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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

they will liberate Syria but only for israel and not for Muslims.
There will be no WW3 (Armageddon).

Putin will not enter a direct war with the US for Assad. He will reassess his situation and negotiate now.


Yep only escalation chance between US and Russia was if Hillary came to power in US and proceeded with her no fly zone neocon stupidity.

This is much more guarded message to Assad and his backers well within the international major power playbook.

So s 400 did not shoot any down??

They are not great against terrain hugging cruise missile...where limiting factor is easily detection and you preferably need airbourne radar assets (+ substantial C4I network) esp if you have very short notice or zero.
Yep only escalation chance between US and Russia was if Hillary came to power in US and proceeded with her no fly zone neocon stupidity.

This is much more guarded message to Assad and his backers well within the international major power playbook.
still reeks of neocon stupidity.



Brother read my posts. The content of it. Think about what I wrote and ask yourself if I am not right. Be honest. Forget about this forum, none of us are leading anything or responsible for anything of this. However what we should not do is pretend that there are no problems when there are plenty. We need to help solve this, not brush it aside or make excuses.

In the case of Syria we are as much to blame for this conflict as those we complain about who support Al-Assad. I have spoken to many Syrians in person and online (never talked about it here) and I could feel and see their frustration and disappointment. And you know what? I don't blame them the slightest. Try to look at this from their position. Same story about Iraqis previously. Why did we abandon our own brothers and sisters post 2003 when we should have engaged with them and tried to gain a positive influence. Instead we allowed a bunch of foreigners (Iranian Mullah's) to influence events too much and this influence gave us the Iraq that we have seen so far. Chaos and nothing else. Now, finally, but presumably due to US pressure (once again Arab leaders seem incapable of making their own independent policies) KSA-Iraqi relations are back on track when they never should have left those tracks.

When Saddam was murdering our Shia Arab brothers in Southern Iraq in the early 1990's we welcomed them and KSA was very popular until post-2003 when our silence and lack of response made many question our rulers and blame them. Once again the problem/faults are ours here. Not saying that there were no faults from the Iraqi side, there were, but the strongest party here (KSA) should always be the one who takes the heaviest burden.

Or our acceptance/trying to make friends with a person like Al-Assad pre-2011. For what exactly? What did we gain? Oh, some House of Saud member married into the Al-Assad family but other than that?

Or what about Ali Abdullah Saleh? Why the hell did we host that incompetent dictator after the Yemeni people removed him in 2012? Today we are fighting a war against him.

But of course we cannot really speak about such issues openly because a horde of loyal puppets will cry "traitor" and other nonsense forgetting that regimes do not equal nations or people. This in itself is a major problem in the Arab and Muslim world.

There is no "blabla" but the reality I am afraid. As for the other part of your post, I fully agree and I have talked about this for years and here KSA/GCC have done well lately and I can appreciate this (and trust me I do) but this is not what we are discussing here.

I don't know maybe I am the strange one here but I simply cannot accept status quo nor do I understand if anyone does that. Once again with our numbers, money, landmass, potential, number of talented people, youthful populations, resources, strategic geographic position connecting 3 continents with each other etc. we should/could have been success stories to emulate for other fellow developing countries but that is not the case. That should never be accepted. Misery/incompetence should never be accepted otherwise there will never be improvement.

My generation and most Arabs my age are mostly educated, informed and ambitious people who want to change status quo and try to at least emulate our past glories or at least have more success than the current generation in power and the previous one. Is that really too much to ask for?
It seems that the Arab and Muslim world is just dragging out its feet from the colonialism period and most importantly its aftermath, because like you just said that there is no way with such huge human and natural resources the Muslim world shouldn't be leading at least in some fields more than others..still we should remember that we are only starting to get out and get rid of the aftermath of colonialism, as soon as it is done in this generation, the better prospects will be for a bright future, because that is what was holding the Muslim world backward..
or maybe they will leave it unfinished and leave the rest to israel now that trump is president
US bomb another mid east country again. Where are all the outcry from the PDF Muslim @Max ? Are these PDF cowards only come on to criticize China for establishing an anti terror law? Where's the Muslim solidarity ?

Dear, Muslim world is divided on Syria...One camp (GCC/Turkiye) wants to remove Assad while Iranians want to save his ***...This divide can be seen here on PDF as well...

Don't know the position of Malaysia, Indonesia or Pakistan regarding that...May be neutral...

Its fine, they didnt give Trump any cred...just US military.

Neither will they make any comment on the prior information given to Russian military about these strikes....there was possibly some coordination with Russia too...who knows for sure (Putin may have wanted to put Assad under leash more esp given they are winning and have no real need for violation of the earlier agreement on WMD, but had no effective way to do it himself without harming Assad disproportionately).

There is still a good rift between neocons and Trump after all....lets wait and see for rest of this month at least....what the consolidated military actions are and the responses and optics. This is beginning of a series of events it looks like, so its early to reach conclusions.
Dear, Muslim world is divided on Syria...One camp (GCC/Turkiye) wants to remove Assad while Iranians want to save his ***...This divide can be seen here on PDF as well...

Don't know the position of Malaysia, Indonesia or Pakistan regarding that...May be neutral...
Syria is in such a chaos that only the GCC & US and Iran & Russia seem to be able to look through.. everyone else gets blinded..
Syria is not America's problem. It is Saudi's, Iran's, Europeans & Turkeys. none of USA's business.

But there always has to be an scape goat , and what goat better than an unkown country like syria .
There will be no WW3 (Armageddon).

Putin will not enter a direct war with the US for Assad. He will reassess his situation and negotiate now.

Russians are very bad if you hit them.. I am sure that the US will avoid them in Syria at any cost..
The last time the US bombed"by mistake" some Syrian army post where there were 15 or so Russian military causalities, The Russians soon after bombed "by mistake" some US special troops gathering and killed more US soldiers..
Assad is killer of Syrian Muslims so does ISIS, both desrve bombs on their arse, the fact that you Chinese are acting as pathetic terrorist who are taking away rights of uyghur since you want them to act han, you want to justify your terrorism, i.e imposition of unjust rules with this on which everyone know how divided regional and international powers are? can your terrorist CCP insure that incident of extremism and militancy from uyghur will not happen or fall after ban on their practices?

its pathetic timing of point scoring in favour of your oppression, dog eater chinki you have disappointed me very much. i am fast loosing hope in your country. @PaklovesTurkiye
You are angry but at the wrong people. Its the Americans who is killing your people. Take your anger on them !
Assad is killer of Syrian Muslims so does ISIS, both desrve bombs on their arse, the fact that you Chinese are acting as pathetic terrorist who are taking away rights of uyghur since you want them to act han, you want to justify your terrorism, i.e imposition of unjust rules with this on which everyone know how divided regional and international powers are? can your terrorist CCP insure that incident of extremism and militancy from uyghur will not happen or fall after ban on their practices?

its pathetic timing of point scoring in favour of your oppression, dog eater chinki you have disappointed me very much. i am fast loosing hope in your country. @PaklovesTurkiye

Please dear, tone down little bit...We are going off topic...

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