from any air attacks from another enemy nation outside the USA.



I repeat. What were we waiting for during all those years when Bashar al-Assad was slaughtering his people? Do we need the permission of the US to protect our people? Do we lack people, resources, money, armies etc.? Are we comparable to Congo or what in short?

Read my post from the end to the beginning.

I rest my case. It is hopeless. Truly we don't deserve better and I should not waste my time but wait for a better generation to gain power so maybe this insanity can change for once.
what abt russia
Who cares Russia. If Russia can bomb anti Assad US has the right to strike Assad .


APR 6 2017, 10:16 PM ET
U.S. Launches Missiles at Syrian Base After Chemical Weapons Attack


The United States launched dozens of cruise missiles Thursday night at a Syrian airfield in response to what it believes was Syria's use of banned chemical weapons that killed at least 100 people, U.S. military officials told NBC News.

Two U.S. warships in the Mediterranean Sea fired 59 Tomahawk missiles intended for a single target — Ash Sha'irat in Homs province in western Syria, the officials said. That's the airfield from which the United States believes the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad fired the banned weapons.

There was no immediate word on casualties. U.S. officials told NBC News that people were not targeted and that aircraft and infrastructure at the site were hit, including the runway and gas fuel pumps.

Trump Speaks on Missile Strike in Syria

"Assad choked out the lives of helpless men, women and children," President Donald Trump said in remarks from Mar-a-Lago, his family compound in Palm Beach, Florida.

"It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons," said Trump, who called on other countries to end the bloodshed in Syria.

Trump is in Florida for a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinpeng. Defense Secretary James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and national security adviser H.R. McMaster traveled to Florida with him.

Defense Secretary James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and national security adviser H.R. McMaster traveled to Florida with Trump. In Washington, Vice President Mike Pence returned to the White House after having gone home for dinner Thursday evening.

Syrian television characterized the missile strike "as American aggression" Friday morning. But Ahrar Al Sham, the largest Syrian armed rebel group, told NBC News it "welcomes any U.S. intervention through surgical strikes that would deter the Assad regime capabilities to kill civilians and shorten the suffering of our people."


Syria Crisis: Trump Given Military Options After Chemical Attack

Tillerson and Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, have bluntly blamed Syria for the chemical weapons attack, whose victims included at least 25 children.

Tillerson told reporters on Thursday that "there is no doubt in our minds" that the Syrian regime was responsible for the attack. And in a combative speech at the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday, Haley warned: "When the United Nations consistently fails in its duty to act collectively, there are times in the life of states that we are compelled to take our own action."

Tillerson on Assad Regime: He Has 'No Role' to Govern Syria

NBC News reported Thursday that Defense Secretary James Mattis briefed President Donald Trump on U.S. military options, which included carrying out targeted strikes against those responsible for Tuesday's attack.

There was no immediate reaction from Russia, which Tillerson and Haley have accused of turning a blind eye to Syria's transgressions.

"Russia cannot escape responsibility for this," Haley said at the United Nations. "They chose to close their eyes to the barbarity. They defied the conscience of the world."

Thursday, Tillerson urged Russia to "consider carefully their continued support of the Assad regime."

I repeat. What were we waiting for during all those years when Bashar al-Assad was slaughtering his people?

KSA should have taken a leadership position and moved to overthrow Assad. KSA is the natural leader of the Muslim world. Imo I think the Muslim world waited and watched what their fellow Muslim country was going to do. The thing is 99% of them are followers and not leaders. I'm not blaming KSA for this continued mess but I think they should understand their position and rise to it.
KSA should have taken a leadership position and moved to overthrow Assad. KSA is the natural leader of the Muslim world. Imo I think the Muslim world waited and watched what their fellow Muslim country was going to do. The thing is 99% of them are followers and not leaders. I'm not blaming KSA for this continued mess but I think they should understand their position and rise to it.

We are no leaders of anything. No Muslim country is sadly. That is why our future and actions are at the mercy of superpowers. Take a look for a while. Forget that aspect just take a look at the state of our countries and every sane person can draw his own conclusions but our blind sheep (they have different colors but at the end of the day they are all blind sheep) will save us all.

My reaction is not a personal attack against @Bubblegum Crisis or anyone else for that matter. It is a result of years of frustration which is shared by most Arabs and Muslims across the world. How else can we describe what has been going on for years? Syrians are worst of but Palestinians and many other Arabs have suffered for even longer. Soon it will be our own turn if we don't do something for the better.

I am just disappointed that this insanity has gone on for this long and that we have come to accept it as something normal when it is not normal. There are so many other issues to focus on (healthcare, education, infrastructure, cooperation) but we are wasting 1000s upon 1000s of talented lives and billions of dollars on this insanity. Destroying entire generations. My blabbering won't change anything before most of us look at the mirror and realize the ground realities and try to do something to change this. Our leaders must led by example here. I am yet to see this.

Instead us fools on this forum, some of us not even living in the region are wasting hours on exchanging insults and creating enmity instead of trying to solve problems and work together. Blaming each other as idiots as if we were ruling our own countries while in reality we are just drops in the ocean without any influence yet we create hatred against each other. Way to go, way to go people.
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We all need to use your power of deduction for entertainment. You know those bombs did hit the ground, blow up and tons died with similar symptoms. Effects of Sarin or Chemical weapons. Frothing at the mouth, gasping for air, vomiting, suffocating. He said "chemical weapon" because he was speaking to the interviewer post the bomb hitting the ground and after seeing the effect of it. So when asked what happened, he said I saw that chemical bomb drop from a plane.

You and Russians have the same laughable fake scenarios as excuses. You are in good company


Well, I happened to see the merit of Russian side of story this time. If you can think rationally, there is a very good possibility that Russians might be right this time. I don't understand why in such a big hurry? Just to show he is a decisive president?

I repeat. What were we waiting for during all those years when Bashar al-Assad was slaughtering his people? Do we need the permission of the US to protect our people? Do we lack people, resources, money, armies etc.? Are we comparable to Congo or what?

Yes ! Unfortunately that's it (Always) ! It is necessary to be able to completely saturate the S-400 and only a rain of cruise missile (Tomahawk) launched from submarines and boats is able to do so.


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