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President Zardari Leaves for three days visit to France: Whats on Card??

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Sep 29, 2008
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Quoting The Financial Dialy

ISLAMABAD: President Zardari will start his three day France visit from today (Sunday). The President will exchange views on bilateral, regional and global issues with the French leadership and convey interest in expanding relations in economic, trade, investment and science and technology and cultural fields. This will be the second important engagement of the President with the French leadership following the President's visit to Paris in May last year. -Online
Zardari leaves for France today - News

Quoting daily news:
President leaves for France, UK visit

LAHORE: President Asif Ali Zardari has left for his official visit to France and will reach the UK in the second leg of his trip on August 3, a private TV channel reported on Sunday.

The president, during the course of his upcoming visit to the UK would address a community meeting in Birmingham on August 7, and would speak about challenges facing Pakistan and measures being taken by the present democratic government to resolve them.

According to MNA Fauzia Habib, assistant political secretary to the president, Zardari would speak on various measures taken in the socio-economic sectors by the government since it was voted into power in 2008.

According to Pakistan’s High Commissioner to Britain Wajid Shamsul Hasan the president would meet with the British Prime Minister David Cameron, leading members of his coalition government, and newly-elected members of British Parliament of Pakistani origin.

Zardari made a stopover at Abu Dhabi, and held a meeting with Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi General Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

They discussed the situation arising from the floods in Pakistan, especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The crown prince assured the president of his government’s full cooperation and financial assistance at this difficult time. daily times monitor/app
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Whats on Card?? Somebody filllthy's own lousy head as somebody filllthy has charges of MURDERS of 7 French who allegedly he got murdered after French cut short of their made promise. French Prime Minister is equally share-holder in that and the opposition in France is actually hitting his bum hard for that. Zardari to apni pithi bachane gea hai bas.

By the way, Yusuf Raza Gillani (Tila Peer) had announced purchase of 18 Tiger Helicopters. Is that deal there?
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so friends what do you think is cooking in the pot this time??

remember the old Zardari-Sarkozi days. this visit can be of great importance as far as future deals of military are concerned. PAF is currently looking for westren equipment to fit in the JF-17. they may be contended with chines for the time being but moving forward and to enhance chances of success in export market, PAF may turn to westren radar/Avionics at some point of time.

PN is looking for submarines. the U214 were final but now almost dropped, Chines subs are an option but dont forget the french. the Marlin was in competition with the U214 for PN tender. moreover a breif test from past:

Trouble for Pakistan President Asif calif Zardari seems to be expanding with apiece expiration period as he has today been accused of receiving jillions of dollars in kickbacks during the acquire of threesome submarines from author in 1994.

According to a inform in a directive land newspaper, investigations hit revealed that Zardari conventional 4.3 meg dollars in kickbacks from the understanding of threesome Agosta 90 submarines for 825 meg euros (approx. 1.237 1000000000 dollars at underway mercantilism rate).

The production said that Asiatic National Accountability Bureau (NAB) was alerted most the super cheat artefact backwards in 2001.

The nation polity told the NAB that Zardari had conventional individual super payments into his land slope accounts from a Asiatic businessman, Abdulrahman el-Assir, during 1994 and 1995.

According to a past authorised of land naval accumulation consort DCN, land polity had designated Assir to behave as intermediary in the deal, The Nation reports.

He allegedly deposited a turn of 1.3 meg dollars in Zardari’s slope accounts between August 15 and 30, 1994, a period before the sub care was finalised. An added 1.2 meg dollars and 1.8 meg dollars were deposited in Zardari’s statement a assemblage later.

The production inform also revealed that investigators conceive that the non-payment of the flooded turn of the united kickbacks haw hit led to the deaths of 11 land domestic in a slayer move in metropolis in 2002.

may be the history is on verge of repeating itself!!

He is not there for anything but to to see if he can fill his pockets again more .. while the nation is in a awful state.. first with the plane crash now the flooding and the poor suffer ALLAH maf kara i sure hope GOD has mercey on us .
Zardari in Paris on three-day visit


PARIS: President Asif Ali Zardari will hold talks on Monday (today) with his French counterpart Nicholas Sarkozy on bilateral relations, defence cooperation and Pakistan’s role as a front-line state in war against terrorism.

