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Punjabis must receive permission from Pashtuns before they enter Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - ANP and PTM

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We all know...Try living in FATA as non-pashtun or try to marry their women....

You will be called a hindu covert , kaliya and other profanities.....
Don't think such people are in majority!
Don't think such people are in majority!

"Think " ??

You are wrong brother. Very very wrong. I am sure with the advent of PTM and resurgence of Pashtunistan movement, you will come to realize this very soon.
I think such Pashtoons are very less in number.

KP overwhelmingly supports federal parties. ANP and PTM lost badly in last elections.
The same was being said about the white supremacists in the US untill Trump became the president. What is that ? They are not many in numbers. Now, White supremists are the main votebank of Trump. They have white House now.
"Think " ??

You are wrong brother. Very very wrong. I am sure with the advent of PTM and resurgence of Pashtunistan movement, you will come to realize this very soon.
What's your opinion if elections are conducted today in FATA, which party will get majority?

The same was being said about the white supremacists in the US untill Trump became the president. What is that ? They are not many in numbers. Now, White supremists are the main votebank of Trump. They have white House now.
If what you and @pakpride00090 are mentioning is true, it is indeed very scary.
Everyone - please be careful to distinguish between the PTM and Pakistani Pashtun in general.

The PTM has shown itself to be a racist and divisive organization - lets not become like them and help push their cause by sowing even more seeds of racism and division.

"Think " ??

You are wrong brother. Very very wrong. I am sure with the advent of PTM and resurgence of Pashtunistan movement, you will come to realize this very soon.
We can't fight racism with more racism.
What's your opinion if elections are conducted today in FATA, which party will get majority?

If what you and @pakpride00090 are mentioning is true, it is indeed very scary.
If the US Republican party is genetically modified to suit their hidden agendas, who needs a KKK ?
Btw title is misleading his language is balochistani pashtu not KP wali so he is talking about balochistan not kp
Everyone - please be careful to distinguish between the PTM and Pakistani Pashtun in general.

The PTM has shown itself to be a racist and divisive organization - lets not become like them and help push their cause by sowing even more seeds of racism and division.

We can't fight racism with more racism.

Too late for that brother.... Way too late for that. The seeds have been sown by PTM and now it is growing into a tree.

Expect PTM to get stronger as soon as war in Afghanistan is over. Just read the history book and see how many times Afghans have attacked Pakistan. Now with the war in Afghanistan coming to the end , what do you think will be the next target of Afghans ? It will be us.

We did a massive disservice to this nation by giving breathing space to PTM. Unless a violent crackdown is initiated , nothing will change.

Btw title is misleading his language is balochistani pashtu not KP wali so he is talking about balochistan not kp

Bhai who are you trying to fool... He is a professor in QAU and talking about Pashtunistan.
The person speaking is a professor at Quaid e Azam university in Islamabad.

What would happen if a professor from those western countries these people worship said something like that? Immediately sacked, condemned by every single part of the political spectrum, and completely outcasted.

What will happen in Pakistan? The complete opposite, they will start hailing him as a civil rights activist and claim his words are 'out of context' or something.
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