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Featured Putin: Insulting Prophet Muhammad is not freedom of expression

Im orthodox christian and dont want such bridges.

Beside that Putin is a dictator and can get lost.

If I insulted your mother and claimed its my freedom of speech would you be happy with that?

With speech comes responsibility. You can't say anything you feel like and claim it Is your right to do so.

Children in schools for example are punished for insulting/ swearing. So why did it become ok for grownups to start mocking religious figures. Have Muslims ever insulted Jesus?

As a Christian perhaps you will appreciate the following passages from the bible:

Ephesians 4:29 ESV / 635 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
James 5:12 ESV / 505 helpful votes
But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.
James 3:10 ESV / 501 helpful votes
From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.
I take you are all for insulting prophet (PBUH)?
Don't mind him. He's been fighting with half the forum.
you people such a hypocrite.
why macron was crying when some media outlet make fun of his cartoon ?
When you say "you people" ? Just because liberal leftists think they can mock religion and provoke all the time,doesn't mean that everyone in France or Europe or the Orthodox world is like that. I do not agree with Apollon on this.
If I insulted your mother and claimed its my freedom of speech would you be happy with that?

With speech comes responsibility. You can't say anything you feel like and claim it Is your right to do so.

Children in schools for example are punished for insulting/ swearing. So why did it become ok for grownups to start mocking religious figures. Have Muslims ever insulted Jesus?

As a Christian perhaps you will appreciate the following passages from the bible:

Ephesians 4:29 ESV / 635 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
James 5:12 ESV / 505 helpful votes
But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.
James 3:10 ESV / 501 helpful votes
From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.

In Europe millions died for the freedom of speech. Its a absolute core value and we will not sink back into medival times where religion rules over freedom. Its that simple.

And btw comedy is not swearing.

You guys feel insulted for evrything and honestly, some crazy mullahs wont decide for what i can find funny.
Don't mind him. He's been fighting with half the forum.

When you say "you people" ? Just because liberal leftists think they can mock religion and provoke all the time,doesn't mean that everyone in France or Europe or the Orthodox world is like that. I do not agree with Apollon on this.

Im conservative right and believe most of religion can be mocked. Diagoras is a good example for that.
In Europe millions died for the freedom of speech. Its a absolute core value and we will not sink back into medival times where religion rules over freedom. Its that simple.

And btw comedy is not swearing.

You guys feel insulted for evrything and honestly, some crazy mullahs wont decide for what i can find funny.

Insulting people is illegal in Europe than why insult someone knowinly it would offend them? If I were to insult you to your face even your family and claim it is freedom of speech I don't think that would fly.. As I could find myself in fist fight and it is exactly the same with insulting the Prophet it is equal to insulting peoples sentiments you could get yourself hurt in that case atleast with me.. It doesn't matter where it is Athens or anywhere in the world we go and hit the floor.. It is called common human redlines and decency, including bahaviour courtesy.. Everyone understand they shouldn't bother a random joe walking on the street or insult him we were programmed to understand between what is right and wrong..
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Maybe you guys dont read enough history, but Russia is probably the greatest enemy of islam in the history of the Muslim world. And Putin is just continuing the policy.

Starting with the Russian conquest of the Tatars and capture of Kazan Russia has brought down and conquered one muslim country and empire after another. From Crimea to Tajikistan, It has captured, enslaved and genocided one muslim population after another.

They also brought down the Ottoman empire and put it in. position where the Allies did what they did.

Needless to say that any Muslim country under occupation by America that has decided not to fight America, has enjoyed great benefits like Saudi Arabia, and the gulf Arabs. And any country under Russia has suffered famine and genocide. Even fellow orthodox Christians like the Ukrainians will now fight to the death to avoid being under Russia.

Just bear that in mind before celebrating Putin and Russia. not that any muslim should actively fight Russia, no, there is no need for that, as Russia now has the full attention of the US who have a very big plan for them. And that plan involves not very nice things happening to Russia. I would definitely not want to be a Russian in this coming conflict.
Insulting people is illegal in Europe than why insult someone knowinly it would offend them? If I were to insult you to your face even your family and claim it is freedom of speech I don't think that would fly.. As I could find myself in fist fight and it is exactly the same with insulting the Prophet it is equal to insulting peoples sentiments you could get yourself hurt in that case atleast with me.. It doesn't matter where it is Athens or anywhere in the world we go and hit the floor.. It is called common human redlines and decency, including bahaviour courtesy.. Everyone understand they shouldn't bother a random joe walking on the street or insult him we were programmed to understand between what is right and wrong..

Its easy. Dont push your believe system on me. My redline is, that no one tells me what i can find funny. If we allow that, we become a medival shithole again where fairy tales rule over people.

Time of enlightenment, Renaissance. It was a big thing you know?
You must be a very busy person. Being a conservative orthodox Christian while dedicated to Apollo?

How would you get the time to defend any freedom or offend anyone for that matter?

Im christian on passport and culture. Its a cultural thing. I dont believe in religion, i only follow the customs of my people.
In Europe millions died for the freedom of speech. Its a absolute core value and we will not sink back into medival times where religion rules over freedom. Its that simple.

there is no freedom of speech in most of Europe. There is freedom to insult muslims and islam and Christianity, but others are very well protected against such speech. In Europe you can easily go to jail for telling he truth and making jokes.
Great point, but coming from him you know there is an upcoming agenda (considering his past actions against Chechens). I know there are a lot of Putin fans mostly cause of his anti-West stance but keep in mind the upcoming Russia-Ukraine war + global conflict, every nation will soon have to line up and ally themselves to one of two sides ala Cold War-WW2 era style again.
Its easy. Dont push your believe system on me. My redline is, that no one tells me what i can find funny. If we allow that, we become a medival shithole again where fairy tales rule over people.

Time of enlightenment, Renaissance. It was a big thing you know?

I don't really care in what you believe in that is your freedom of choice in whatever you want.. ''There is no compulsory in faith'' But don't force your stuff on me... You could become nudist communities for all I care but I will never approach you but give you space..

Faith happens from the heart and by free will period anything else is unaccpetable
Great point, but coming from him you know there is an upcoming agenda (considering his past actions against Chechens). I know there are a lot of Putin fans mostly cause of his anti-West stance but keep in mind the upcoming Russia-Ukraine war + global conflict, every nation will soon have to line up and ally themselves to one of two sides ala Cold War-WW2 era style again.

I'm with Ukraine and America. Despite my great Admiration for the Russian people, there really needs to be a showdown to meet their ambitions.

No, I do not want to participate. It will be very bad for everyone involved directly.
Im christian on passport and culture. Its a cultural thing. I dont believe in religion, i only follow the customs of my people.

When you say my people, you mean you own them?
Im for freedom of speech. Its classical european tradition.

Your prophet is not a christian prophet so he plays no role here. I dont care about it but if people make fun about him, its their freedom to do so.

It means you also support anyone who mocks and make fun of holocaust ?

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