During his three-day visit to France that began on Sunday, President Zardari will also meet Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner.

During Mr Zardari’s visit here in May last year, France announced a 12-million-euro aid for people displaced by fighting in Swat valley.

And at a donors’ conference in Tokyo on April 17, 2009, Paris pledged an assistance package of 300 million euros spread over three years.

Meanwhile, a statement issued by the French foreign ministry here on Sunday said: “(President Zardari’s) visit will provide an opportunity to address the issues relating to security and the fight against terrorism, the regional situation, as well as our economic cooperation.”

President Zardari will discuss a long-term strategic relationship with France in his meetings with President Sarkozy and Mr Kouchner, according to the statement.

It said France would like to strengthen its bilateral relationship with Pakistan “which is of key importance given the challenges associated with it, and wants to develop cooperation in many areas,” as reflected by the number of high-level meetings between the French and Pakistani authorities.

The ministry also announced that the visit of President Zardari would be followed by an official visit to Paris by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani in October.

According to sources, Mr Zardari will be urging France to support Pakistan’s bid for greater access to EU markets.—PPI/APP

Sarkozi: Bako maat mujhay pata hai ye bohat bara *********** per mera yaar ai.
Zardari : App kitney achay ho Sarkozi Jee. Thofa kabool karow
Guard (thinking) : Itnay kanjer phir bhi Pakistan chal raha hai. Bari baat hai.

Whats on the card??

Well i think reason for people revolt !!!!
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ha ha,
nice to see the ablove comments!

well i posting the above report as a news what i myself would have liked to comment on it was more or less the same as what you friends think.

for me it would be better if "Nothing" do happens in military feild during Zardari visit.
as stated above there are currently two potential deals that can be struck.
the PN submarine deal
The PAF avionic deal for JF-17.

as far as submarine is concerned, if anything happens during this visit, Pakistan and PN will be the loser. any French subs at this point of time will surely kill any option for German U214 once and for all. the U214 is superior to what french can offer and that was the reason it was preffered by PN. moreover the involvement of Turkey in this deal is also something that Pakistan can get lot of benefit from. for the time being the right choice would be to go for chines Subs and later on after some five six years, float a tender for more and see what Germany nad france have to offer.

regarding the avionics, there seem no big lose for PAF if the deal is struck. infact it will be a good buy! buy, the kick backs!!
also keep in mind that PAF is moving on path of selfreliance and cooperation with China to develop modren avionices for JF-17 will also be an equally good option!

friends this is all my personal view point and anyone may disagree.

i hope no military deal in finalized by his highness, Mr. Asif Ali Zardari!!

1100 dead in floods and Mr Zardari choses to spend millions on his bloody Paris tour.

And there, he will beg for more surely.

True to his name really, he couldn't care less about this country !
PARIS, Aug 2, 2010 (AFP) - Pakistan's President Ali Asif Zardari was in Paris on Monday at the start of a difficult week-long trip to France and Britain overshadowed by British allegations of terror sponsorship.

A spokesman for the Pakistani embassy said Zardari had arrived overnight and would meet France's President Nicolas Sarkozy later in the day and Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Tuesday.

The tougher leg of the trip is to come afterwards, when Zardari will travel to London to meet Prime Minister David Cameron, who last week angered Pakistan by accusing it of exporting extremist violence.

By contrast, Zardari's two-day visit to France is expected to be less controversial, with no major public statements expected.

According to Sarkozy's office, the visit will allow the leaders "to address questions of security and the struggle against terrorism, the situation in the region and of our economic cooperation."

After the end of his official schedule on Tuesday, Zardari is to make a brief private visit to Normandy in northern France where the family of his late wife Benazir Bhutto, the former Pakistani prime minister, owns a holiday home.
Nation is in floods.... And Some National Cause is on Cards..... the guard is right

"Guard (thinking) : Itnay kanjer phir bhi Pakistan chal raha hai. Bari baat hai."
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